2 Messages
Gemini using satellite loses HDR momentarily and comes right back
We just switched back to DIRECTV and I am having issues with the HDR on the Gemini receiver. Several times a day the display on my LG 65" C2 OLED TV will go black and then come back on with the HDR icon shown on the screen again showing that HDR content is being viewed again. The brief black screen is due to the media content switching from HDR off to back on again very quickly. My TV does not have fast media switching and I doubt the Gemini does either which would probably eliminate or minimize this. This issue does not happen on my Apple TV 4K Gen 3 hooked up to the same TV. HDR cannot be switched off in the settings of the Gemini still to this date. The first week with this new DIRECTV equipment has not been a good experience with this issue as well as all the remote control volume issues with all the interference caused by this new system.
Community Support
254.7K Messages
10 months ago
We're sorry for the experience, @Banditt0113. When your TV is HDR capable, this feature is turned on by default. We'll send a DM to further investigate.
John, DIRECTV Community Specialist