

14 Messages

Friday, December 16th, 2016 11:45 PM

Uverse TV freezing up ever few minutes and losing service !

My Uverse service has been working good.  Then AT&T came and done some work on the line outside in the alley.  Well after they done the work, my TV started freezing every few minutes and losing service sometimes.  A repair man came and said it was the line outside, he replace my service line.  Soon after he left the TV started freezing up and losing service sometimes.  I called him and he said he could come, to call the AT&T service center and order a new DVR.  They will come in the morning, but I don't think that is the problem, The phone and internet works ok, it just the freezing of the TV.   It seem anytime AT&T working on the line outside, I always have provblems.  They are sending a serviceman in the morning to replace the DVR.    Has anyone else had this problem ?

Accepted Solution

Official Solution



14 Messages

8 years ago

A Uverse Tech arrived this morning and replaced the wires inside my home and it fixed my TV freezing problem.  

ACE - Expert


36.9K Messages

8 years ago

All of your U-verse services, Internet, TV and if you have U-verse Voice VOIP server, that too, are all carried over the same pair (or pairs) of wire.  TV may have a visible issue because it may place the highest demands on your connection.

Two things you can do to confirm:

1) Go to http://ufix.att.com and let the Troubleshoot and Resolve tool take a look and see, and

2) Go to , click on the broadband tab and look around for the table with sync rates, attenuation, SNR and error counts.  Make a screenshot of that table and paste it into a reply to this thread and we'll help interpret it for you.




14 Messages

8 years ago

The freezing of the TV get worse during the evening and night.  It also loses the service 3 times.  My service was working good until, they worked on the main at&t line.  



9 Messages

8 years ago

Hello - is anyone else experiencing a 2-5 minute service disruption a few times per week whereby TV and internet stop working?  I've been having this problem for no less than 6 months now.  The TV signal will go out and I get a generic "the Uverse signal has been lost" screen on the TV.  The gateway/wifi goes offline and isn't visible on my computer's list of networks.  After a few minutes, the service reconnects on its own and works again.  There's no pattern to this (such as time of day, etc.) that I've been able to see.  It seems random.  


I've contacted tech support and customer service; I've had software resets, modem updates, hardware resets, and a technician came to my house and made corrections to what he said was clear misconfiguration of lines on the utility pole.  Each time the person I'm working with tells me they found the problem, however it continues to happen.  Although, the frequency of the issue seems to have decreased since the exterior line adjustment.  I've logged HOURS of phone calls, online chats, and sitting around my house in 4-hr blocks waiting for on-site assistance.  The saddest part is each time I call, the AT&T reps treat this as if this is the first time I've called; the last handful of times I've called I've specifically ask that notes be left in my account about recurring service disruption so that this isn't a totally foreign subject to the next rep if I have to call back again.  But that's clearly just wasting both of our time because the notes aren't getting input anywhere.


But back to the subject of this post... has anyone else experienced a recurring service disuption in TV and internet that ultimatley corrects itself after a few minutes?  If so, did yours get fixed and do you recall being told what specifically the issue was?



3 Messages

8 years ago

I had a similar issue.  It was caused because I was using a Dynex switch.  It isn't compatible with Uverse and was causing constant ip address issues.  The system would reboot to get new ip addresses.  Had to replace it with a compatible brand and no more problems with the internet rebooting.



1 Message

8 years ago

I been having the problem for a long time now and just haven't had the time to call ATT on this also because it's random when it happens that I know how it goes when you talk to tech and try to explain something thats happening when it's not at the time they are here.  They look at me as if I'm crazy especailly since I am not tech savy with using the proper names for the equipment and what is going on.  It's so frustrating bc I feel we pay more than enough to get perfect service.  I usually switch over to Netflix or Amazon Fire stick when picture freezes or goes in and out but then eventually the internet goes out and get the error message or constantly buffering.  It can't be bc too many devices using the internet bc this happens when most are out of the house.  I wonder what kind of deal I can get to switch back to Cox after 4 years with ATT?



1 Message

8 years ago

Me, too.

My U-verse freezes for minutes at a time several times, and then reboots.  The power light on the box flashes and nothing happens.

The TV screen has the error message:  "No signal.  Check the external input or try a different input."  It stays there for a while, the power light keeps flashing

Then, the big U-verse symbol and name show up with a circle twirling on the bottom right corner.  It does it for a while, then it goes away, and the error message comes up, again, with the power button flashing on the box.  I can't tell you how many times this has happened tonight, alone.

I've also had the system reboot at the most absurd times of day.  Last night it was at 9:50, and this morning when I turned it on.

On top of that our "controller" doesn't work right anymore.  The only buttons that work are the numbers (to input a channel), channel up/down and volume up/down.  I wanted to order a new one and the website says "Sold Out Online."  Isn't that just great?  As an added little aggravation, when service finally started to work again last night Close Captioning was on, too and I can't turn it off.

OK, so in the time it took me to write the above, the rebooting has finished and this time I have "U-verse On Demand" displayed on the screen.  The instructions are "Press OK for "U-verse On Demand""  It would be nice if I could, but as mentioned, the controller's OK button doesn't work.  I can type in a channel.  What happens then?  I can watch tv for about 5 minutes and the freezing starts again.  Yes - there is goes.

Repeat, Repeat.

Same thing happened a few weeks ago and I have no idea what corrected it.

This is ridiculous.

If I didn't absolutely despise Comcast I would switch back.



9 Messages

8 years ago

I posted a similar issue several days back but think that thread may have been eliminated/consolidated into this one due to similarity, hence I'll share an update here for others to see.


On Dec 23, I had a technician come to my house (I live in Indiana).  He indicated the intermittent loss of television and internet signal is a KNOWN issue.  He stated it's affecting many people in the Midwest and that it's in fact happening at his house too.  The issue, he says, is a defective piece of hardware in one of several AT&T computers that customer gateways connect to.  He said the necessary work to address the issue has been ordered/scheduled and that completion is targetted for end of January.  He also said that AT&T's tech support call center has been informed of the problem and he's not sure why they do not notify callers of this when they report the problem.


Obviously I have no idea whether anything he told me was true, but he was a very nice guy and seemed genuine in his conversation with me.  He also swapped out my gateway and told me the one the installer used (only 7 months ago, by the way) was not appropriate for the services I had.


I have not experienced a service disruption in the past 6 evenings since the gateway was replaced - which is definitely a longer stretch than I had been putting up with - however I'm not sure there's been enough time to conclude whether the gateway replacement itself has mitigated the problem or if it's just a coincidence. 



14 Messages

8 years ago

Yeah, I don't know why AT&T doesn't notify you when the problem is with their system.  



15 Messages

8 years ago

I have been led to the fact I added an extra 50' of cable to move the set up to another floor.  Searching on google the answer might be add an amplifier to the line. Just like with the old cable system from "c--cast.  I am still investigating this idea.



1 Message

8 years ago

warching channel or movie screen freezes and often requires reboot 



1 Message

8 years ago

This happening to me in California.

Trouble shoot was no help as it only told me to do the things I already know to do. cheek lines, restart reciever, reboot router. Duh.

Then it sugested I look here.

Here just seems like a place to share our misery. it froze again, sixth time tonight, got the ATT screen then the loading three dots, then the on demand channel, went to change it and got the lost signal message.

now it's loading ATT again.


should get a credit from ATT for all the service I'm not getting.



1 Message

8 years ago

DavidRangel.... The next time you call ATT ask for the retention center (or dept ). If they give you a hard time just keep insisting that you want the retention center.
Hopefully you've kept notes on all your problems so when you do get connected you can explain how many problems you've had & for how long. Insist you want some sort of decent credit or you're dropping their service.
The rention center people are the only ones who have the authority to help you out in any financial way.
I don't know how it works in CA but here the tech people tell me they're also customer service! What a crock!  I have never gotten any 'service' from the tech people and half the time they just send someone to my house. Meanwhile every single tech that has come to my home has given me a different reason for my never-ending problems.
So while the problems continue at least I've gotten some compensation from this G-d awful company.



1 Message

8 years ago

This has been an issue for well over two years. We have gotten a new modem and moved it to the wall where the exterior connection is. We have had the exterior of the house completely rewired. They have moved us to a new slot in the box down the street. I do have a switch but I doubt it is that, why? We have this issue only when it is cold. When I say cold I mean cold by South Florida standards. So say if it's 60's overnight but 80's during the day then the issue will not occur during the day. Now that it is 40's at night and 50's/60's during the day it will happen 24/7. Problem is that this type of weather might only occur for 24 to 48 hours and doubt I can schedule the appointment only during that time. What I can say is that right now the log is only 4 hours long because of so many resets. They don't need to come into my house as the modem isn't getting affected by temperature it has to be something outside. They replaced the wiring in the box on the corner of my property (which was water logged) and from that box to my house next I think is the wiring from the box down the street to the box at the corner of my property. Only thing not done.



3 Messages

8 years ago

I drop signal on a average of 25-30 times a day, and getting worst....TOTALLY UN-ACCEPTABLE AT&T, but I lose signal to ALL 3 services.