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series set to record - fall programming is changing - will my dvr adjust?
a number of programs I have set to record the series have a schedule change for the upcoming fall season. will my DVR adjust to the new time slots automatically?
DIRECTV Equipment
I don't like your remote control very poor back falls off every time u pick it up battrys fall out w
Very poor design and customer service don't like your remote control very poor back falls off every time u pick it up battrys fall out with them receiver aways messing up when you call its aways hard to understand I speck American that's were I live I think? Very unhappy about Direct I like dish a l
DIRECTV Equipment
How can I record my fall shows in advance?!
First of all, this entire service is not worth the money and certainly not user friendly! I'm forced to use it where I live. We had to swap from Xfinity (loved and never would've changed) So I go to set all of my regular shows that I DVR only to find that you can't record anything that's not current
U-verse TV Equipment
3:30 PM ET Saturdays in the fall
It seems as if the schedule used to be: 3:30 PM ET:ESPN - NASCARESPN2/ABC - College football reverse mirrorESPNU - College FootballESPN News - SportsCenter or possibly college football With the NASCAR contract going to FOX (allegedly) and NBC, any ideas what is going in the 3:30 PM slot for ESPN?
Watching U-verse TV
Your payment did not go through but it did!
So for 3 days I chatted numerous times and called once. My directv stream account says payment did not go through. Yet it is on my bank statement. I called my bank they verified it. They emailed my june statement and what do you know 6/01 directv and 6/30 directv. Both June charges are there and cle
Did something change?
I have whole home running on my LAN. It worked in beta and it worked after I added the service for a $3.00 fee. It worked up to two months ago with the same equipment. And it works for 2 of my 3 receivers. The two that work are DVRs and the non-working one is a H21/200. The DVRs show the shared
DIRECTV Equipment
Remote falling apart
I have an RC64R remote that is about 9 months old and is falling apart. It doesn't get heavy use and, no, I don't use it as a hammer. The black rubber "sleeve" has fallen off and the buttons work intermittently. When the buttons do work it's like they double hit. Anyone else having this issue?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How do I report a fallen phone line?
I am not an AT&T customer but the telephone line between the poles behind my house has fallen and will break soon. How do I report it to AT&T so they can fix it?
U-verse TV Account
the problem is with the fall protection if they did it it would take a couple of hours to install, and uninstall and could possibly damage the roof, as its anchored to the roof
Can AT&T technicians climb to the roof to fix a dish
After 18 yrs of positive service, this last quarter has been horrible. Our 2 TV’s have been malfunctioning for a few months, needing replacement of 2 Dish modulars and 2 new HD Boxes. In the last 2 weeks, AT&T-DIRECTV has been to our home 4X, along with 2 no-shows, and 3X failed to call us back as t
@WallyWimple I did not fall for the scam because I used my common sense. I did not need AT&T or DirecTv to warn me. Live and learn. Agreed! It's nice to hear from someone who calls it like it is.
Ebay Scam
For the second time in as many months, I've been contacted by "Directv" to say they are offering a promotion sponsored by Ebay. I knew right from the get go that it was a scam once they said I had to pay by a gift card. However, what bothered me the most was that the caller had ALL my information.
I received voice and Text messages about the ATT and EBAY offer...I researched immediately and saw it was a scam. Happened Friday 10/29/21. I did not fall for scam. My remark was to say it is still going on.
Ebay Scam
For the second time in as many months, I've been contacted by "Directv" to say they are offering a promotion sponsored by Ebay. I knew right from the get go that it was a scam once they said I had to pay by a gift card. However, what bothered me the most was that the caller had ALL my information.
techs cannot leave the ladder osha regs require fall protection if they do they do not carry or use the fall protection
Can AT&T technicians climb to the roof to fix a dish
After 18 yrs of positive service, this last quarter has been horrible. Our 2 TV’s have been malfunctioning for a few months, needing replacement of 2 Dish modulars and 2 new HD Boxes. In the last 2 weeks, AT&T-DIRECTV has been to our home 4X, along with 2 no-shows, and 3X failed to call us back as t
dish was connected to rotten wood that needed to be replaced
it came loose from rest of board. It did not fall - was hanging. Replaced rotten wood and attached the dish exactly where it was previously. No signal. All transponders are 0. Do I need a dish re-alignment? If so, how do I do that?
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Recording a show not out until summer or fall?
I just switched to uverse. With comcast, as an example, i had "Master Chef" recording. Each time a new season started, i didnt have to worry about it, they would record automaticaly.I want to setup the series on Uverse as well.Is there a way to record the show that is not on the air now, but will be
U-verse TV Equipment
They where both fishing for your info and by getting you to fall for the scam they have proved you may fall for others so they sell your number and name to other scammers.
Unusual call
A caller said he was from Directv and said satellites were being repositioned and he needed to replace my receiver (at no cost). (I am a streaming customer) I told him I have four receivers. (pause) He said to get out my remote and turn on the TV. I said I can't do that right now. He as
AT&T Falling Behind - Must Push Upgrade Faster
I hope they push those upgrades they are planning faster since they're already falling really behind :/. Here's the Netindex speedtest results in our state. $19.99 for 16/2(25/4 boosts) or $25.95 for 3/1 :/? Download: Upload:
U-verse TV Account
Since the complaints from the 1,000's upon 1,000's of us seem to fall on deaf ears why not Boycott? I am cancelling. That is my boycott of this awful company. Can we not live without television? I mean what did our pioneer founders do? Once upon a time people actually made it without television
Trouble with New HD locals in Sioux Falls
On Nov. 6 the Sioux Falls locals in HD were launched. I receive all the new local HD channels on my HR20 just fine, besides FOX which a reps says is not broadcasting locally in HD.However on my H20 100 I get audio on the channels and no picture. I get the message Multi-switch problem and to check my
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How did my home address get changed?
How did home address get lost for billing??
U-verse TV Account
I did not fall for the scam because I used my common sense. I did not need AT&T or DirecTv to warn me. Live and learn.
4 years ago
to the conversation:
Ebay Scam
For the second time in as many months, I've been contacted by "Directv" to say they are offering a promotion sponsored by Ebay. I knew right from the get go that it was a scam once they said I had to pay by a gift card. However, what bothered me the most was that the caller had ALL my information.