

75 Messages

Sunday, April 7th, 2013 2:53 PM

Positive Customer Service Experience

With all the negative posts that occur here, I am happy to be able to report another good experience.  My DVR would not play recorded shows 2 nights ago, and I tried rebooting twice, with the result of a page load failure.  I called TS and the rep was very thorough and helpful.  His line tests indicated that my DVR was failing and he arranged a service call the next day to replace it at no charge.  He also gave me (without being asked) a 1 year long monthly account credit for any inconvenience.  The only glitch was that the appointment was scheduled for 4-8pm (I would normally ask for an 8am slot but I had to work) and the tech was delayed, so it had to be rescheduled for this morning 8-12.  The tech called before arriving, came by 9 am and upgraded me to a VIP2250 from my old VIP1225 with no questions asked.  He tested all the functions before he left, and I am up and running again.  So for whatever it's worth, the service is typically good, and the problems reported are the exception rather than ther rule.



Accepted Solution

Official Solution



75 Messages

12 years ago

Well, the tech has been here and he found a very simple solution.  He changed the TV-DVR connection to HDMI instead of component and the 16:9 ratio was restored.  So the new 2250 is not defective, but apparently the TV "sees" it differently than the old 1225 (which was connected by component).  So all is well in docbombayland once again!





4.3K Messages

12 years ago

Doc, great to report a very successful TS episode to fight off the naysayers that get the opposite results. Smiley Very Happy



Please NO SD stretch-o-vision or 480 SD HD Channels
Need Help? 1-800-288-2020, After he gets acct info, press # a bunch of times, get a menu from Mr. Voice recognition
Your Results May Vary, In My Humble Opinion
I Call It Like I See It, Simply a U-verse user, nothing more



93 Messages

12 years ago

Always good to hear! Nothing but good experiences for me as well. Too many people post the negatives in life, it's just human nature.

By the way, how's the 2250 working for you?



394 Messages

12 years ago

Thanks for the positive post Doc.



75 Messages

12 years ago

The 2250 is working very well.  However, I cannot get a 16:9 aspect ratio, only 4:3.  The picture is fine, however--no bars. I've checked and reset the aspect ratio to 1080i HD in settings, but I think it's the TV that somehow has been affected.  I found this thread but I'm a little leary of resetting my TV--being low tech, I'm not sure I'd ever get all the settings back in place.  Any ideas?  Otherwise, I'll get brave and try the reset.





3.2K Messages

12 years ago

Doc - You probably are doing this right - but just to be absolutely sure - You know when you do the test on the aspect ratio you have to move the selection to accept new aspect? If you do not move it does not change. It is the backwards Microsoft philosophy to expect that what you are trying to do is not correct.

It should be easy to do the same on the TV. If you post your TV modelI I will look it up & make a suggestion.



75 Messages

12 years ago

aviewer--I just double checked and tried aspect ratio settings again through the system options menu, and still get 4:3. My TV model is SonyKDL-46W3000.   My TV screen settings are currently Wide Mode=Full; Auto Wide=On; and 4:3 Default=Off.  If I am understanding the manual correctly, these settings should result in a 16:9 ratio.  Thanks for any light you can shed.





3.2K Messages

12 years ago

Doc - I think I have never seen anything more confusing. It does appear that they have three functions that do the same thing - one manual (wide mode) & two automatic. (auto wide & 4:3 Default). Based on that I would change Auto wide to off. That would give Wide mode=full control.

There is another complexity - Does the U-verse setting to 16:9 mask any 4:3 content within. That is if you set u-verse to 16:9 and the original broadcast picture is 4:3, can the TV detect it and fill the screen. Same goes for SD channels below 1000.

Looks like the 4:3 default channel/input specific. Maybe even goes away when you come back to the channel.

Maybe it would be best to change the TV settings via the menu instead of the multiple pushes of the wide button.

Are you expecting every picture 16:9 or some 16:9 and other 4:3 based on original content?

I believe you are connected HDMI or component and taking about chans 1000+.

You could call SONY to see if they can explain their settings.

Hope I did not make things worse.



75 Messages

12 years ago

I am also completely confused.  Before the 2250, I believe the display always indicated 16:9 and any 4:3 content filled the screen.  Now, with the 2250, the display always shows 4:3--HD channels, though, seem to appear normal.  With the U-verse zoom set to stretch, the SD channels fill the screen.  There is no specific 16:9 setting per se--on U-verse it is 1080i HD; on the Sony TV, it seems to be wide mode=full.  And this is how both are set.  When the 2250 was installed, there were absolutely no changes made to the TV settings; so I cannot figure out how the TV display always indicates 4:3.  I tried auto wide=off with no change.  My connection is component.  You definitely have not made things worse, but if an expert such as yourself is confused, I have little hope.  I'll keep you posted if I find anything out.  Thanks for the info, though.





3.2K Messages

12 years ago

doc- Can you check the three component connections? Make sure the labels are the same on the TV and the STB for each cable.


More thoughts - you say the TV displays a 4:3 setting but HD pictures look right. If the picture is correct is there a problem? If the TV is seeing a 4:3 signal (and making it fill the screen) How about rebooting the 2250?



75 Messages

12 years ago

1.  Yes, the component connections are correct.

2.  Already tried rebooting twice.





3.2K Messages

12 years ago

doc - Do you have another STB to try with the Sony to see if it is the TV or the DVR? If the other STB works correctly you may want to ask for a replacement DVR before you rack up too many recordings.

Or, if the other TV is not widescreen move the DVR to that TV



75 Messages

12 years ago

Update--Although I was too lazy to move the entertainment center and switch boxes, I did try a TV reboot as another poster suggested--it was easier to do than I imagined, but was also unsuccessful.  So, I called TS today and the rep (again, very thorough) tried to reset the box remotely but could not--so I have another tech visit for tomorrow morning to get yet another new DVR.  Although aviewer's experiment would have been good, I am fairly convinced that the problem lies in the new DVR since the STB TVs display the correct aspect ratio, and the problem began only after the new box was installed.  I still consider the customer service experience good in that AT&T is doing everything within reason to rectify the issue.  





75 Messages

12 years ago

Just thought I'd add a P.S. to my positive experience.  When I got my most recent bill, AT&T had added two $99 charges for the tech visit.  I called billing and the charges were removed with no argument whatsoever, since the connection needed to be changed for the equipment to work properly.  The credit was reflected within 24 hours in my online account.  I realize there are many who have had problems with billing errors and in their correction, but I like to report the positive when possible just to show that customer service is not always bad--in fact, it's usually very good in my experience.


docbombaySmiley Happy



2 Messages

10 years ago

I must say that I have had exceptional customer service as well every time I've called