5 Messages
Setting up new TV and not getting HD
Im sure this is just me being completely stupid....but I just got a new (used) TV and I am having trouble getting HD to work.
The TV is a Mitsubishi WS 67511 65 inch DLP and I have a Directv HD21-100 receiver...there is no HDMI slot on the tv so I cant just go by one of those....and the manual is somewhat cryptic about how to connect to satellite.
I thought it was as simple as going from my component Out and then component 1 on the TV, but I get nothing but blue screen there....so I tried to move the cables on the TV to the "DTV" section which is what I believe to be the HD connection section, but still only blue screen even when I move the cables on the receiver to INPUT ports.
The only thing I can get to work is going from INPUT 2 on the receiver and INPUT 2 on the TV....but its not HD? This is a 1080i TV and I ve got the audio/video on the menu screen at 1080i but the TV is definetely not in 1080i. Im sure that is because Im on the INPUT ports instead of DTV ports...but I cant get anything else to work?
I really dont want to have to pay for someone to come out to set this up...Im sure its something really simple....or I need a different cable ot something.....I have had this receiver on an HD TV in the past and it worked fine......but this TV has a different set up than my last.
Thanks in advance for any help...
48 Messages
14 years ago
Does the TV have a DVI connection? These look like a serial port that you can connect an adapter (sold separately) for an HDMI. The HDMI will only carry video via the DVI, so an analog audio (white, red) will be needed.
Also, Mitsubushi TVs are the world's worst about navigating the cyptic menus to try to get the right input for a newly connected component.
5 Messages
14 years ago
Nothing labeled DVI, but there is a serial port for VGA? The manual says this is for connecting a computer.....is that what you mean?
I only mentioned the HDMI because I thought it might be easiest to go that route (single cable and all). But Im just so curious...why am I not getting anything when I use the Component OUT on the receiver with Y/Pr/Pb into Component 1 on the TV Y/Pr/Pb doesnt work at all.when I switch to DSB (Mitsubishi's Direct Satellite Broadcast) in this configuration I just get a blue screen...I may not get 1080i via this, but its got to be a lot better than the 480 Im getting using the INPUT ports.....?
Thanks for the quick answer!
32K Messages
14 years ago
maybe this thread might help you.
5 Messages
14 years ago
Thanks....I remember reading something about changing the settings TO RGB instead of Y/Pr/Pb.....I cant seem to find my DTV input settings easily....but I ll keep looking....
Yeah this Mitsubishi has a really nice picture (I saw it in real HD before I got it) but its turning out to be a pain to set up! But for 200.00 I cant complain...
I ll take any other suggestions!
5 Messages
14 years ago
Ok, I ve got PICTURE in 1080i now....but no sound!
I discovered that I had not even included the DTV option in the setup...so I never should have been on the DBS setting in the first place....
Now its just a matter of connecting some audio cables up right? Or when using COMPONENT out should I already have sound and something else is wrong?
5 Messages
14 years ago
Got it! Thanks so much for the help....the suggestions in that other thread werent exactly my problem, but they got me looking in the right direction!
MUCH MUCH better!
32K Messages
14 years ago
would your mind sharing with us your solution?