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25 Messages

Friday, October 7th, 2011 3:54 PM

Great expieriance with nomad

Just wanted to say love my nomad ordered yesterday at 1030am fedx truck was here with it at 730 am this morning. Pulse when I ordered yesterday they asked if I want to add it to my bill I was like sure. Took 5 minits to install no problem. My shows are downloading now as a write this I was a little bumbed out when I found out that there's no live streaming. But then I started to think streaming quality for me anyway usually Is bad. The fastest Internet I can have with verizion is 1 to 3 mps. No fios here in my area. And I'm not paying Comcast ridiculous prices. I hate comcat anyway. Pluse there's alot of apps already like HBO,CNN. ABC. And a few more that you can stream from. Crackle app is great to. All free. So I think I'm going to luv this nomad

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

13 years ago

Sweet!  I hope to have mine today.



25 Messages

13 years ago

You'll luv it. When did u order it I got mine in less then 24 hours after I placed the order I must of got lucky

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

13 years ago

Mine arrived today.  Took two days.  Just set it up.  Piece of cake.  Seems to be working fine.  Transcoding some recordings now.  



25 Messages

13 years ago

Only problem I have is I have the movie face off it's off hbo it shows up on my iPad but it just won't download. It shows up on nomad but that's the only one so far that won't download. All my UFC stuff and my daughters greys anatomy was fine.

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

13 years ago

I had a problem initially with Nomad not seeing a couple of my DVRs in my WHDVR network. Turns out that they were set to "Block" of the "External Device" access settings.  Setting them all to "Allow" solved this problem. 


I also wish that Nomad displayed which DVR the recording is on. 



20.7K Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by jdcell100 
 I was a little bumbed out when I found out that there's no live streaming.

You may be missing the boat a bit.  Nomad is a device that "copies" your programs to your computer or mobile device in SD so that when the copy is complete you can disconnect the PC or mobile device and take it with you traveling, to work etc.


If you want streaming, then you need to look into the Directv2PC feature that will stream real time HD Content to your computer from a networked HD DVR.  It takes a good network and a good computer to handle full screen HD, but the pictures are awesome.  Directv2PC is completely free and no added equipment is necessary.



25 Messages

13 years ago

If you read rest of my post I explained my expieriance with streaming. It usually Isent any good anyway I only have 1 to 3 mps with verizion there is no fios in my area and I'm not going to pay omcadt crazy prices So the more I thought about the streaming thing I got over it pretty quick. Love this nomad I got my system down now on transferring to nomad only took 15 min. To transfer a 3 hour show from nomad to ipad



20.7K Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by jdcell100 
If you read rest of my post I explained my expieriance with streaming.

I read your post thoroughly, perhaps we see streaming as different things.  I assumed you meant streaming within your home network, and that's what I was addressing.  My approach does not require an Interne tconnection.  You apparently meany streaming via the Internet to your computer located at some distant location.  If that's the case, then Slingshot is the program for you, not Nomad.  And, as you posted, that would require a rather robust network service.



25 Messages

13 years ago

Oh ok sorry you know I download the pc thing all I was able to do was stream my dvr in the house no streaming t v with that but I could be wrong. I was talking about streaming stuff like live tv out of house. But what all the apps they have like hbo to go apps like that Nomad perfect thing to complaint it.



171 Messages

13 years ago

i think dcd meant Slingbox. it is a piece of hardware that lets u stream live tv via an internet connection



20.7K Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by panagamer  

i think dcd meant Slingbox.

Heheheh, yes, I did indeed mean Slingbox, thanks for the heads up.