

12 Messages

Saturday, December 22nd, 2018 3:22 PM

Scripting and automation does not fix problems

On Thursday December 13, 2018 I decided to give ATT U-Verse and Internet a try.  I abandoned decades of using cable and moved to ATT fiber. If you don't want to read further, I'll save you the effort.... making the move was a mistake!


Let me start by saying that ALL employees that have interacted with me have been extremely helpful and professional and should be commended for their patience associated with working with customers and the technology.

That is where it ends...

It has now been 9 days since installation and I/we have not had a full 24 hour period yet where TV and/or Internet service has worked properly.  Add to this the inability to create sub-accounts for family members and access their email accounts without issues, only adds icing to the cake.  Thus far I have been on the phone with ATT at least 5 separate times, had techs at the house 4 times (including once for installation), and had hardware replaced twice after the initial installation.  Thus far the issue(s) have neither been fixed or understood.  As a general statement, I am ok with the fact that there is a technical problem in need of further investigative troubleshooting, however my now mind blowing issue is that ATT just had the audacity to bill me $244.95.  For the moment let's skip the fact that I am being billed for service I have yet to receive.  I was told at the time of signing up that the total bill (tax, tag, and title) would be $155.  I can only hope that ATT isn't going to make claim that there are nearly $100 is startup costs.  But let's get back to the point about billing.  ATT is clearly aware that my service has yet to be provided in a useful manner because I have had techs schedule to be at my house every other day since installation (including again this Sunday, just before Christmas).  It seems to me that someone at ATT would have the sense to suspend billing until we all agree that service has been properly provided.

Now you're probably asking, why are you posting this on the Forum and not calling Customer Service about your bill and the overall issue.  Well, let me answer that.  First, according to the ATT web site it clearly states that Customer Service is available, yet the endless automation when calling is claiming that Cus Srvc is closed.  Hmmm.  It is currently (as of the last call attempt) 10am Saturday Dec 22.  Here is the web site text:

U-verse® TV customer service
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. local time
Saturday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. local time

Last time I learned how to tell time, 10am was after 8am and earlier than 5pm.  Yet the broken automated calling system claims they are closed and hangs up on me.  So contacting them today seems out of the question.  Here's the bigger issue.  The bill I just received claims to be due on Jan 6.  Given the holiday week, that doesn't offer much time to sort this out before it is due.  AND since I was pressured into AutoPay, I suspect they will just take my money from me and I will have to blow a space ship gasket to be refunded or consider legal action for all my wasted time, loss of wages having to be available for techs to work at my home, and having to drop my old service and determine how to restore it without yet even more cost.

Needless to say, I am clearly not a happy customer nor do I see happiness on the horizon.



7 Messages

6 years ago

You & I are in the same boat. We Bundled too on Tuesday 12/18. When the installer left a 4 pm EDT, TV worked fine; watched until 1 am. Got up Wed. NO TV. Screen FROZEN ON " U-verse is not available now. Please try again later". Installer won't return calls or text messages, Field rep won't either. U.S phone reps dump me off to support staff in India or Shri Lanka & that's useless as well. Cancel your AutoPay as I am going to do & see if that gets a response.

Community Support


254.9K Messages

6 years ago

Hello @WooWoo60
To fully assist with this issue further, we will need to look over your account in more detail.

I am sending you a private message (PM) to help in this matter. Please check your forums private messages by clicking the Forums Inbox. Locate the PM from ATTCares and reply to my message with your specific account details.

I look forward to your response and the opportunity to help you!

Charles, AT&T Community Specialist



12 Messages

6 years ago

It’s a pity that these big companies will do anything to rope a customer in, even it it means not delivering on their promise.  Keep in mind I’m less interested in their promises of what they’ll do after they get me in and more interested in whether or not they’ll deliver the product/service in the first place.  These days you just have to expect false claims, exaggerated stats, and overall misleading marketing with micro-fine print.  


What a sin in that we’ve (consumers) have allowed this to happen.  Like I always say, if enough consumers would just stop paying/buying that we we know is overrated/overpriced companies would be forced to revisit their pricing.  Same is true of employees and what we allow employers to do, but that’s another topic all together.  


Good luck @WooWoo60




12 Messages

6 years ago

Finally!  Today is 15 days since my leaving cable and moving to ATT U-verse.  Last night until now (as I post this) was the first 24 hour period without a failure.  Hopefully I’ll make it through the New Year celebrations without issue.  My only outstanding issue is the poor WiFi range on the modems ATT uses.  I wish they had external antenna ports so I could extend it out of the closet and into a more central space.  


Also to report is that ATT customer service took care of me and credited my account.  Thank you ATT for making things right.  Hopefully we’ll have a long run together.