1 Message
Problem streaming MAX
We have a Directv account which includes being billed monthly for MAX. I want to stream MAX on both my TV's. On one of our TV's there is no problem. On my other TV, starting a few days ago it says I need to "Connect my provider". It says I need to go the URL Max.Com/providers and enter my code. I enter my code and it says connect your provider. I click on Directv, and then I log into Directv. I get a screen that says Create your account, and I fill in all the requested information. I click on confirm account and it says I need to check my email for a one time code. I get the one time code and enter the one time code as requested. I then get a message that says: "Are you sure? Your account is already connected to a subscription billed through another provider. If you start another subscription through DIRECTV you could be billed twice. If you don't want to start another subscription , select "cancel." I don't want to risk paying for another subscription, so I hit cancel, at which point my computer opens my MAX account, but I still can't watch it on the television. Can anyone help me?
Community Support
254.9K Messages
4 months ago
Hi @Taylor6636. We're sorry you're having issues accessing your MAX on your TV. We're aware of this issue and currently working to resolve this. DIRECTV appreciates your patience. Lynie, DIRECTV Community Specialist
1 Message
4 months ago
Same here but took me thirty minutes to find this answer. Perhaps add a note that this is a known issue?
7 Messages
4 months ago
Same here.
3 Messages
4 months ago
Same thing is happening to me. I just went ahead and added the same DIRECTV account instead of clicking cancel and now max works. I’m pretty sure DIRECTV can’t charge twice for hbo max since it’s only one set of channels but will keep an eye to make sure I’m not. My max account does have ad free through DIRECTV listed twice in the settings but it’s the same account info.
27 Messages
4 months ago
same thing here, started this yesterday. my streaming sticks (Fire and Google) seemingly let me login to my existing Max account, but once I try to watch anything, it says DirecTV needs to be added as a provider and kicks me out of the login.
I received an email on Oct 28th saying that DirecTV needed to be set as the provider on the Max account to continue to work. mine already has been for the past year but obviously DTV and Max did something related to this, and it broke a bunch of us.
Oddly, the Max app linked to DirecTV on my Android phone continues to work through all this and lets me watch stuff, which I can then mirror to a Chromecast/TV.
I don't want to lose all the watch history my existing Max account has so don't want to make a new account.
(I should mention that I'm a satellite customer)
Edit: here's the text of the email:
ACE - Professor
8.2K Messages
4 months ago
Are you:
1) Paying for Max via your bill separately?
1b) Getting it via a subscription to a service tier which includes HBO?
2) Getting it complimentary via something like Internet 1000 or a particular phone plan?
3 Messages
4 months ago
Baseballisback it seems like everyone here is 1b and getting max billed through DIRECTV as a service which includes HBO
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
4 months ago
As I understand
1: HBO (Max) as an add-on. A separate bill line item.
1b: The Premier package which includes HBO, Cinemax, Starz/Encore, Showtime, Sports Pack. As they are part of the Premier tier those premium channels are not listed separately on the bill. (same for those moneybags with the old Titanium package on the satellite service side).
Hope that helps clarify what was being asked.
27 Messages
4 months ago
yep, in my case, Premier package, so 1b.
2 Messages
4 months ago
I was able to use Max on all my Tv's up until today. Now I'm having the same problem. I am able to get it on my computer but not on any tv. They raise the rates on Direct TV but sure don't provide better service. If it wasn't for my husband I would be done with them.
2 Messages
4 months ago
I have the same issue.
1 Message
4 months ago
I just had the exact same issue and solved it by logging in through "direct TV stream" as my tv provider rather than direct tv. Maybe this will help you too!
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
4 months ago
That is fair as DirecTV and DIRECTV STREAM (or the alternative DirecTV via Internet) are separate providers under the same owner.
1 Message
4 months ago
27 Messages
4 months ago
hmmm, but do we know if using DIrecTV Stream is the OFFICIAL fix or is this just a band-aid that works for now? it's likely some kind of backend billing database change that caused this. I'll try it on my streaming sticks and see what happens tonight.
what I don't get is why my desktop and app on my (Android) phone continue to work without changing anything.