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9 Messages

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 3:35 AM


Need a Programmable Remote

The DirecTV remote is failing to provide commands to operate certain functions of different equipment - like powering on a Vizio sound bar.  Will power it off, but not power it on.  I am trying to find a programmable remote that will work with the DirecTV streaming device.  Or one that will be able to "learn" from the IR commands.  Tried several new ones - but can't find the manufacturer and or model number of the AT&T device; or when I try to enter the device into the remote - there are too many Direct TV or DirectTV or whatever to choose from.

Can anyone provide assistance?

Thank you.

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ACE - New Member


3.4K Messages

3 years ago

You can find Harmony remotes on Amazon. I also see them at Best Buy. Don't think they have been discontinued they are on the Logitech website.  



ACE - New Member


3.4K Messages

3 years ago

Amazon sells Dtv stream box remotes. Harmony remotes would also be a good choice. U can find the model number of the stream box remote in the settings area---system, general, system summary.


New Member


9 Messages

3 years ago

Thanks.  I don't need a new AT&T remote - I need a remote that will accept the AT&T IR commands.

Have found several unique devices (SofaBataon, BroadLink) that use the Cell phone to pull devices) - but the AT&T TV device is not listed.  And, the Learn IR commands process also does not work - AT&T TV remote sends out immediate commands, very short or very brief in length = 1 -2 seconds.  The learning remotes take commands up to one minute = 60 seconds. 

Trying to get a Harmony remote - they have been discontinued.  Probably because they work.

Thanks again.

ACE - Sage


46.3K Messages

3 years ago

Logitech Harmony is the way to go. You can still buy them. 

New Member


9 Messages

3 years ago

I think you are right.  Have one on order.



3 Messages

3 years ago

I have a Harmony 350 that I tried to program the newest DirecTV Stream remote to & for some reason the play/pause button doesn't get programmed.

Any thoughts, solutions would be very much appreciated.



ACE - New Member


3.4K Messages

3 years ago

U can also teach your harmony remote 





3 Messages

3 years ago

Ludwick, thanks for the reply, already tried that & didn't work :)

New Member


3 Messages

3 years ago

I use the Harmony 950.  Works with DirecTV stream.  Hook up to a laptop, enter all devices, it learns your device remotes , and can set up activities (i.e. watch t.v, Netflix, game). It turns on necessary inputs for each activity with a  press of the screen

New Member


9 Messages

3 years ago

I just received the Harmony 665.  Will try it.  If it doesn't work, I will find a 950.  Thanks for your input.



25 Messages

3 years ago

I have a 665 and it works just fine. Make sure to use the My Harmony software. Setup devices then activities. You'll need to know hardware model numbers for all of your equipment. Mine turns on tv,av receiver,DTV stream box and sets correct inputs on tv and receiver. All with 1 button push.

New Member


9 Messages

3 years ago

The one issue with the 665 and maybe other models - is the my version of the Visio sound bar is not listed.  Might try other models and see if the commands work. When I tried the learning process - the commands did not turn on the sound bar.  Strangely enough, it would turn off the sound bar, but not the reverse.

11 months ago

How is this working for you using a harmony remote? I can not get my harmony remote to operate the Directv Stream dongle.

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

11 months ago

You are responding to a 2-year-old post. Start a new post.

ACE - Expert


6.3K Messages

11 months ago

Closing post.