404 Messages
U-Verse DVR series scheduled recordings are not functioning
Something is wrong with the way series scheduled recordings are working. Today is 4/18/2022 and my scheduled recordings are only going through 4/20/2022. The guide is pulling listings properly, since if I go to guide I can see listings until 8:00pm 4/30/22 and it shows just a few second ago having updated listings.
If I set a recording manually for 4/29/2022 it also appears as normal. I can see accurate listings for new episodes for series set to only new episodes and old and new episodes for series for series set to tape all episodes, in the normal listings over the next week. So clearly the 2 systems aren't talking to each other correctly. It also appears the same for recorded and scheduled without future series recordings past 4/20 in the uverse app on android phone. So DVR is still feeding data back to server and is up to date.
I tried rebooting gateway & DVR & set top boxes and that didn't do anything to fix it.
Without series recordings my uverse tv is going to be a pain to schedule everything manually and then if it suddenly starts working again it'll be stuck with weird double recordings and conflicts.
Anyone got any ideas how to fix this?
I forgot to mention it also has another odd problem that started at the same time, where it shows a series recording set to tape later today at a random time that the show doesn't air at, the picture is a show I have programmed as a series recording, but the title and description are what is actually on that channel at that time.
43 Messages
3 years ago
I’ll never switch to direct tv or any satellite tv. Like @kathymalloy10 said I’ll go to Comcast before I would do that.
404 Messages
3 years ago
They are suggesting we move to any tv service that doesn't involve them having to fix uverse tv. Directtv stream (I don't suggest it) , directtv satellite, Comcast xfinity, they could really care less as long as we stop bothering them lol.
404 Messages
3 years ago
@denirose I 100% agree with everything you said. Although I will admit my main worry with going to satellite is it not functioning when it rains, according to Kevin Smith which as with everything from an at&t employee I take with a grain of salt, you are able to watch dvr recordings on directtv even during an outage, which yo be fair would be an improvement over uverse tv, where if you don't have an active internet connection fully functioning blocks you from watching your local previously saved dvr recordings. But again I'm not 100% convinced that's true on directtv.
43 Messages
3 years ago
@ATTHelp Getting discouraged. I would like a partial refund on my monthly service since you don’t have a working DVR system. (Note: you are charging me for service that includes whole house DVR.) It hasn’t been functioning for a month.
And what about case number #12859827? I was told by @ATTHelp “Since this is a known issue for more than one customer it has been recently escalated.”
404 Messages
3 years ago
So I'm lowering my outlook an at&t even ever attempting to solve this issue.
I haven't managed to make contact with Wesley from twitter since I started speaking with Kevin Smith from corporate. Kevin Smith spoke to "John" who is Wesley's boss. At the time I spoke with Kevin Smith a few days ago he told me that he was waiting to hear what John's team had done so far and where the were at. When I reached out to John, all he would say was oh now that the office of the president (Kevin Smith) is helping you, I can't help anymore and you have to deal with them. It's the same frustrating pass the buck and do nothing (Edited per community guidelines) that at&t always pulls. So contacting corporate may have actually made things even less likely to get solved.
The worst part is after all this it's not like they can't fix it. They literally have NOT tried to fix it yet and have no intention of trying.
Kevin Smith should be back in office tomorrow and I'll give him another call and see where we stand but so far his answer has been "I don't expect this issue to be resolved to your liking".
For now I'm using the workaround, luckily most tv is almost done for this year so summer is a good time to switch providers.
I started looking into comcast, but their 1st line sales/customer support is just as bad, just trying to get answers about how their current DVR system works and what their upload speeds are. But I think if I go with signing contract pricing I should end up with faster internet speeds and less tv channels for roughly the same price as what I'm used to paying, even in year 2/3. Those x1 box rental fees are killer though. The cloud dvr is a nice bonus though.
I'm not sure how much they are going to want for me to rewire my entire house with coaxial, stupid AT&T workmen over the years cut almost all my coaxial lines when switching to cat 5 even though I asked them to drill new holes and run it separately and leave coax in place. I'm hoping I can get them to waive some install fees or cable wiring fees to gain a new customer.
Interestingly my neighborhood used to be almost all at&t customers a few years ago and when I walked around recently I noticed a lot of cut at&t wires from the poles to the houses, and a lot of comcast cables still connected. I think at&t gave up on my neighborhood.
43 Messages
3 years ago
@madmax988 So discouraging and so frustrating to know they can fix it but aren’t even trying. Is there something else anyone can do? I can go back to Twitter and keep raising the issue via DM. Sadly they don’t care if they lose a few customers over this. Do you think it’s possible this issue only affects a small handful of people? Aren’t others calling this in? They still aren’t referring to this as a “known issue.” Hard to believe.
I am looking into switching providers as well but no one else has the sports channel package I want. I guess I’ll say goodbye to my channels and Uverse after baseball season ends assuming they haven’t fixed it by then. You know, of course, you don’t have to bundle your services. I have always had different providers for tv and internet and I think it gives me more freedom. You can still get the promo pricing. Also, I own my modem for internet and don’t rent Comcast’s expensive equipment (but maybe you have to for cable). Finally, I don’t think they’ll make you pay for wiring installation as a new customer. Sounds like you’d do better making the switch. AT&T is not giving you much incentive to stay.
As always let us know of any news.
404 Messages
3 years ago
@denirose I'll see what Kevin Smith says tomorrow but it's not looking good. I tries writing emails to random email addresses for executives but Kevin Smith says those just go straight to executive customer care team which is his team. You could try writing your own letters to corporate using the link I provided. I will say I did end up getting someone who gave me their direct line cellphone and has answered when I have I called. If only he could contact the correct people to actually get it fixed. They keep acting like we are asking them for updates and new features on an old product. When all we want is a bug fixed on a product that literally should never change since the software hasn't been updated since 2016. Maybe if more than one of us bothers them one of us will get lucky and get someone who cares or causes a big enough stir it's worth their time to actually look into it. I'd post his cell # but he asked me not to post it on forums and there's no way to dm here anymore.
Speaking of direct messages... the atthelp team stopped responding on may 3rd and today it notified me my direct message is closed. Seems like they are trying to close our help ticket on all platforms in hopes we will go away.
The only other thing to try I can think of is looking through linked in and contacting random employees who might work for a technical/engineering team. We've tried going from the bottom up (starting at tier1) and from the top down (corporate executive customer care) but really all writing want is 1 person in the middle who is high enough to actually be allowed to touch the software.
404 Messages
3 years ago
@ATTHelp thanks for not even having the courtesy to respond or say goodbye or end our dm conversation in anyway and instead just closing the dm ticket as if anything was solved. Always thinking about customer service right?
46 Messages
3 years ago
Hi all,
My scheduled recordings list has been restored, and my first recording occurred Friday night at 8:00 PM.
43 Messages
3 years ago
@ethanedwards Wow! Great news. Congratulations. Maybe there’s hope for the rest of us.
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3 years ago
@ethanedwards @madmax988 @Flirtykumquat143 @marchem @gr8sho @kathymalloy10
I can’t believe it. My recordings are back too! After @ethanedwards posted I checked mine. It went from 50 or 60 scheduled recordings to 192. Now all I have to do is fix all the series settings I’ve messed with for the last month. Thanks everyone for adding your voice and efforts. Especially @madmax988
who started the thread and was all over this. I learned a lot about how to navigate the messy frustrating world of tech support.
404 Messages
3 years ago
Yep I just checked mine and it seems to be fixed as well. Kevin Smith called me earlier but I missed it. I have a call into him now. Hopefully when he returns my call and I talk to him, he might be able to tell us what caused this and how they fixed it in case it happens again. Hopefully as well it's actually fixed permanently and they didn't just force a manual 1 time update. We will find out tomorrow when the guide updates through 5/28. But I'm extremely optimistic now, just the fact that somebody did anything. Also the related issue where sometimes the shows I had done the workaround for didn't have the red recording dot icons in the guide and other weirdness so far seems to be gone, which is promising.
43 Messages
3 years ago
Please let us know what Kevin says. You’re right- we won’t know for sure if it’s only a one time manual update until we see if it holds. But in the meantime I’m really delighted to see my recordings again!
I also updated my Nextdoor post and one person let me know hers is back as well. I also plan to ask for a credit. I’ll post here if I have any success.
404 Messages
3 years ago
I would definitely ask customer retention/loyalty for a credit for the entire time you were all having problems. They also tend to be much more willing to give 1 time credits then monthly discounts, especially when there's a known issue reported on your account.
So I spoke with Kevin again yesterday. He didn't have any details he was really willing to share. He had told me he was going to contact a VP of something who works in uverse maybe uverse tv division, maybe some sort of engineering. (again at&t loves to not share, because everything is "proprietary" to be fair he probably was afraid if he told me the guy's name I'd find him on the internet and e-mail him directly, lol. ) When I spoke to him yesterday, he said the VP's team was already aware of the issue from all the stuff we did to raise issue, but within 24 hours of him contacting that VP the problem was suddenly magically solved. So I'm guessing that's not a coincidence and at the very least that moved the bug to the top of the queue (I doubt the VP himself was fixing it directly). Again my guess is the bug was something incredibly minor once the right person was looking at the problem.
I wish I had paid better attention yesterday to my scheduled recordings when it was first fixed, but sadly I had not. So it'll be another day or 2 before I notice if recordings are being scheduled automatically, since I didn't have any shows that run on Saturday 5/28 during day, and I couldn't remember if the Friday 5/27 shows that are set were already there when they fixed it or not. But if anything shows up on 5/28 after 8pm or 5/29 I'll know in a day or 2. With so many shows hitting their finales this time of year its a bit tricky to know what should be set or not.
But so far as far as I can tell it's fixed. Hopefully this ridiculous journey at&t sent us on is finally over.
43 Messages
3 years ago
I’m out of town so I checked the Uverse mobile app. Lots of my scheduled recordings (even ones I was sure were scheduled just before I left Saturday) are not there. These weren’t far down the two weeks. These were for Sunday and Monday! I tried to schedule them now using the app, and it repeatedly Failed to Schedule. Other series were scheduled five days a week till May 28. Don’t know what’s going on. I’ll try to see what’s there when I get back Tuesday. 🙄