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Unknown message beside recorded program
What does a single circle with a star beside it next to the title of a recorded program mean?
DIRECTV Equipment
Can a stand beside hard drive be moved to another DVR?
Because of the poor performance of our R15 DVR, I'd like to obtain a stand beside hard drive and use it as the major recorder. However no one at DIRECTV can tell me if my recorder goes bad (have had three bad ones in a year), I can move my drive to the replacement DVR, and watch all my recordings?Al
DIRECTV Equipment
Losing the Audience Network is a deal killer for me.
Just letting you guys know that killing the Audience Network has killed our relationship. I don't say this lightly after being a U-verse customer and AT&T stockholder for 15 years. But that channel was one of the very few I enjoyed amongst the droves of incessant, pandering networks of simpleton adv
Watching U-verse TV
Ok that's fine. It's not a killer as I do have an antenna. I just didn't want to think this is a normal issue.
Black screen problem on CBS channel..... Direct TV stream
I just signed up for DTV Stream and I am having problems with an intermittent outage on CBS causing a black screen every few seconds. I've seen this same question from 2-3 years ago on the forums here. Is there a solution for this problem or just something you have to live with? Before I cancel my t
It gave me a choice so I paid $395.94 on September 20th. And it says beside it one time charge.
NFL Package
I thought I paid in full for the NFL package (almost $400) then got billed $69.99 then next month. Called and couldn't get a straight answer for the rep. Anyone else? I am think of cancelling all service as soon as I can.
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Alphabeticla list of channels with numbers AND numberical list of channels with names
How can I print a list of channel names in alphabetical order with the channel number beside them? AND how can I print a list of channel numbers in order with the names beside them?
Watching U-verse TV
Linksys has a killer new EoP unit that has a built in hub. I've used it with a xbox360, Universal Remote PSX2, Bluray player and Directv HR23. Plenty of transfer speed. Then again, I know that I'm on the same electrical leg.
looking for powerline adapter suggestions
I am using older netgear powerline adapters...they just won't cut it for MRV. Is anyone using a Powerline adapter that is working well for MRV? I am tempted to try the Belkin Gigabit HD starter Kit. They claim 1000mbps but of course I doubt that speed can be reached except in perfect conditions...An
DVR won't let me watch shows that are recorded. Get a red sign next to the recordings
Tthis is a constant problem we have with our DVR recordings. When we go to the list the shows are recorded but beside the recordings is a red stop sign that says we cannot access the recording. It very annoying as we have to go to the Genie and unplug all of it and restart the whole system. We pay o
DIRECTV Equipment
TCM for one. Showing the wife how to use the guide and it can up. This is probably a deal killer since it is one of our favorites.
broadcast provider has restricted access to this program
We recently switched to DirecTV Stream. However, we had never before experienced having content blocked with messages such as "the broadcast provider has restricted access to this program." This is so disappointing, especially when waiting to watch something and finding you can't. Saying that the "
Those first wet snows can be a real killer of satellite reception. If you can't easily reach your dish to brush of the snow, try using a Sooper Soaker style squirt gun with warm water to melt the sticky snow. Then, once your reception has returned,
No Signal on all receivers
After a light dusting of snow all of my receivers say searching for signal. We've checked the dish and there is no snow on it and the weather has cleared. We have been without satellite for over 2 hours and the tech support was not any help. Any thoughts? Anyone else having issues?
Help me get the proper cord
I have tried for several weeks to order the proper ac adapter cord for my uverse receiver. I was sent one that I ordered and it did not work. I am so frustrated that no one can order it for me when I call att and no one can help me at a att store. We had a brown out and it fried my power supply. I k
U-verse TV Equipment
One way to tell if a show is in HD is to look at the guide on the HD channels. If the program is in HD the listing will have HD beside it . If the program is not in HD you will not see HD beside the program.
Is HD being provided? It's what I'm paying for
Hi so I noticed that my picture quality is far below par. I researched my tv (1080i); I made sure the receiver was set to HD; and I ran a few stress tests on my tv using both the att program and a couple other private programs. All checked out good to go except that I still was not actually GETTING
Grounding the dish?
OK, I finished my slimline isstall and everything is OK (except for tuner 2 being bad in my HD reciever but that is another story)I have a quad groudning block and that is grounded but I want to stick a grounding rod beside the dish itself and ground it there also just to be safe. I cannot find a pl
DIRECTV Equipment
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
How can I request that UVERSE add channel Me TV?
Watching U-verse TV
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When will be able to watch me tv in Topeka ksKansas?
Watching U-verse TV
Those first wet snows can be a real killer of satellite reception. If you can't easily reach your dish to brush of the snow, try using a Sooper Soaker style squirt gun with warm water to melt the sticky snow. Then, once your reception has returned,
no signal
It is now 10:20 pm est November 29 th and we have had no signal since 7:30 pm est. We have had a skift of snow but no accumulation. Can you tell us if there is any thing we must do to get service again. Will we get our bill pro rated if we don't get service soon? We live near Dayton Oh.
can not play recorded events
when i set an event to be recorded it keeps a pending download notice beside the event. but at the bottom it tells me that this program was recorded earlier. i have talked to tech support & we re-set my connection & it says each time that i am connected. in my playlist it
Watching DIRECTV
Official Solution
The App Store is telling me the U-verse App is retired
When I download the U-verse app from the App Store on my computers it tell’s me that the app is retired and to delete it from the laptop.Looking for help Please Thank you
Watching U-verse TV
Thanx for input, have state of art sound system in our media room already 🙂 Problem is, Music Choice has a killer selection of music videos that I want to organize into playlists. It cannot be done as playlists disapear, for me at least, after a few
10 years ago
to the conversation:
Music Choice Playlist Issues
Hello...not sure if anyone else has had this problem...but everytime my husband and I create a playlist, after going through the A-Z list of videos to save to the deletes it and we have to start all over. How can I retrieve those list? or why is it that the playlist is deleted or lost