50 Messages
Most updated U-verse dvr and router
I am receiving new U-verse equipment and wondering what DVR and router are the most up to date models?
50 Messages
I am receiving new U-verse equipment and wondering what DVR and router are the most up to date models?
19 Messages
6 years ago
Does At&t sell routers and I'd modems for internet that would have to have at least 4 ports including the port for internet access?
Community Support
254.9K Messages
6 years ago
Hello there @PhillipStone06
AT&T does not sell routers or modems to own, instead there is a $7/month Equipment Fee for all AT&T Internet customers.
If you have any other questions for us, we'd be happy to help!
Alexander, AT&T Community Specialist
19 Messages
6 years ago
Ok but about a month or so ago I had went on there webpage and saw there router/modem for like $100?
19 Messages
6 years ago
What is the $7 a month fee for? Does that include for me to upgrade to a diffrent router/modem in order for their internet to work?
Also why didn't anyone say as to my question and or question's as to that if I wanted to go out and buy a diffrent type of router/modem/gateway in order to connect to the At&t internet? That the newest router/modem/gateway would need to be connected by a usb to the router/modem/gateway that I had origianl got from At&t as in the wireess router that I currrently have now? I had read yesterday as to if I wanted to buy a tottally diffrent router/modem/gateway that the new type of router/modem/gateway would it need to be connected by usb to the wireless router that I have now in order for the new router to work?
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
6 years ago
Bottom line: AT&T service requires the use of leased ($7 mnth) AT&T equipment. You can purchase a third party router and place it BEHIND the AT&T equipment if there is something you are trying to accomplish (timer/parental control/security). Instructions on how to do that are readily available.
But can you eliminate the AT&T gateway and the required lease fee? No.
NOW....all of that being said, it is my understanding that there are some small areas that are still DSL and those few had their own routers and can continue to have them. But they are the exception and not the rule.
You seem to be saying that you currently have an AT&T modem or did I read that wrong?
19 Messages
6 years ago
Yes I do currently have a At&t modem but from what I was told when the technician had installed the router for me at the time that I had went with At&t that it'snot a modem that I currrently have it is a wireless router. Also you had mentioned on you're answer? That if I decided to get a diffrent router/gateway that I would need to put the new router/gateway behind the current router that I have now what exactly did you mean by putting the router/gateway Behind the current router? To exlain that to me and also how would I connecct the new router/gateway to my current router so that I can get an extended range on connecting my game systems and 4k smart tv to the router as far as being wireless to them the place where the router is I can't get it close enough as to what I had read online as far as being them wirelessely.
19 Messages
6 years ago
Also just so that you would understand as to what I had mentioned before? That I would rather have my gaming systems and 4k smart tv to be wireless rather than having all those wires running around and being that the current router I have it doesn't have any other ports on it other than the Ethernet port that connects to my desktop? So that's why I have been looking to see if that At&t and or somewhere else like would have a router/gateway that does have atleast 4 - 5 ports on including the Ethernet port.
3.6K Messages
6 years ago
If you want to add more ethernet ports to a router with a limited number of ethernet ports of its own then use a (unmanaged) gigabit ethernet switch, for example a NETGEAR GS105NA.or some other brand. Most come as different models with different numbers of ports to suit your needs.
And just to be clear here to avoid problems connecting your own router behind the att gateway use it only for internet traffic and wifi. Unless you want to make life complicated keep any att uverse tv equipment (dvr, wired receivers, wireless receiver's WAP) directly connected to the att gateway's ethernet ports. Otherwise you need to contend with IPTV multicast traffic and managed gigabit ethernet switches.
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
6 years ago
In the simplest of terms: You can ADD a router/mode behind the AT&T leased equipment. You cannot REPLACE the AT&T leased equipment.
Add? Yes
Replace? No
Community Support
254.9K Messages
6 years ago
Hello @PhillipStone06, in regards to what @_xyzzy_ and @skeeterintexas have said, you can add a router behind the AT&T leased equipment, but you cannot replace it. We have a post that you can learn more about in regards to 3rd party equipment.
Mihai AT&T Community Specialist
19 Messages
6 years ago
Okay thank you for the help and I knew I couldn't replace the 2Wire Wireless Router that I currently have, but I'm in the process of trying to decide if I want to see about getting a newer router/modem to go with the current router that I have now. In order for me to connect to the new router/modem to both of my gaming systems and to my 4K Smart tv. And or to buy and or to order a unmanaged switch that has atleast 5-8 port's on it and or to buy a new router/modem but that only has 4 port's on it plus the Ethernet port. Also what exactly do you mean by placing the new router/modem behind my current router? If you can explain this to me I would appreciate it.
Thank you.