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6 Messages

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011 5:39 PM

Scrolling Vertical Lines on TV Screen

I have had  the same tv in my room for about 15 years. For a very long time there have been light horizontal scrolling lines on the entire screen. You can still watch the tv and see the picture clearly, however the lines are in the background.


I assumed that this was due to the age of the TV, and the advancements in technology.


This weekend I purchased a new TV for the living room, and moved the flat screen from the living room to the bedroom. I was VERY surprised to find that after connective the flat screen the lines were still there.


There are no other electronics in the bedroom. The cable box is hooked directly into the TV.

No DVR,  No DVD.


Do you think the scrolling horizontal lines are associated with the age of the cable box, which itself is also very old?


The other 2 receivers and tv's in the house do not have these lines in the screen. I have checked to make sure that the connection from the cable to the back of the back, and from the back of the box to the tv are secure.


Please advise.


Thank You

ACE - Sage


45.9K Messages

13 years ago

What model Receiver do you have?  Look for the label on the rear panel or behind the front panel access card door. 

How is the Receiver connected to your HDTV?  Hopefully not RF Coax on Ch3 or Ch4.  SVideo or Composite Video (yellow RCA) are you best choices with an SD Receiver. 



6 Messages

13 years ago

I beleive it is GAEB0A??


It is hooked up the same way direct tv hooked it up when we moved in.


The cable coming out of the wall goes into the back of the receiver.

Another cable comes from the back of the receiver 'out to tv" and directly into the back of the tv "air/cable"


The tv does have to be on channel 3, in order to receive reception and watch cable.

ACE - Sage


45.9K Messages

13 years ago

OK, that's the worst possible connection.  Your new TV should have Composite Video input.  Use RCA cables to connect the Hughes' Composite Video OUT to the matching TV Video IN.  Do the same with the analog audio OUT from the Hughes to the matching AUDIO IN on the TV.  See if that helps. 



6 Messages

13 years ago

Thank you . I will try this tonight and see if it works. Cant beleive I have lived with the lines so long, and I probably didnt have to. LOL



32K Messages

13 years ago

this is a known issue with the GAEBOA receivers.  the TV tuner is failing.  trying litz suggestion will fix the problem, but you should get the receiver replaced.  but your flat screen and your eyes will thank you if you upgrade to an HD receiver.



6 Messages

13 years ago

Thank you. I am soo behind electronically, not even funny. Thus living with the scrolling lines for soo long. ha ha.  Have been considering adding another dvr, for the teenager. Might be a good time to do it, and swap her receiver into my room. 🙂



10 Messages

13 years ago

as a hometheater installer this is what i think. hook a dvd player to it does it still happen?



1) it could be a bad line ( or bad coaxial ends)

2) tv could be defective

3) you could be picking up electrical noise ( the way to correct that probably is some of your fancier surge protectors have power filters in diffrent stages, basically they filter the electricity from noise) , sometimes it fixs it sometimed it just reduces it..i know in my living room im over max for electrcity so when i turn on a fan or plug in a vacuum my tv looks bad ( alot of lines)



356 Messages

13 years ago

I don't think so.  As peds48 indicated, this is a very common failure indicator for the coax output of a Hughes receiver.  If you request a replacement from DIRECTV and its a D12 model, and you connect it with coax, you should set the tv and the receiver on channel 4 instead of 3, or you could have a similar problem.



6 Messages

13 years ago

Yes, thank you for all the advice! Was indeed the receiver itself. Tested by taking a receiver from another room and relocated to test. Wa-la, no lines!!
(And yes, I had to switch the rceiver to channel 4..took about 20 min for me to figure that one out)
Was eligible for free upgrade, who-hoo, Directv was out yesterday and added a dvr to replace the one I took from another room. 🙂
From: DIRECTV Technical Help Forums [mailto:directvforums@hosting.outstart.com]
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 09:40 PM
To: Morley, Haley
Subject: Re: Scrolling Vertical Lines on TV Screen :::m|10925943:p|10927480
Notification of Reply



356 Messages

13 years ago

Excellent!! Glad to hear you're back in business.



6 Messages

11 years ago

From Anna,


To Whom It May Concern, I just recently started seeing the same thing as haleymorley. With lines scrolling though my TV picture.  Only had this box about 2 years.  Direct TV come out and switched to the new box.  Its hooked up the way its always been. Not ever seen these lines till the last few days. Other TV's in the house don't have them.  Don't really want to pay for a service call from Direct TV.  Could my TV be going out? What can I do to fix it? I'm in a wheelchair and would have to have someone else help me with any changes.  So if someone could tell me step by step what to do that would be great. 





32K Messages

11 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by annat 

From Anna,


To Whom It May Concern, I just recently started seeing the same thing as haleymorley. With lines scrolling though my TV picture.  Only had this box about 2 years.  Direct TV come out and switched to the new box.  Its hooked up the way its always been. Not ever seen these lines till the last few days. Other TV's in the house don't have them.  Don't really want to pay for a service call from Direct TV.  Could my TV be going out? What can I do to fix it? I'm in a wheelchair and would have to have someone else help me with any changes.  So if someone could tell me step by step what to do that would be great. 



Do you have the same receiver model discussed in this thread?


Best to start your own new thread using the "Create New Post" button on the main forum page. Your problem may very well be different from the original poster's. With a new thread you can provide more information about your equipment (model numbers), location, and troubleshooting you've tried so far. And this forum software makes it difficult to track or respond to folks that add onto someone else's thread. Thank you. 



6 Messages

11 years ago

Replacing the box corrected my vertical lines. Was not a TV issue.



32K Messages

11 years ago

Quote: Originally Posted by haleymorley 

Replacing the box corrected my vertical lines. Was not a TV issue.

Correct, as I said, this is a known issue with the GAEBOA receivers"  of course if someone still has these receivers, DirecTV should be contacting you soon as this receivers MUST be replace or they will just stop working after DirecTV transition from MPG to APG



6 Messages

11 years ago

From Anna,


Hi Peds_48 install, Thanks for responding. I don't know if we have the same receiver model or not.  I just know I've only had this receiver about 2 years.  Is there somewhere onscreen I can find out what model I have.  Today I've noticed that channel 312-Hallmark keeps going in and out. Other channel's seem fine so I am wondering if it is something with my receiver.




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