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1 Message

Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 3:04 AM


Bring back NewaMax

Did the FBI and DOJ tell Directv to dump NewsMax?    BRING NEWSMAX BACK!

If you want to get rid of lying propaganda FAKE NEWS get rid of MSNBC and CNN,  Nobody watches them anyway.

NEWSMAX , FOX NEWS and FOX BUSINESS NEWS are the only fact base organizations.

No more SHEEP Shows 

ACE - Expert


21.1K Messages

2 years ago

The carriage agreement came up. Apparently the two sides wanted drastically different terms so an a new agreement was not reached by the time the current one ended.

With how long it has been, and that a new conservative network has been announced, it is unlikely (though not impossible) for Newsmax to return. If your life cannot function without the channel, then it is up to you to find another option to view it.

Claiming that "nobody" watches the other channels is quite the bold faced lie. You most likely don't watch them, but there are many others who do. If you trully believe that nobody watches them, well with blinders that thick then your comment could be translated as baahhh....baahhh.....baahhh.


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