2 Messages
New Directv software is awful!
Directv has made software upgrades which are far worse than the previous version. This applies both to the Directv menu and the IOS application. The new version is much more difficult to use and loses key functionality.
I assume Beta testing was done but the changes made make it cumbersome to negotiate recordings, do not include extensions to sports and is generally much worse than the previous version.
I have recorded football games which are important (to me) but end before completion of the game despite adding a 1 1/2 hour extension when recording.
I am unable to record remotely as the IOS Directv app will not record. According to representatives, this error has been known for 6+ months and has yet to be fixed.
I wanted to add Gemini services to my receiver but was advised by the DIRECTV technician at my home that it would be a poor choice as the Gemini system is riddled with bugs and service disruptions. I declined as the existing service with Directv is troublesome as it is.
It appears that DIRECTV lacks direction and needed skills to provide a quality service.
Without a positive response from DIRECTV I have little choice but to go cordless or consider Comcast as an alternative.
I have been a loyal DIRECTV subscriber for over 20 years and have trouble understanding why DIRECTV executives are unaware or unwilling to resuscitate the DIRECTV experience.
2 Messages
3 months ago
The problem is that Directv and Dish are having the same problem
Cable cutting has almost put alot of these companies in bankruptcy and short-staffed,
You might as well be patient for engineers to fix this issue but it will take a long time.
2 Messages
3 months ago
I agree that change is sometimes difficult. Witness the difficulty DIRECTV software engineers are having producing a user friendly interface.