

17 Messages

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 9:02 PM

I followed Uverse's instructions and they canceled my account. Not Paying My Bill!

I sold my house in late Feb '15.  I talked to the Transfer people and siad we were buying a new house and to confirm Uverse service was available, and it was.  i told them we are doing extensive renovations to the house and it could be a number of months before we could move in.  That was fine and they told me to pack my equipment and when we mo0ved in to call and they would hook us back up.  I had monthly, and sometime bi-weekly, calls from them checking on our progress.  They even sent a person out to look at the house to see if it was wired properly.  Then shortly after that, I found out ATT had terminated my account and demanded that I return their equipment.  It seems teh people that bought our house requested Uverse service, no doubt due to my recommendation, and they terminated mine, even thjough it was suspended while my new house was under contruction.  The woman I spoke with was rude, and wouldn't let me speak to a supervisor or someone that had any authority.  It sounds like some kind of screwed up ATT system that they can't suspend an account to a new address and still had my old address on the account, even though they knew all along I didn't live there.  They bill my phone top the new address.  I had changed my online address to the new one, but that didn't matter.  What's more rediculous is that ATT told me to store my equipment.  It's locked up in a warehouse in a couple of 20' pods.  I couldn't get it f I wanted to and I don't.  I follwed every step the ATT people told me to.  I told them everything I was doing and how long iot would take.  And out of the clear Blue the terminate my account and charge me like $700 for the equipment.  I'll be glad to return the equipment when i unpack those pods, and I'll be glad to get Comcast TV and Internet.  I'm sorry I bought an ATT cell phone, but those are easy to change.  This is so screwed up that it's almost sureal.  I do what they ask to the letter, and then they blindside me with this.  Valued Customer . . . Yea!  No they treat you like a criminal.  That's AT&T for you.  And, I will not pay that $700.  I'll go to court over it, if nothing more than the principal of the thing.  This is wrong on so many fronts I can't begin to understand it.  I wonder if others have had this same experience?  And, I recommended AT&T to my home buyer.  That makes me look stupid.  And, maybe I was to get involved with AT&T in the first place.  



154 Messages

10 years ago

You couldn't move in to the new house due to months long renovations, and your old house was sold? So where did you live in the meantime? You couldn't transfer your Uverse service and phone bill to where you were living? What's the upside on suspending your Uverse account for months? You should have cancelled service at the old house and started a new account at the new house with new equipment and new promos.

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

10 years ago

@pedrochin wrote:

You couldn't move in to the new house due to months long renovations, and your old house was sold? So where did you live in the meantime? You couldn't transfer your Uverse service and phone bill to where you were living? What's the upside on suspending your Uverse account for months? You should have cancelled service at the old house and started a new account at the new house with new equipment and new promos.


The only "hold" that I know of is a vacation hold (minimum 2 months/maximum 9 months) with a $5 fee per month per service to maintain this hold.


 Voluntary suspension information

Don't mess with old people.  The older we get, the less "Life in Prison" is a deterrent.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



6 Messages

10 years ago

Because you're suspended account was still for your old address, once the new tenants had their service installed there was no where for your account to go except to be cancelled. AT&T will only provide uverse service to a single address. That means in order for the new tenants account to become active yours had to move.

I would have had the uverse installed whilst the house was being wired to protect you and your investment from future technicians just cutting and moving the wires you paid a lot of money for around.

Anywho it's not so bad. With a new account you qualify for promotions that probably save you money.



17 Messages

10 years ago

First where I'm living and how long the renovations take has No bearing on AT&T's bad behavior.  But, if you must know, we put all of our stuff in storage, as previously described, and we are staying with family.  You see, I'm not wealthy enough to buy a new home, pay for the renovations and not have sold my other house, as if that's any of your business. They have TV and Internet and having double service is as silly as it sounds.  I did transfer my account to the new address, as I mentioned earlier, so transferring didn't seem to matter, whether it was at my address or my daughter's.  And, if I were given the option to cancel my service, I surely would have, but as I said in the beginning.  I talked to multiple AT&T persons, and since the service was available at the new location, cancelling was not an option that I was given.  I still had some time left on my contract, and unlike AT&T, I have integrity and I honor my commitments.  I did what I was instructed to do by the people I had a contract with.  If canceling was an option, they should have said so.  If they couldn't suspend my service that long, and I did tell them up front it would be several months at least, before we could occupy the house.  It was a total renovation and we cannot move in until we receive a Certificate of Occupancy from the county.  The equipment is in storage in one of two 20' containers.  It would cost me a small fortune to pay someone to unload them and reload them, but I guess that was my fault for storing my goods instead of filling my daughter's house up with them just so I could get to AT&T's precious equipment, which BTW, I was told to hold on to until my house was done.  So, why is it that you feel this was my fault for doing what AT&T instructed me to do?  I did exactly as they instructed.  I stayed in contact with them throughout the whole time,  Yet, they chose to terminate my account for some idiotic reason, that was never told to me, nor even given any warning.  All I got was a demanding email that said if I didn't return the equipment I would be charged for it, period.  Very nice, you may think, but I took it as rude and insulting.  Now, that said, do you actually have anything constructive to offer, or would you like to blame me, a customer, for the way AT&T runs its business?  I'm always open to constructive criticism, so tell me where I went wrong by doing what AT&T told me to do.  The obvious answer to that is that I went wrong trusting AT&T in the first place.  I welcome comments that may actually, help me solve this problem that AT&T created, not if you just want to criticize and bash, please do it on someone else's thread.  I need help fighting AT&T not this malarkey. You must work for AT&T by the view you took of my predicament.

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

10 years ago

I suppose it's because I'm old that I'm so cynical.  It wouldn't have mattered what I had been told by whom.  I would've done my research, dug for answers and got it in writing.


Is it upsetting that you were misinformed?  Absolutely but let this be learning moment.  My motto: I don't trust anything anyone says until I can independently confirm it. 


Bottom line....find the equment, return it or pay the price.

Don't mess with old people.  The older we get, the less "Life in Prison" is a deterrent.

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.



17 Messages

10 years ago

And, I got that same silly excuse from the AT&T rep when I found out through a rude email, that they wanted their equipment back.  Besides being idiotic, keeping my service at an address I no longer live at is just wrong.  Why is it my fault for not knowing that AT&T, this huge billion dollar communications corporation, can't communicate and properly suspend someone's service like other carriers do.  So, you are saying I should have been paying for the service even though I couldn't use it?  If transferring the service in a suspended state was an option, it was never brought up to me.  I've been honest with them from the beginning.  I've told them my situation and kept them updated.  They even had someone go to the new location a week or so before the termination to be sure it was wired correctly, and still no one said a word about not being able to keep suspending the service.  No one ever suggested that I need to activate the service to ward off termination, though that still wouldn't help the equipment problem of being in storage, when I was specifically  instructed to hold on to it.  And, if they didn't think it would take this long, then they weren't listening, another communications issue, because I told them up front it would be months at the very least.  We didn't even close on the new house for 6 weeks after the offer was accepted, and AT&T knew that.  Since so many people feel I should have known that AT&T cannot disconnect service from an address that I moved from, until it is installed somewhere else, I'm curious how everyone knew this?  It's not very intuitive, more than that, it makes no sense whatsoever, since the suspending process is geared for, get ready . . . "MOVING!"  Check the website on "MOVING" It never says anything about a Suspended Time limit, or someone at your old address wanting service.  Watch their movie, same thing . . . Nada.  So, where are you guys getting all of this information that you seem to think I'm some sort of dunce for not knowing?  And, I had to talk to a Customer Rep because when I tried to do it on line my address wasn't listed in the Uverse Coverage area, but my next door neighbor was.  That's where this all began when I called and talked to an AT&T rep, one of many along the way.  So, if AT&T didn't tell me anything different, explain to me again how I should have known?  You see the whole thing doesn't add up.  I'm "Moving," I don't live there anymore, I'm going to a new place with a new address, and tell me again why it makes sense to leave my service at the old address?  I'm a pretty smart guy, but to trusting for sure, and nothing about that makes sense.  If Moving doesn't mean leaving your previous domicile, why wouldn't you say it?  Why wouldn't the rep tell me the suspension is only good for "X" number of days or until the new owners wanted service?  I'll tell you why, if they were honest in the beginning, I would have terminated the account then, because I could say for sure when I could resume service.  Actually, I was probably too honest in telling them the next door neighbor's address was in the service area, why wasn't mine.  She was ready to terminate my service then when she thought I wasn't in the service area.  Boy, do I look stupid for being honest!  I most likely would have come back to them when we did get into the new home.  So, what were my options at that time?  The only one I was given was keep your equipment and tell them when I could move it, and that's exactly what I did.  Besides choosing AT&T to begin with, what did I do wrong?