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4 Messages

Friday, September 13th, 2013 12:55 AM

I HATE the DirectTV Enhanced Content downloads on my TiVo receiver. PLEASE create a way to opt out of them.

I have been complaining about Enhanced Content downloads for nearly a year.  They are VERY disruptive.  I have received several response emails saying that they only occur when my TiVo receiver has been inactive for 2 hours.  This is ABSOLUTELY not the case.  I know how to interrupt and stop them.  But then they just restart a few minutes later.  I like to switch between tuners to watch 2 shows at once.  When I switch back to my second show inevitably, a Direct TV Enhanced Content download will have started with NO warning, or without asking me if it's OK to change the channel on the other tuner.  This is AWFUL!!  It prevents me from using my TiVo the way I want to use it, yet, I'm paying extra in order to have the TiVo.  And EXCEPT for these downloads, I like the TiVo, and would like to keep it.  So PLEASE make it possible for those who don't want these downloads not to receive them at all.  NOT just to stop them after they, randomly with no notice, begin.  There are several blogs on the web of others who feel the same way about this that I do. PLEASE!!!!

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

12 years ago

Be sure to email your feedback directly to DirecTV. They won't see it here.



4 Messages

12 years ago

Thanks. I've already done that MULTIPLE times, and always get the same form response email back. Sick of it. I guess I was just venting, as neither email or telephone complaints seem to have any impact at all.



2.8K Messages

12 years ago

Mine only downloads weekly if at that and usually after 1 a.m. What software version do you have?



4 Messages

12 years ago

I have IRD model THR22-100 running on software version 01B5.

It downloads anytime it wants, including during evening primetime. Last night I left the room for a few minutes and when I returned it had taken over BOTH tuners. Also yesterday, I was recording a show, and I flipped over to it briefly to watch it, and while I did that, it took over the other tuner, interupting the show I had been watching.

Also, when I cancel one of the enhanced content recordings, it almost always restarts within less than an hour.

I don't even know what these recordings or downloads are, and no one from DirecTV has ever answered that question.

All I know is they are ruining my TiVo experience. Seems like it wouldn't be that hard to have a programmer update the software to give the user the choice to opt out of receiving these. Whatever they are, I have never used one, don't know where they go, and even if I did, wouldn't use them. So giving me (and many others who feel the same way) the option to not receive them would not cost DirecTV any revenue. Not doing that, however, may certainly have the effect of causing DirecTV to lose customers.

Just review the forums on your own website (for example) to see opinions expressed there (keyword tivo). There are also numerous blogs on which DirecTV TiVo customers are posting complaints about the Enhanced Content downloads.

It just seems so rediculous to me that DirecTV is not taking this seriously. I've been a customer since 2003. Up until this issue DirecTV has always been responsive on problems. But on this one I feel the response is something like, "just deal with it." Any information available to tech support is also inaccurate. Such as that downloads only start if the receiver has been inactive for 2 hours. That has NEVER been the case.

I just want a way to watch TV without having to deal with this!



2.8K Messages

12 years ago

I'm thinking something is preventing it from downloading either low signal, hard drive problems, have you tried resetting it?

I'm also guessing it is PPV movies DTV sends for instant watching.



4 Messages

12 years ago

I have reset it numerous times. I don't think there are any signal problems. Channels come in fine. I don't use on-demand much, but it seems to work also.

I don't use PPV on that TV ever. If I ever did, would be more than glad to WAIT for a download. This issue is not something isolated to me. Numerous complaints are posted online. I just still can't understand why DirecTV can't respond by providing an OPT OUT option in the software menu.

I want the ability to control what's on both of my tuners, as I more often than not am flipping back and forth between them while watching TV.