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Remote acts like button stuck
My remote acts as if the button sticks on each command. ie: When I hit the channel up button it goes up numerous channels before it stops. I've tried a different remote from another unit and have the same problem so the problem obviously exists in the DVR Reciever not in the remote. I've reset via t
DIRECTV Equipment
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Classic Hawaii Five O
Will you please bring the classic Hawaii Five O back ? This was the best program on t.v., barring none.Television programming now is horrible, boring, etc. Hawaii Five O with Jack Lord is clean, dramatic, and has many interesting and beautiful scenes. It is a very well rounded program with someth
Watching U-verse TV
Five shows at once - what happens?
I almost had a situation last night where I would have had five shows on five different channels with recordings set at the same time - three would be just ending, and two would be just starting, but there's that three-minute overlap period. I only have 4 channel capability, and I didn't want to ri
U-verse TV Equipment
Shows start five minutes in upon pressing "Play"
Lately all the shows I've recorded are starting anywhere between the two and five minute mark. What this means is that the shows record at the proper time, but I have to rewind to the beginning when I first play them. One show even started at the end, and I had to rewind all the way from the end (se
DIRECTV Equipment
FOX Network glitches every five minutes
Is anyone else out there having issues with FOX network? For the past two weeks, there have been drops in their broadcast that last a second or so that occur every five minutes or so. I especially have noticed this during NFL and the World Series broadcasts. The screen goes black for a second and
Watching DIRECTV
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Why are all of the baseball games blacked out on MLB / FSN 1737? I signed up and paid extra money to see the Detroit Tigers and five out of five games have been blacked out.
Why are all of the baseball games blacked out on MLB / FSN 1737? I signed up and paid extra money to see the Detroit Tigers and five out of five games have been blacked out.
Watching U-verse TV
Accepted Solution
Five Recent Channels staying at bottom of screen
Out of nowhere, five boxes showing my recent channels has taken residence at the bottom of the picture of my current channel content. Neither pressing back nor home ok makes it go away for more than a few seconds. How can I remove these recent channels boxes?
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Does U-verse TV have the CW?
I wanna know if at&t uverse has the channel for Jane the Virgin it starts this month .
Watching U-verse TV
Last five minutes of recorded show the video goes black.
Almost every recording I make, the last five minutes of the show I lose the picture. I still have sound but no picture. It's very annoying and i can't seeme to get it work correctly.
DIRECTV Equipment
HD on local and sports channels
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have an HR 10-250 receiver. How and when can I receive local channels and Fox Sports Net in HD? Thank you. Jane
Watching DIRECTV
Unfair Deceptive Acts & Practices
I called July 10th to cancel my DirectTv service. I was informed of an early termination penalty which I expected and was in fact a deciding factor in not cancelling the service months ago when I cancelled my home phone. What I did not expect and find surprised it is even legal as it definitely does
I would like to put in a Complaint against Corp office employee Kimberley TEllford
She is very very very rude her tone is really horrible and she acts like is his and won’t let me talk to anyone else I really really really like to out in a complaint against her
System acts like I do NOT have active subscription to on Demand programming
Hey, a few days ago, I had DirecTV installed and the on Demand connections made to my router. After the obligatory 24 hr wait period, I have still been unable to access on Demand programming from my HD DVR. All the menus and options show up, I'm connected to the internet per network testing, and o
Watching DIRECTV
Grandkids Watched Sponge Bob all weekend and now my TV keeps changing back to it every five minutes while I watch history channel
Help. How do I clear this issue with Sponge Bob coming on every five minutes while watching different channels.
DIRECTV Equipment
I think this has something to do with RF interference - it has happened to us once a month for a couple days and then stops until next month or two. It just started happening maybe five months ago. I’ve read people have had similar probl
keep getting "Waiting for receiver signal" on our directv connected tvs
What can we do to resolve this. It happens, then after a little while the tv show comes back on.
Records shows in 2-3 pieces
)'ve had a Series 2 DirecTiVo Phillips unit (DSR 704)for about five years. Two lines in so I can record two and watch a third. Runs great; never a problem. In the last two months though it has an annoying tendency to record one show in two (sometimes three parts). This wouldn't be the end of the wor
DIRECTV Equipment
Hi, I returned the equipment in time at the Dacula GA UPS. Now the Direct TV folks filed on my wife credit that she did not return the equipment. How could you correct this error? The equipment was shipped by UPS who said once we gave them that they will handle as soon as possible. How could this ha
DIRECTV Equipment
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Official Solution
Directv anywhere error in network assistant.
Get errors four and five on network assistant. Have removed and reinstalled at least 20 times, and have reset the box at least 150 times, to no avail.
Watching DIRECTV
RF Remote light above Dish mode flashes five times each time you push a botton
My RF remote was programed correctly for my reciever and it simply quit working like normal. Now when I push any botton the light about the dish setting flashes five times. I have tried to reset the remote and reprogram it for the reciever and when I hold down the mute and select button at the same
DIRECTV Equipment
So I do believe you are answering my question (thank you so much!), but I still need some clarification to assure I'm understanding correctly. Here is an example followed by a couple specific questions: John is the sole owner of account #123456. Jane
9 years ago
to the conversation:
Transferring a UVerse Account with a History of Late Fees
One of my rooommate's is leaving our apartment and our UVerse account is under his name. He says it is easy enough to transfer the account to my name to finish out our 12-month contract to avoid the early termination fee, but I just found out he has made several late payments even though I (along wi