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Season 16 episodes of ghost adventures
I have at&t u-verse. Are the new (season 16) episodes of ghost adventures no longer being aired on the travel channel? The fist 3 episodes it's all old episodes on the time slot. The travel channel is still showing previews of the new episodes and saying, "all new episodes on the travel c
Watching U-verse TV
Screen Saver Ghost Clock?!?!
Someone please explain to me the significance of the random appearing ghost image of a clock. It will appear be and then disappear.
Watching U-verse TV
Ghost Images
I recently insalled a Vizio V505-JO9 television to my existing UVerse setup. The images on the screen associated with the Vizio Home and associated screens are crystal clear. After programming the UVerse remote to operate the televion, the Uverse images all seem to have a ghost appearance, while the
U-verse TV Equipment
Local Channels pick up ghost channels
My local channels keep picking up ghost channels. The banner says 29 and the program that is supposed to be on but the channell is displaying BET. My 17 also displays Sprout. This happens when we are using the receiver and when the DVR turns on to record. I just had a technician out and he replaced
DIRECTV Equipment
Buzzing background audio, horizontal ghost lines in picture and intermittent 771 fault
We had severe winds/rain on 10/26 and ever since I have had problems with my TV reception. We have 2 standard def receivers and I'm now getting a buzzing noise in the background when I turn on the receiver, and horizontal gray ghost lines are appearing constantly on the screen moving from bottom to
DIRECTV Equipment
pst episodes
How can I watch previous episodes of trafficked. I missed last night's episode of ghost guns
I didn't realize that this has gone ignored for years. I came here to raise an important question, but it seems the DirecTv Community Forums is a hollow chamber of disenfranchised customers who know ATT has the best selection of channels.
Samsung TV / DirecTV Stream issues?
Just wondering if anyone else is having issues with the DTVS app on a new Samsung TV? After much ado and many months, it seems the problem with DVR playback not working has been fixed (reported extensively on Samsung forums.) I'm still having regular episodes of the normal streamed content st
It is likely that this ghost image will disappear with continued use of your TV. This isn't burn like a phosphor CRT.
When are you going to resolve the problem with TEGNA?
When are you going to resolve the problem with TEGNA? It's disrupting my service in watching WFSS (channel 8 - ABC) in my area. Customers should not have to deal with the petty problems between Uverse and TEGNA. Work it out or lose a long time subscriber.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Ghost image on local channel
I see an off white or gray grid pattern and vertical lines on the screen for just one of my local channels. It’s a muted window screen image that shifts. Other channels do not have the same problem. Any ideas how to remove or improve for this one channel?
Watching U-verse TV
OOOOPPPSSSS!!!!!! There is a ghost in my house.
Charges for Pay Per View when no pay per view channels were watched.
Has anyone been charged for pay per view channels when no channels were viewed? This has happened to me 2 times. Direct TV refuses to remove charges ,
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Why are my paranormal shows gone?
My paranormal shows are gone! They were on Destination America and then Travel Channel. When I turned on my TV this morning they were gone. I want my shows back! Ghost Adventures, Ghost Nation, Haunted Highways and more. This is why I chose the channel I did! Let me kn
Watching DIRECTV
It worked all day today till 6:30 = got blank screen again!We keep FOX NEWS on most of the day. It is like there is a 6:30 ghost there. LOL! I live in Arlington TX
NO 1210 / FOX NEWS on my U200
NO 1210 / FOX NEWS on my U200 since 6:30 pm CT tonight.Anybody else having trouble too?
Both of the posters to this thread are chasing a hollow promise. A DVR can stream only to one networked receiver at a time. It doesn't matter what you think you understood or what you remember working once. All of the CSR's that work for Directv cann
"Unable to play, too many TV's watching Playlist"
I have Whole Home DVR and 4 TV's total. One HD DVR and 3 HD receivers. If any HD receiver is used to watch a single DVR'd show, no other HD receiver can watch ANY recorded show (not the same show, any recording on the DVR). I called Direct TV and they kept confusing this by looking at it as if I
No SCi-Fi CHannel 1244
I have On Demand working. It's been over 48 hours now.I have a lot of Channels present. But one that I really wanted to check out was the Sci-Fi . And at this point it does not exist. However if you do a general search. Under Science Fiction some episodes of Ghost Hunter show up that can be download
Watching DIRECTV
Ghost Is Pressing The Guide Button
I'll be watching the TV and then the guide comes up at random and flash between the guide and filter the guide options like someone is pressing the Guide button.I've tried covering the IR receiver on the front of the box and it does not make a difference.
Watching DIRECTV
I have been wondering this same thing. I think it's a game of sorts. The clock is always there it's just the photos in some parts is so bright and the clock is so faint that you can't always see the ghost clock. I will watch the clock for hours some
Screen Saver Ghost Clock?!?!
Someone please explain to me the significance of the random appearing ghost image of a clock. It will appear be and then disappear.
DVR messing up...
Okay, so it's been happening since the beginning of October. Normally, when we get done watching a show from our DVR list, we press stop, it takes us to the delete, don't delete menu, we'll make our choice and it'll take us back to the DVR list. Since the beginning of October, we'll stop a show, and
DIRECTV Equipment
Uverse on demand skips episodes
Uverse skips episodes. For example Sleepy Hollow shows 6 - 13 episodes but not 1-5. And grey's anatomy only shows 1 episode in season 3 and no other seasons/episodes besides season 10 and it shows 18, 19, 21,22. Where is episode 20 and the rest of the seasons. Seems to be no rhyme or reason or consi
Watching U-verse TV
You have a ghost messing with your DVR. Have you had trouble with ghosts before ? You need to get rid of the ghost to solve the problem !
1 year ago
to the conversation:
service cuts out briefly and stops DVR from recording
HD DVR, Model HR23-700 lately been having issues that service cuts out briefly and stops the DVR from recording. this evening it happened 8 times when i tried to record a program while watching 1 other show and while watching the show I am recording. even when I stopped recording,