Language Barrier - Constant Bill Flucuation - Customer Service - Ends hours on hold
This has been a constant uphill battle with the lack of customer service on all levels especially since AT&T took over Directv. The "Language Barrier" customer service reps lack of knowledge and unwillingness to help or even go the extra mile is a complete understatement and then add the "Language Barrier" itself off the charts.... not to mention the long wait times on hold and shuffled around from one "language barrier" to the next!
The fact alone of there being a HUGE "LANGUAGE BARRIER" is a battle all its own!!!!!!!!! The "Language Barrier" situation with the customer service reps is beyond maddening and out of control.....these customer service reps inparticular with the "Language Barrier" do not listen, they cut you off, read from an index card and repeat themselves over and over and absolutely do understand at all what your issue is nor do they seem to care.....They tell you whatever you want to hear (but dont actually do anything) or dont want to hear and get you baffled with bull to confuse and frustrate so you give up and get you off the phone.
This has escalated since Feb. I call nearly EVERY month for the simple reason my bill CONSTANTLY flucuates and is NEVER the same solid flate rate fee....never! (theres nines kinds of reasons they'll tell you why your bill flucuates but none that make solid sense)
In Feb I called to find out why my bill had increased......"Language Barrier" rep tried to offer me FREE HBO for three months.....I said NO THANK, I didn't want to have to remember to CALL back and deal with the battle of talking to a "LANGUAGE BARRIER" rep.....only wanted to see if there were regular available discounts and find out why my bill had gone up......so i got nothing.....passed on the "Free not so Free HBO"......
Fast forward to MAY.....my bill nearly doubled......guess what.......the "Language Barrier" rep who clearly didn't understand, did NOT want to listen and CLEARLY didn't understan ADDED the so-called "FREE HBO" to my account.....!!! and since I didn't ask for it to be added and didn't know they went ahead and ADDED it.....GUESS WHAT.......THEY CHARGED me because I DIDN'T CALL BACK THE "Language Barrier" reps to CANCEL out the "FREE HBO"......so in May I explained all this several times to many folks.....on that day it took several "Language Barrier" reps and one who spoke "clearer" to REFUND and CREDIT me for the money i was charged for the "FREE HBO" i NEVER wanted and for the HASSLE and being a long time loyal customer gave me additional discounts so that I would only be paying a grand total of $61.91 each month for 6 months.....ONE month I was actually billed $61.91...great......the next month I paid over $79.00 and now THIS month i'm being billed a little over $143.00! Basically AT&T/Directv getting what little discount I received BACK!
I might also add we've had the EXACT same equipment and package ever since we signed up in the early 2000's and NOT ever changed a thing.....in fact our package is so OLD its grandfathered in becuase its NO longer offered or available!!!!
When I called today.....SAME thing different day......SAME "Language Barrier".....SAME no one can help.....SAME the customer is ALWAYS WRONG!
Today I started getting each persons employee ID.....wish I would've done this AGES ago.....not that i'm sure it's really going to help matters.......but FORD ID - ***** - promised me the world - didn't understand - got nothing .... SARA ID- ***** - didn't understand couldn't help forwarded me ... ASHLEY ID - Loyalty Dept. ***** and also gave the supervisor ID - ***** couldn't help me because there was of course NOTHING notated on my account by the "Language Barrier" reps which shoudlve indicated said discount agreement....as well as she claimed she was conveniently now UNABLE to view the month of MAY where I was PROMISED discounts and loyalty "hassle" discount for the unwanted HBO and the runaround hassle I received since FEB......Instead on my account, one of the "Language Barrier" reps stated and notated I was given a $61.91 discount which expired and another "Language Barrier" rep stated I got a one time discount of $61.91.....and it just gets more confusing frome there......Loyalty Rep ASHLEY said they cannot do anything for me based off of whats notated on my account which is a big fat NOTHING. Ashley also stated they have no control over getting "Language Barrier" reps from the Philippines and no control over the fact they're not properly notating each account accorddingly or correctly or with correct understood info or understanding you or them you....ASHLEY did say I could go ahead and pay the $143 plus for a couple months and call back to see if there's available discounts. Sounds like a brilliant idea! (this way AT&T/Directv would be guaranteed their discount money plus back before they give you another supposed discount.....so they overcharge you for a while, and then offer you a discount and make you think youre really getting a deal!)
I told Ashley I would like to know at this point what I need to do to at LEAST file a complaint about there being a "Language Barrier" problem which has caused me all the trouble and problems with my account.....She proceded to tell me that she could not help me with that since its not notated on my account.....I said "you can't assist me or direct me with filing a LANGUAGE BARRIER complaint unless its notated on my account? She said correct......I said youre telling me the "LANGUAGE BARRIER" rep has to notate theres a Language Barrier issue on my account when they cannot even put notations on my account to prove I was promised $61.91 for 6 months!?!?!?!
And from there Ashley gave me the address I could write a letter to the main headquarters *****, El Segundo, CA 90245 to express my "Language Barrier" grievance and broken promise of 6 months of discounts and constant run arounds and not being heard or understood.....
I asked to speak with a supervisor and NOTHING.
I called again later......and spoke with DALLAS ID - ***** - who was the ONE clear speaking person who claimed to NOTATE my account of my grievance (which feels like harrassment now at this point) as well as pointing me in the direction of this Forum as well as going to the "contact us" to send a grievance harrassment email. She also indicated since I was a Directv customer and not exactly an AT&T customer her access to my account is limited....HUH?!?!?!!!!!....that I was baffled by.....I thought Directv IS AT&T now......?!?!?!??
I have no words for the aggravation and poor customer service treatment and the one sided service where AT&T/Directv provails monthly by my wallet! This issue is all created by "Language Barrier" customer service reps who dont understand, dont listen and dont care and notate nothing on your account......
[Edited for privacy-This is a public forum. Please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc]
5 years ago
May I was Promised a discount for 6 months for grand total of $61.91 each month for deceptively being charged for the "FREE HBO i stated i didn't want....The total discount of $61.91 was for the run around, disconnects, hassles, inconvenience, being on hold and for being a loyal customer and being deceptively charged for the FREE HBO i NEVER wanted and was DECEPTIVELY added.......Language Barrier with customer service reps has caused this issue and the fact my account never gets notated properly in TRUTH when I have called in or when promises are made to me....