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i heart radio
Haven't been receiving I heart radio for several days. Is there a problem?
Watching U-verse TV
gemini directv guide display small heart next to channel name, not channel number
How do I return the channel number display instead of the heart logo next to channel display
DIRECTV STREAM Setup & Equipment
Stingray and I Heart Radio Not Working Error Code 0 Failure to load resource
For the past 4 days I get Error Code 0 Failure to Load Resource on the Stingray channels and I Heart Radio. The message also says the certificate is failing validating procedure - which sounds like an expired security certificate. Called customer service and was told someone would call me, which did
Watching U-verse TV
I heart radio
My iHeartRadio will play for 30 seconds and then there will be no sound it looks like it's still updating but there's no sound if I stop it then hit play again the sound comes back for another 30 seconds and it keeps doing the same thing it's been doing this for two weeks. We have rebooted the box,
Watching U-verse TV
Thanks for the heart attack, Chris. I had nightmares of Urge, resurfacing.
Stingray Music app coming on 1531
There is a placeholder for Stingray Music on 1531. Must mean bye-bye to Music Choice, had seen it was up for renewal and they must not have renewed it. Stingray probably will debut Nov 1. 😉 Edit: Things may not be
How do you show channel names in the new guide?
The new guide removed all of the channel names from the guide on the left. This is an essential part of a guide so I’m just assuming I have a bugged version or a missing setting checked somewhere. In the place of channel names is an empty grey box with a heart and a channel number.
Please keep News On 6, as this station is extremely important to Tulsa and to the surrounding communities. We also need to keep small business going, because small businesses are the heart of our American communities. This station is more than just a
Keep News 9 / News on 6 / CBS (Oklahoma)
One of the things that makes me and my family stay with Uverse TV is Our local Channels!I rely on News 9 in bad weather! They have the best local coverage for Oklahoma
Same here deep in the heart of Texas...AT&T seems only to care about profit margin, couldn't care less about providing service to their customers.
Loss of channels
AT&T has failed to properly prepare for the anticipated end of contract negotiation with Nexstar - resulting in the loss of ABC station, a MAJOR network. This continues to happen, as in the past, when other channels were removed from the lineup - as your customers continue to pay increased costs in
@mobilemax I know. Everytime I see a photo or clip of Kobe and the daughter that was with him, my heart breaks for that family.
Kobe Bryant moments ....
Kobe Bryant enjoyed one of the greatest careers in NBA history and became one of the game’s most popular players as the face of the Lakers. He was the league MVP in 2008 and a two-time NBA scoring champion, and earned 15 All-NBA is offering a collection of the most iconic and memo
Just Got an HDTV, What Are The Chances of a Free Upgrade?
I've been with Direct TV for a few years then switch to cable for about 18 months. I hated it and we switched back to the dish about 6 weeks ago and we're pretty happy. However, we just got an HDTV and I heart it a lot. However it is kind of disappointing watching stuff on the HDTV on the standard d
Watching DIRECTV
I heart app not working
I recently tried the iheart App. I already had an account on my tablet so I am familiar with how it works. I signed in activated for my TV. When I went to "For You" there were no stations offered,but there are on my tablet. I also have custom stations that don't show up and no favorites. What's wors
Watching U-verse TV
setting up favorites
Can't get the heart picked to add it to a favorite list
Watching U-verse TV
Broke my heart to say goodbye to it. LOL
Cinema Connection Kit
Hi, I upgraded to an HD DVR with whole-home DVR, a cinema connection kit was also installed today. The HD DVR and whole home are both working correctly but the cinema connection was no working when the installer was here and left. I do not believe it was hooked up correctly, when the installer left
I was one of those that was upset over losing the I Heart app, but it is what it is, lol. Not going to cancel service over losing an app that's for sure, lol.
Programming Changes for April 2018
AT&T U-verse Programming Changes AT&T's agreements with programmers expire from time to time. We are usually able to obtain renewals or extensions of such agreements, but in rare cases we may be required to cease carriage of channels. For more information on upcoming expirations or other programming
The only app that I hate to lose is the I Heart Radio app. Living in Central Ohio, but wintering in Fort Myers, we love the stations down there and when we are back home it kind of keeps us connected with our Winter Home. I know I Heart is in major
Programming Changes for March
A lot of apps are going away on May 1st. Notice Appearing in USA Today on March 20, 2018 AT&T's contracts with programmers for the content displayed on U-verse TV service periodically expire, or may be terminated, but are usually re-negotiated or extended with no interruption or change for our U-ver
OAN is one of the only unbiased, truthful, non-agenda driven and courageous networks left. If dropped, I will certainly drop ATT/DirecTV.
3 years ago
to the conversation:
DIRECTV dropping OANN?
How could you bow down to the WOK cancel culture demands to dropping OANN? They do not lie! The "big lie of the 2020 election" is absolutely true. There is mountains of evidence of the election steal. All the misinformation comes from liberals not conservatives! My husband and I will be