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Code to control Legend TV model L2611
I need a code that I can use with my Legend TV. I can't find one listed on the remote.
DIRECTV Equipment
Actually, you might want to read the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act). It actually makes it a crime to attempt to defeat a copyright protection mechanism.
Recording TV
I have one of the best DVD Recorders made. I used to be able to record everything; since it all went digital, I can't record anything:( (My DVD says "Cannot record copyrighted material.") Is there anyway to pull programs off my DVR? I think there is, and here's why: When I hook up the RCA (red/yell
Got it - again thanks. can I go over the search/record item again i used search and found house of the dragon and told it to record the series but I can’t see/find when it will record. Is it waiting for it to be braodcasted again? I old sat days it w
Gemini air search features
Still learning the new remote. Like it a lot (especially compared to the limited feature on say the roku device) but still not being able to do the same things that we used to do on the sat remote. the search feature - question x wife was looking for Reba tv show. It’s on 312 Hallmark. But when I go
Directv seems to think I dont have an internet connection
I am trying to rent how to train your dragon 2. Directv keeps saying i need an internet connection. I am already connected. What do I do?
Watching DIRECTV
Hi there, @Heavenlrice1992. We understand the urgency to reach a resolution and reorder your movie. We are happy to look into your Pay Per View missing movie concern and what we can do to assist you. This requires us to speak in a private message.W
Help! Pay per view movie stoped mid movie
I ordered a movie (how to train your dragon:the hidden world) got a little more than half way into it and it just stoped . Screen went black , no error codes , now it’s asking me to order the movie again !
HR24 remote for Legend tv
Been trying to get the remote to operate the TV. No luck with on screen help. Anyone have any luck with this TV. Thanks.
DIRECTV Equipment
klamb,You should create a new thread for your problem, rather than adding to someone else's thread. Understand it is very difficult to reply to multiple posts from different people with different problems in the same thread and with the varying degre
Cannot display because your graphics card does not support screen capture!
I am completely frustrated with the directv2pc program! I just bought a high end quad core HP laptop with 1080p,and a high end ATI radeon graphics card 6770m with 2 gigs of gddr memory. I've updated all my drivers and still I get the message "Cannot display because your graphics card does not suppor
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Part of The Menu is cut off of the screen
Hi. Part of the menu is cut off of the screen and i dont know how to fix it, and its really hard to navigate through On Demand. On the Guide its cuts off the channel name(like the 3-5 letter abreviation of the channel) and the time at the time is cut off to and i would really like to know how to fix
U-verse TV Equipment
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Out of the country
Why does my directv app not work out of the US?
Watching DIRECTV
HDDVR "unknown error"
In the past week I have missed two shows because my DVR did not record as scheduled. The first one occurred after I changed the series settings for start and end times. Even though the show was shown as scheduled to record that night it did not. The second time it happened, we set a recording fro
DIRECTV Equipment
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Purpose of the battery??
The battery left by the tech I am assuming is included in our package; and I am not going to be charged extra. Am I wrong in assuming that the sole purpose of this battery; is for when our power goes out. I am guessing the battery is specifically to keep the power the "Residential Gateway" in th eve
U-verse TV Equipment
capchuck, I routinely copy HD movies from my HR20-700 HD DVR to a Sony RDR-GX315 "regular" DVD recorder, using the S-Video connection and setting the DVD Recorder to record in 480p. I am VERY pleased with the playing back of these movies with a BluRa
external blu ray recorder
Is it possible to hook up an external blu ray recorder to an HR24 and record from the hard drive with SATA?
office of the president
Was in contact with Marcia in the Office of the President over the terrible customer service and getting new wireless box. There was a problem with the boxes I have as the numbers weren't on the list for some reason. She was going to look into this and call me back. That was over a week ago..I have
The Pillars of the Earth
Having missed the originally airings on Starz!, I recently used VOD to obtain copies of the first three programs in this mini-series. However, the expiration dates are somewhat perplexing. Anarchy - Expires 9/9Master Builder - Expires 9/9Redemption - Expires 8/6 We haven't had time to sit down and
Watching DIRECTV
Picture of the back of HD Receiver
Is there a picture online of what the back of the HD receiver looks like?
Watching DIRECTV
grandmasterb,DirecTV does not "charge" anything for you to add/use an external hard drive on your HD DVR. Users have successfully added 2TB external eSATA drives to their DirecTV HD DVR's(I have a 1.5TB on each of my DVR's). SInce I have WHDVR, that
Potential New Customer, PLEASE HELP!!
We would like to switch to DirecTV but the dealer I was going to use is telling me that DirecTV does not have dual tuner DVR's. That we would have to lease 2 receivers to be able to record 2 shows at the same time. I am so completely confused by this.... What is the easiest most cost intrusive way t
Tired of the game!
I've started looking for a new TV/Internet/Phone solution. My contract is up and so are my bundle discounts. Its just not worth it to me any more. I'm tired of the ATT games. Dropped my cell phone service with them in the last year and now I'm looking at my UVerse bill and I just can't justify t
U-verse TV Account
What IS the Office of the President?
I've had occasion to speak with people from the Office of the President recently about an issue. I realized I don't know what sort of place they occupy in the scheme of things. A dead end for customer complaints? Where would they be in a corporate structure diagram? Once you wind up there, abandon a
U-verse TV Account
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Can subtitles be moved to the bottom of the screen?
Can subtitles be moved to the bottom of the screen and not have them in the face of everything being watched.
U-verse TV Equipment
Yellow A = FavoritesGreen B = searchRed C = closed captions If you bring up the Guide or Favorites you will see a legend below the grid reminding you of their meaning. Note, what's this question have to do with the title of this thread?
8 years ago
to the conversation:
no picture
what do the a b c mean on the remote?