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5 Messages

Friday, October 7th, 2011 4:50 PM

How can I obtain a larger splitter?

Long story short....after a HUGE debacle on initial setup about installing a new room in a two story house. I finally got the additional line run to that additional room, but now another issue....the install tech did not leave me with a splitter large enough to accomodate all my receivers. I currently have an 8 way splitter, but I need 9. How can I get this splitter sent to my house. I do not need an install tech to do this. I can switch out a splitter on my own. Just need the splitter. Shame on DirectTV installer for not leaving me the right one during installation!





ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

13 years ago

Let's be clear on terms .... typical DirecTV installations don't use "splitters", they use "multiswitches", unless you have a newer Single Wire Multiswitch setup (you stated "I don't know" there).  Take a close look at your current "splitter" ... what brand/model markings are on it?  Perhaps you can post a photo?


How many total Receivers and DVRs do you currently have?  What models?  Look for the labels behind the front panel access card doors. 



20.7K Messages

13 years ago

You can press the dash (-) button on a HD remote.  The resulting message will specify if you have SWM, as Litzdog says, we need to know that.



5 Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by litzdog911 

Let's be clear on terms .... typical DirecTV installations don't use "splitters", they use "multiswitches", unless you have a newer Single Wire Multiswitch setup (you stated "I don't know" there).  Take a close look at your current "splitter" ... what brand/model markings are on it?  Perhaps you can post a photo?


How many total Receivers and DVRs do you currently have?  What models?  Look for the labels behind the front panel access card doors. 

Sorry for the confusion on terms.....currently the device I am using states splitter upon it. See attached photo.

As for rcvrs, here is what I got currently.

2 HD DVR receivers (1 hr24-500; 1 hr22-100)

3 HD receivers (all are h23-600)

2 Std Def Receivers (both are d-12-300)


So the current device has 8 ports....6 are currently being used by the already existing drops.....1 is being used by the SWN....1 is being used by the device that connects the system to my home network. So I need one additional port for the new drop that was planned all along as part of my installation package.


Thanks for the assistance,





5 Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by dcd 

You can press the dash (-) button on a HD remote.  The resulting message will specify if you have SWM, as Litzdog says, we need to know that.

I do have a SWM hooked up. see attached pic. With the last drop completed, I need 9 total ports, but the installer left me with a device that only has 8 ports. How can I obtain a larger device to get all my DirectTV equipment hooked up?


Thanks for the assistance,





32K Messages

13 years ago

you need more than a larger splitter, if one existed.  the 8 way splitter is the larger splitter fir a DirecTv SWM system, and there is a reason for that. the SWM LNB that you have only supports 8 tuners (DVR=2, receivers = 1)  so now you have a total of nine tuners.  you will need to replace the SWM LNB with a legacy four output LNB.  then four cables go from the LNB to a SWM16 switch, instead of one that you currently have.  the SWM16 has two outputs,  each output supports up to 8 tuners.  but the two outputs are DECA bridge, meaning, that all receivers all that SWM16 can shares WHDVR recordings.

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

13 years ago

You might be able to convince DirecTV to have a tech come upgrade your equipment for you since you've added a 9th tuner to your system.  For about $50 they might actually provide all of the updated equipment that you need. 



5 Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by litzdog911 

You might be able to convince DirecTV to have a tech come upgrade your equipment for you since you've added a 9th tuner to your system.  For about $50 they might actually provide all of the updated equipment that you need. 

Ah, this DirecTV nightmare will never end it seems. All of this was discussed BEFORE we purchased and noone brought up any issues/concerns/gotchas with having alot of rooms set up. And why O why didn't the installer set this up to begin with? He had the order, he knew how many drops there was going to be, took turns hooking up and setting up receivers so that all 7 receivers were functional, argued with us over and over again about how even though we were promised a new 2 floor drop as part of our installation, that HE couldn't and wouldn't do it! Now, after I go through all the headaches of getting the drop added....they didn't set up the equipment properly in the first place! And to add salt to the wound......its going to cost me another $50 to have them come out and do what should have been done in the first place! 😞 Gimme back my cable TV!


Totally disappointed,



ACE - Expert


14.1K Messages

13 years ago

DirecTV won't install "planned" drops. If you had eight tuners or less, then the installer did what he was supposed to do, installed an SWM dish with a splitter. That's all he gets paid to do. When you got your additional receiver/DVR, you needed to call DirecTv and get them to install it. Then they would have installed the SWM16.



5 Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by texasbrit 

DirecTV won't install "planned" drops. If you had eight tuners or less, then the installer did what he was supposed to do, installed an SWM dish with a splitter. That's all he gets paid to do. When you got your additional receiver/DVR, you needed to call DirecTv and get them to install it. Then they would have installed the SWM16.

Ah, but see, this is where you are not completely understanding.....All the receivers were in the oringinal order. there wasn't enough drops to hook all of them up because of the new drop issues. So there is NO excuse in my mind for the installer not setting up for 9. He brought 9 to my house on the original order. He set 9 receivers up by first setting up one receiver on an existing drop, then unhooking it and setting up the last receiver on that same drop line. The goal there was "So that when i got the new drop, all I had to do was hook up the receiver and I would be good to go!" So he did all of this, but didn't set the infrastructure up properly? And to be clear.....9 receivers were on the original order and he sets up the infrastructure for a maximum of 8 receivers. C'mon Man!



ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

13 years ago

Your installer did a very poor job then.  You really should escalate this to DirecTV and get someone else back out to make this right, at zero cost to you.  We're not DirecTV employees, so we can't help you there. 



356 Messages

13 years ago

The op has a total of 9 tuners in his existing list of equipment, never mind additional "planned drops".  As is, that setup won't work properly.  He should have had a SWM16 to start with.

ACE - Expert


14.1K Messages

13 years ago

Yes, I did not understand your original post. If the order said 9 receivers, then he should have installed an SWM16 (how many tuners do you have in total - one per receiver, two per DVR). . Just call DirecTv and tell them your installation was not done correctly.



533 Messages

13 years ago

I am curious to know if this 9th cable drop was brought up at the time of walk thru BEFORE any work was started?  If it was, and the installer

then stated that he was not going to run that 9th cable, then YOU screwed up by   A) Letting him start the install,  B) Signing off the install work order as the FULL install was completed TO YOUR SATAISFACTION.


At this time I myself, say that since YOU screwed up, then you need to pay up.



356 Messages

13 years ago

There are 2 things going on here.  One is the additional drop that did not get hooked up.  The other, and more serious, as I see it is the fact that the installer used either a SL3S or SL5S LNB which will not support the customer's equipment.  He should return and install a SWM16 at no charge to the customer.  Once that's done, then its no big deal to attach the additional cable.



20.7K Messages

13 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by cabletech 

At this time I myself, say that since YOU screwed up, then you need to pay up.

Not a fair assessment.  The installer is the professional and some of them can be bullies.  It is their job to present the customer with a proper installation that the customer can be confident is correct when they are asked to sign.


Using your analogy, if a wife signed off on a standard SD install of one D12 when it was supposed to be a full house Whole Home system with 3 HD DVR's, the customer should pay for the added work?  I think when you reconsider, you'll see my point.