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23 Messages

Wednesday, January 31st, 2024 5:59 AM

Amazon Fire will not play DirectTV content

Subscription works on PC and Apple devices but cannot play content on Amazon Fire. 

There is no option to play content. 

customer service claims there’s an “outage” but it’s been over 3 weeks?!

23 Messages

1 year ago

I've uninstalled/installed, cleared the cache, restarted the device...same problem

New Member


312 Messages

1 year ago

Judge Judy S23 E7 is not available on DTV Stream in the next 14 days (guide) - not even as VOD on the Premier package - what's the route you followed to reach those episode details @dbren23 ? is this happening with everything on your guide?

*I am a DIRECTV employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent DIRECTV's position, strategies or opinions.

23 Messages

1 year ago

Happens to every channel while using DirecTV app on Amazon devices

23 Messages

1 year ago

No Video streams when I log in to the account through the DirecTV


ACE - New Member


3.5K Messages

1 year ago

Maybe the guide is a bit behind on the time. I've had that happen before. Make sure to scroll in the guide to a current live tv show/time. If you go into "my library" can you play recorded shows ok?


Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

1 year ago

Yeah, something doesn't look right with that screenshot.  Please walk us through step-by-step what you're selecting from when you launch the DirecTV Stream App. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

23 Messages

1 year ago

Go to Amazon Fire Home page, select DirectTV streaming app, open the app...goes to DirecTV home page

23 Messages

1 year ago

Landing page

23 Messages

1 year ago

select program but cannot play content

23 Messages

1 year ago

select program from guide

23 Messages

1 year ago

no way to play content; still images. No video

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

1 year ago

Puzzling. What happens if you move the highlight to GUIDE and select a channel from there?

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.

23 Messages

1 year ago

I can select a channel and it will change over to the channel but it shows the still image above and no video plays

New Member


312 Messages

1 year ago

Is the time zone correct in your guide? @Ludwick577 suggested going to a different time and seeing if you can playback the next program. Also, make sure location services are turned on, and nothing has changed in terms of your Amazon account, right? like primary location (e.g. if the primary is Canada, then it won't work, you need to have the US as primary in your Amazon account). I have never seen this before. The best thing (if we exhaust options), is to give the account to the DTV agent so they can look at your logs and see if they identify the problem.


*I am a DIRECTV employee, and the postings on this site are my own and don't necessarily represent DIRECTV's position, strategies or opinions.

ACE - Sage


46.4K Messages

1 year ago

Crazy. I'm stumped. 

ACEs are customers too, NOT employees. Answers are based on experience. I strive to give honest answers, even if not always appreciated. If you posted personal information, please edit and remove.

For official support call DirecTV Satellite 1-800-531-5000, DirecTV Stream 1-888-429-4023, DirecTV Gemini dedicated 1-888-488-4742, or AT&T 1-800-288-2020. 

Award for Community Excellence Achiever*
*I am not a DIRECTV employee, and the views and opinions expressed on this forum are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party.