

12 Messages

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018 9:37 PM

Wireless receiver: "U-verse is not available at this time; try again later."

So  a few days ago I noticed my tv, with the wireless receiver, had nothing (problem could've started over a week ago as I don't watch that tv daily). Other receivers are working fine. I've restarted, replugged, reset, for everything in-line, and nothing works.  What I think could be happening is a loss of signal, or change of signal, coming down the old telephone/dsl cable.  My current setup, which has been working for more than a year is this: old uverse telephone/dsl cable comes in and goes to my old 2wire i3812 (note that I do not have Uverse DSL, for at least a  year now), which then uses an ethernet cable to connect to the ATT access point, which of course sends to the wireless receiver.  The green link light on wireless receiver stays on just fine.  The 2wire, however, has a flashing power light, then red, then stable green, and back to flashing green.  I believe this means no signal coming in??  ATT Support is sending me another wireless receiver to try out but I think the problem is either with the old dsl line coming in, or both of my 2wires (I even tried a backup one) went belly-up or have become obsolete due to a change in the signal coming down that line (which ATT Support says has not happened).


Any other ideas?


I may try connecting the access point to the main and see if the signal is strong enough to reach wireless receiver (ie. taking the 2wire out of sequence altogether).






12 Messages

7 years ago

Got ya. Thanks! Hopefully I won't have to cross that bridge.



12 Messages

7 years ago

As expected, it was the i38HG power adapter, just like what happened years ago.  Guess I better buy all the adapters on ebay now, lol.  Wonder there are similar adapters out there with the same specs I could use, hmm??



12 Messages

7 years ago

Thank you!!