

6 Messages

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 6:01 AM

Total home DVR Phase 2

i just got an Update to my boxes and I can erase and schedule recordings to the DVR from my back bedroom Hooray



2 Messages

16 years ago

@IndyBart wrote:

Still waiting patiently for Phase II on the Northeast side of Indianapolis!!!  (But it's wearing thin listening to all you guys who have it)




Hang in there Indybart.  I got it here in Greenwood last night.  I'll bet you get it tonight or tomorrow night at the latest.



1 Message

16 years ago

Got phase 2 update in Oklahoma City last night.  I like the new color scheme and guide.



3 Messages

16 years ago

North Natomas area in Sacramento (95835) received the update Sunday 6/30 night.  System settings confirms that I have Phase 2.  But, my MENU does not show the option to turn on surround sound.  So, I no longer have surround sound Dolby 5.1 from the optical out.  Tier 2 support sent out a tech person to my house for Thurs 7/2.  They said they may need to replace my stb.


Another post said they had to wait 6 DAYS to see the MENU changes.  I wonder if ATT even knows if I have a problem or not.  Maybe I should wait a few more days to see if the MENU magically appears?  Or, since my system settings shows the 25075.1 change I do have a problem if my MENU doesn't give me an option to turn on surround sound?





133 Messages

16 years ago

The Sacramento area should finish tomorrow if your menu has not shown up by tomorrow call support.
*I am a DIRECTV employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent DIRECTV's position, strategies or opinions.



19 Messages

16 years ago

@PowerCycle wrote:

@zerauso wrote:
Got the 5.1 surround sound update today a day later but no Mediashare beta.....


They launched something call U-verse Media Share (UMP) for areas being served by Austin and San Antonio VHOs... Im not sure why only few people are reporting having it.


So what about the rest of us? Do you know if they are planning on releasing this nationally? I am in CT and have been waiting patiently for this as the music channels they provide are pretty bad.....



6 Messages

16 years ago

Does anyone know when the Cleveland, ohio area will get the update???



1 Message

16 years ago

Phase II arrived in Fishers, IN yesterday.



4 Messages

16 years ago

Still not in Houston.  And we thought it was supposed to be completed here by today.  Oh, well.....



3 Messages

16 years ago

DVR and STB's updated with Phase2 last night here in Conway, Arkansas - part of Little Rock Market



39 Messages

16 years ago

I'm here in the Detroit area and still no update. With everybody else on the board from this area who already got it, I thought sure that last night it would've come and it didn't. Funny how it jumps around, skipping this house but, going to the house a few doors down or whatever.



242 Messages

16 years ago

It's like a tornado. :smileysad:

JamesTheName wrote:
I'm here in the Detroit area and still no update. With everybody else on the board from this area who already got it, I thought sure that last night it would've come and it didn't. Funny how it jumps around, skipping this house but, going to the house a few doors down or whatever.




19 Messages

16 years ago

63141 (St Louis) the update 7/1


Does 5.1 over HDMI now work with motorola boxes?




20 Messages

16 years ago

5.1 does not work for me on my Moto box. I received the update, and have the digital audio set to surround, but nothing comes out of the hdtv. I also have my TV hooked up with component and it works there but I do not think 5.1 DD works unless I turn on my home theater system. Others in this form wrote that there is a hot fix that AT&T releases a few days after the upgrade gets done. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I've been rebooting both the RG & Moto box. Nothing seems to be working in 5.1. I also will add that I never received the update screen. Never had the gears spinning.  Phase II  was just there when I woke in the morning.  I guess that it automatically updated during the night. I  have all the new phase II looks and menus. Waiting for 5.1 DD. Oh by the way the new phase did kill my optical audio out. :smileysad::smileysad:



20 Messages

16 years ago

Forgot to add. day 3 of new update phase II. Still not hotfix for 5.1DD through HDMI



10 Messages

16 years ago

@Rickjames wrote:
Does anyone know when the Cleveland, ohio area will get the update???
Yeh and since its the fourth of July week I can't believe lower Canada (Michigan) got it before us. :smileywink: