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Friday, March 27th, 2020 1:23 AM

Dish relocation

I was told in November I would not be charged $100 to take my dish down and put it back up a week later due to termite fumigation. They said it would be a one time curtesy but they still charged me for it.

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

5 years ago

You own the dish so don't know why they told you that but at least they didn't charge you to remove it as DTV doesn't remove dishes.

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Well my goodness dont read between the lines at all. No they sent a GD contractor out to do it and put the bill on my directv bill. Why do you have to be so litteral really. my god. I know what I was charged I can read a bill and I wasnt drunk when I talked to them on the phone and was told I wouldnt be charged. Why pick apart what I said why seriously. Heres the charge and they charged it to me twice and the contractor took $30 cash. So do the math. $49.00 + 49.00 the next month.