2 Messages
I am tired of the run around the world "I'm sorry..." that I get when I call ATT
I have been sent around the world (it against ATT policy to disclose country of origin as if they are in a secret undisclosed location with Vice President Cheney) wirh the I am sorry routine. I have been missused, microarrgesses and meet with condecention. I am finally feed up and requested someone to whom I could file a complaint and all I got was a run around and telling me a tech was not available over and over even when I informed them that I wanted to file a grievence. Is it ATT's usual routine to shuttle people around from continent to continent "secretly" until the person gets frustrated? I have had a stoke and told them intially that stressors had a negative effect. I do not appreciate, being a disable person, to such informed aggression and agitation. I do not expect ATT respond unless someone overseas happens to be free to just agress me further. Sorry, the monitor will not let me use D*ck Cheney's name. Sorry
4.3K Messages
9 years ago
Yup that's our infantile word cop looking not to upset or offend anyone, polictical correctness, bah humbug.
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Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more
1.9K Messages
9 years ago
Sorry to tell you, but customer service people at att are masters at "runaround" (exceptional at taking your money though) good luck!
2 Messages
9 years ago
So your suggestion is to time my service outages to coincide with "Business hours"? Funny how my service tends to go out at night or on weekends more routinely then hour "business hours". This is just another "run around" answer.