2 Messages
Nothing has gone right with Installation/Customer Service (but I love my TV!)
I called Direct TV last Monday, 11-14-2011. I spent 50 minutes on the phone ordering service with a girl named Tammy. Tammy convinced me to order, as I was really skeptical about it but also really sick of the customer service with my old cable co. that starts with the letter "C". Tammy was awesome, talking me into it. She told me to check my email to do my rebates, and then connected me with someone in the "Bundle package" department so that I could order DSL thru Verizon. I spoke with "Arturo" who told me that Verizon would be sending me a modem via UPS, and that Verizon would be at my home on Nov. 21 to install whatever they install so that I could have Internet (especially important to my 13-year old for her homework).
The next day I open my email and there is nothing from Direct.
I called back and let them know I never got an email. Turns out that Tammy entered the wrong email address. No big deal. Except that Tammy also spelled my last name wrong, and got my wrong freakin city!! I can understand a mistype on one thing, but THREE? Really? But this is just the beginning.
Thursday, Nov. 18 Abraham comes to do the install. I had told Tammy that 8-12 works best for me because of my Autistic son who takes a nap every day at 1. Abraham sets everything up (we had a satellite from years ago that he could use still up on the roof) and starts showing me how to use the remote. I asked him how to record using DVR since I had never had it, and he said I didn't get DVR. Ummm, yes I did. If I can't have OnDemand to watch The Walking Dead I have to have DVR to record it, duh. Anyway, guess what else Tammy got wrong?
So, poor Abraham had to go get on the roof and install the new satellite, but only after talking to his boss and his boss' boss for about 30 minutes. At 1:30 he was up on the roof with my sons room right underneath, so he didn't get a nap and turned into spawn of Satan that night.
Fast forward to Nov. 21. No one from Verizon shows up. I called DTV back and got shuffled around to 3 people for 15 minutes for them to finally get me to "Brian", who sounds like "Arturo", the guy who told me it would be Nov. 21. "Brian" said that Nov. 21 is just a request. The real date will be Nov. 28 (and my neighbor across the street, who I told about Direct and she ordered it, had Verizon at her house today...the 60 ft. walk over to my house is too much, they gotta wait to do it the 28th).
I am so incredibly frustrated with the whole experience so far. Everyone is so friendly on the phone, but does that really matter in the long run if everything is so screwed up? Thank GOD I didn't already cancel my cable so that I still have Internet through the company that starts with a "C". Something told me not to cancel, and I should have just gone with my gut and not even bothered with this whole thing!
Is this normal? I mean, is it normal to have so many, many screw ups with just one person?
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
13 years ago
Not normal. But it happens. Especially when multiple companies are involved (Verizon, DirecTV). It will most likely work out just fine. And hopefully you'll be very happy.