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Christmas channel
Is there a channel dedicated to Christmas movies?
Watching U-verse TV
Christmas App 2024
Hi i have been waiting for the Christmas App on direct TV to come put its now December 10th and it had not came out when will it come back on?
Watching DIRECTV
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
Christmas Shows for at&t 2014
I would like to ask what specific channel can at&t offer that can offer christmas videos or movies? (So we can meet up with Hallmark?)
Watching U-verse TV
Christmas music Scrooge move
I just got off phone with directv. Told them they shouldn't be charging extra for Christmas music. She couldn't locate an issue and said it was a problem on my end. Told me to reboot the receiver and I would be good to go. When that didn't work then I was transferred to tech support...and the call d
Watching DIRECTV
Hallmark Channel To Show Christmas Movies All Year Round
Here is some good news from The Hallmark Channel for all of you who want to watch Christmas movies all year round. "Know anyone whose Christmas tree goes up before Thanksgiving and stays up until Valentine's Day? Have a friend who goes Christmas shopping year-round? Maybe know someone who schedule
Watching U-verse TV
The program You Me Her fourth season starts on April 9th but isnt listed on my guide UVERSE CHANNEL 1114 . Why Not ?
Watching U-verse TV
The Hallmark Channels Christmas 2015
I hope that all of you from the last five years who were upset by the fact that the Hallmark channels were no longer a part of the U-verse lineup are happy and satisfied that you have the Hallmark channels back this holiday season. I wonder how many of those unhappy subscribers who threatened to l
Watching U-verse TV
deceased husband and widow wants to transfer account into her name
my husband has passed away. he had a subscription to direct tv in his name #[EDITED]. i want to transfer his account to jo ann [EDITED per Community Guidelines] surviving spouse. my husband died without sharing his password for his account and i am having tremendous difficulty getting this transf
Holiday Entertainment and Santa Tracker!
Tune to channel 188 on DIRECTV Satellite and enjoy the interactive TV app filled with holiday movies, family-friendly holiday games, sing-alongs, read-along books, & more. You can also track Santa on his journey around the globe on Christmas Eve!
Watching DIRECTV
You Me Her
I understand You Me Her season 5 will not be available on Audience and that (Edited per community guidelines) if Audience is taken off the cable lineup. Can you tell us when & where Season 5 will be shown and if the first 4 seasons will be rerun prior to shutting down the channel? I have stayed wi
Watching DIRECTV
DirecTV owes my widow elderly mother money and refuse to give it to her
My parents had DirecTV on Jan 1 2018. The DirecTV account was in my fathers name and my father passed away in late January 2018. My mom went to the ATT store in April 2018 to get his name removed and her name added. The ATT store people convinced her to sign up for U-Verse in her name and can
I want to pay my moms bill and make revisions to her services...but have a problem
She is old, and forgets everything. That means no user Id, no password; just an account # with her name. By the way they are going to turn her whole bundle off soon. What am I going to do?
U-verse TV Account
Accepted Solution
Genie mini client
My brother and I both have a Genie with wireless mini in our homes. Will my mini client work on his Genie server at his house? I want to take one of my mini and a TV to his house for a party. Mom just had surgery so we can't pull his mini out of her room and leave her without TV.
DIRECTV Equipment
What to do
My sons girlfriend had directv in her name and moved out of his house. We contacted direct and told them she was no longer there and gave her the equipment to send back. She has yet to return the equipment but the bill continues to be mailed to his address. Is there anyway this could effect my son o
Father-In_law moved and now can not get all his local stations
He is able to get Texarkana and Shreveport, but can not get Little Rock where as he was getting all three at the house he just moved from. What do you suggest? I think his account is listed under Newt Mohon in Hope, Ark. The information I'm entering below may not be correct. We live in Garfiel
DIRECTV Equipment
My mother is deceased. How do I remove her from your marketing and mail offers?
I have tried returning your mailing offers marked deceased. My mother passed on Feb 22,2020. How do I get her name off your mailing and marketing offers? I see great potential for fraud by your practice of offers.
Accepted Solution
can more than 1 favorites list be set up per household?
Can each viewer in a household have his or her own favorites list?
Problem with technician.
A technician came by my girlfriend's house earlier to replace a box and was acting very inappropriate. Only her 16 year old son was home and the technician was asking questions about my girlfriend such as: Her age, her marital status, her birthday, of she's single. He also looked at many family pi
DIRECTV Equipment
Did he ever or does he currently get a paper bill (Uverse) with a name on it (his or hers)? It will be one or the other. Could it be that the wireless account was set up in HIS name and the Uverse account was opened under HER name? If the U
My dad is 84 years old that has had an AT&T cell Phone and AT&T Direct TV Account (just realized it's a Uverse account that he's never heard of). These accounts were set up under his wife's email address, HOWEVER, the billing has always been charged to my dad's debit card which is tied to his bank
If he sets the Main receiver to not allow deletions from other devices his mother will not be able to delete his programs from her mini - which is the way I read it. If the main is in her room my suggestion would be to move it, put the mini in her r
4 years ago
to the conversation:
Any way to disable button on a remote unit
My elderly mother lives with us and has her own TV with a genie receiver. So far, on three separate occasions, all my recorded programs have been erased. A check on the recording manager showed the programs were erased from her genie and not some issue with the DVR in the main unit. Wondering if the