12 Messages
Wireless receiver: "U-verse is not available at this time; try again later."
So a few days ago I noticed my tv, with the wireless receiver, had nothing (problem could've started over a week ago as I don't watch that tv daily). Other receivers are working fine. I've restarted, replugged, reset, for everything in-line, and nothing works. What I think could be happening is a loss of signal, or change of signal, coming down the old telephone/dsl cable. My current setup, which has been working for more than a year is this: old uverse telephone/dsl cable comes in and goes to my old 2wire i3812 (note that I do not have Uverse DSL, for at least a year now), which then uses an ethernet cable to connect to the ATT access point, which of course sends to the wireless receiver. The green link light on wireless receiver stays on just fine. The 2wire, however, has a flashing power light, then red, then stable green, and back to flashing green. I believe this means no signal coming in?? ATT Support is sending me another wireless receiver to try out but I think the problem is either with the old dsl line coming in, or both of my 2wires (I even tried a backup one) went belly-up or have become obsolete due to a change in the signal coming down that line (which ATT Support says has not happened).
Any other ideas?
I may try connecting the access point to the main and see if the signal is strong enough to reach wireless receiver (ie. taking the 2wire out of sequence altogether).
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
The problem description is all over the place. If you have IPTV and some TV settop boxes are working including the DVR, then the issue can't be service coming in. But even if it were, calling into technical support should be able to test your line from their end and detect problems coming into the gateway.
If wireless receiver is not connecting to the WAP effectively, that would cause a lack of service to the afflicted TV set.
12 Messages
7 years ago
I never said it was the service coming in. I said it was the 'signal' coming down the telephone wire to the 2wire router which then connects to the access point, which is separate from the line going to the main gateway device, inside, and other DVRs.
They did test the overall service line coming in, and that was obviously good since I get service on other devices. My question was as clear to them as it is here. Has their incoming signal changed as to render the 2wire i3812s moot? I only ask that because I've seen in the past where things have changed on the back-end that required a replacement of a receiver, a router, or what have you.
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
If AT&T says the setup is supported, then should be good. What I read is your equipment is used when distance restrictions exist requiring bonded pair. Is on-site service call not an option?
12 Messages
7 years ago
I just remembered that the reason I had a backup 2wire i38__ is because the power adapter went bad. I'm thinking the same thing just happened to this 2nd 2wire. If I can't find a replacement power adapter, is there a recommendation on getting a new 'dsl' ATT type modem? I would assume any 'dsl' type would work, right?
Thank you for your replies!
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
Do you own the equipment? Reason I ask is ATT provides all that hardware, especially when sending replacement RGs through mail. 2wire/Pace use a 3.0 amp brick. I still have the original Belkin UPS/power supply for the 3800 I had when the service was first installed but can't use it because Arris devices have a higher power requirement.
I try to keep equipment like this on a good UPS because of the numerous and frequent electrical storms that come through our area.
12 Messages
7 years ago
Honestly, I can't remember if I own it or not. I had these back when I first had DSL installed I think, or maybe a few years later, so easily over 5 years old now? I guess I will contact support and see what they can do about this as I'm almost positive it's that 2wire power adapter again. Thanks a bunch!
Btw, I need to connect this to the Arris VAP2500 access point so I wonder what new equipment/modem is being offered to work best with those?
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
I'm sure the WAP belongs to ATT but have them confirm if the device is still supported. I just returned one of those I think I had laying around here and was told ATT is still using them. It's in their best interest for your service to work.
12 Messages
7 years ago
Thank you! I will certainly look into that!
12 Messages
7 years ago
Thanks 'my thoughts'.
So I unplugged the i38HG, and reset the iPSU, and made sure the other receivers worked fine. I then plugged back in the i38HG. Now, it appears the power light on it just stays a solid red, whereas before it would change. Even when I hit the reset, on the i38HG, it just stayed red (the wireless light stayed green whole time too), so it appears the reset has no affect anymore either.
> Is this proof that both the iPSU and i38HG combo need to be replaced? Are you indicating that the telephone wire can no longer be used, and they must have ethernet? If so, I don't see why I should have to pay for anything that was working just fine a week ago. If you guys upgraded the equipment, then this equipment should be replaced at your costs, not mine. Not to mention, I just received an email last night indicating my service has gone up $9/month when I didn't even change anything. Sounds like you want me to change my tv service over to Charter, just like you forced me to move my internet service.
> Are we absolutely sure this is not an i38HG power adapter issue (just like before), and can you not send a replacement so I can simply test that?
I will await your reply before opening up a new chat with support.
Thanks again for the detail!
12 Messages
7 years ago
Thank you for the explanation. Looks like I'm getting forced closer to switching back to Charter cable, which I despised 10 years ago, but ATT seems to be forcing folks back to the cable companies. Real shame. I will certainly look for an i38HG replacement first.
Thanks again!
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
There is some degree of collusion I suspect because everyone seems to raise their prices around the same time.
But going back to the matter at hand, fixing the problem of broken hardware by using a 5268 or a 589/599 is not billable, right?
12 Messages
7 years ago
Well, I have an i38HG replacement, from ebay, on the way so I will test that and see how it goes.
gr8sho, are you saying that if the i38HG replacement doesn't work, that ATT should be able to replace my current i38HG and little white toaster for a different combo pair? (is it just a 5268, 589, or 599 with the same little white toaster/IPSU?)
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
I was just reflecting I think what @my thoughts was saying who in my book is an authority since he (or she) does this for a living.
My understanding is your Uverse TV service comes over bonded twisted pair. 4 wires. I myself have bonded pair for my IPTV and internet service installed by ATT. Those wires come into my house as a dedicated cable from the NID into the RG. ATT still uses at least 3 different RGs with HPNA support. Remember the RG is an ATT owned and supplied asset which you and I pay a fee to use. RGs get replaced from time time to time. I started off originally with a 3800, then a 3801, then a 5268, and now a 599. Would probably move to a BGW if I could get my DVR off of coax.
Hope this explanation helps.
12 Messages
7 years ago
Thanks for the info again!
One confirmation....so does your 599 connect to the same IPSU I have (the little white toaster....it's hard for me to see model number due to its current location, ha), or is it completely different?
ACE - Professor
1.5K Messages
7 years ago
No, they would rewire to bring the bonded pair directly into the RG. This is my guess. I would have ATT customer service confirm or send a Private Message to the ATT customer care people for your particular situation.