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Searching for signal for the last 12 hours
I am about ready to cancel my Direct TV at this point. Short of going up on the rooftop of this high rise and attempting to see what is up and why no signal. I fully understand that here in MA we had a snow storm yesterday but it worked fine during the storm. I have been up all night attempting every possible solution here on both TVs. Now I know if I call them the chance of getting an appointment with a reasonable time is going to take a miracle, even still I should not have to pay for service I am not receiving. I am not expecting special treatment but being a person with mobility issues I shouldn't have to be risking my life to watch TV.
Did I mention that up until 2007 I had Comcast as did the entire building and when I was gifted a HD flat screen TV a friend suggested I get Direct TV which I did, in fact I had the entire building switch over except one diehard cable tenant and no I did not get any special incentives for convincing them since I received an offer from Verizon and had no knowledge of the referral incentives until after the fact.
That is not why I am totally dissatisfied today.
I want to be able to watch TV does anyone have any suggestions as to how this can happen for me? I have unplugged, rebooted, reconnected ect, it just won't give me a signal.
Now as soon as daylight hits I plan on attempting to go on the roof and see if I can sweep off snow(if any) from the dish itself. Dangerous I know but what other choice do I have?
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