

3 Messages

Thursday, July 30th, 2015 1:06 AM

Lousy U-Verse Internet Connection and Billing

I am very disappointed and angry.  I have been a long time AT&T customer. 

I have U-Verse Internet and it is the worst service ever!

I have had continued problems with my internet; it is very slow, it freezes up and I have no service.  I have to restart the modem and the computer.


I called to complain about my service on Tue., July 28th.  I was transferred to an Escalation Agent who was unable to help me because the previous person had not logged out. 

I was assured someone would call me on Wed., July 29th.  Guess what?  I did NOT receive a phone call back!


Adding insult to injury my recent bill increased from $29.99 per month to $47 per month.

I am being billed for MORE for this incrediby LOUSY SERVICE!

AT&T you really suck at customer service!

Customer:  Patricia


[Edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]



1 Message

10 years ago

Omg..its not just you ever since I moved to this place WiFi has been a joke and I don't know why it keeps coming and going all day of especially at the end of the month I'm paying $40 a month don't know for what l am tired of it not working and I can't change service what do If customer Isn't happy



1 Message

10 years ago

Have had lousy u verse service for the past few weeks at my home and my business. I had enough called the technical service and they hung up on me twice. What server are you going to use next? I asked them to send a tech to my business but after the second hangup I have my doubts.



3 Messages

10 years ago

Same here.  I "upgraded" from DSL to UVerse on June 23.  The wire is still running across my lawn.  I even had a guy come out and "look at it" but he wasn't able to bury the wire because that's another department.  What?!?!?!  Why would you send someone out to bury a wire if he can't actually bury the wire?


Oh - and my bill.  I was quoted $142/month for phone/internet/TV.  I just got my first bill - $178.98.  What a joke!  If any other company treated their customers that way, they would be out of business (except Comcast I guess - maybe that's how AT&T gets away with it.  Consumers have to choose between two companies that absolutely suck at customer service)



3 Messages

10 years ago

Keep calling AT&T! 

I keep track of when my service doesn't work and I also call Billing and ask for an adjustment to my bill for non-service.



3 Messages

10 years ago

Keep calling AT&T! 

I keep track of when my service doesn't work and I also call Billing and ask for an adjustment to my bill for non-service.