Adding Splitters Questions
Hello everyone,
To make a long story short, we had a slab leak in the house and decided to do a re-pipe of the entire house which means walls and ceilings are open and that means I can add more drops in the walls in parts of the house that I didn't have access to eight years ago. I've attached 3 images where the first is my current wiring. I would like to add two more runs to rooms #5 and #6 in case I want to add Tv's in those locations. I've read enough information on the internet so I THINK I would be okay going with either option depicted in the second and third images but I don't want to fry my receivers or Tv's. I've read this could happen if I don't wire things up properly.
1) Could someone please spend a few minutes and look at the 3 images and see if both options are okay/safe?
2) I'm confused how it works with splitters connected to splitters where some of the outputs are capped. For example, with option 1 where I have the original 8-way splitter (4 outputs are capped) and then add on two 2-way splitters, how long can my coaxial be for runs to rooms #5 and #6?
3) Since the power inserter is currently connected properly, if I were to add the two 2-way splitters to run to rooms 5 and 6, it doesn't matter which output (red/yellow) of the 2-way splitter I use?
I rather not wire option 2 but the runs to rooms 5 and 6 would be shorter by about 20 feet.
Thank you for you time.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
ACE - Expert
20.9K Messages
6 years ago
Use the four capped ports DTV recommends no more then 8 splits.
6 years ago
Ok, thank you.