New Member
35 Messages
Bookmarks missing
I had 102 bookmarks just a couple of days ago, yes I counted because I was curious, then today a bunch are missing, I count 67 now. In the show's info page it shows a checkmark next to "Bookmarked". But those shows aren't in the list. I tried unbookmarking a couple of shows then rebookmarking them, no luck, they're still not on the list anymore. This it on the osprey box. Meanwhile, on my phone app and on the web page player, only FOUR bookmarks are showing, the other 98 are gone. Anybody else having issues?
New Member
312 Messages
2 years ago
They say "may be hidden" - I'm sure there are exceptions... I'll keep an eye on mine and will report back with any findings. Thanks for sharing @Ludwick577
New Member
312 Messages
2 years ago
@Ludwick577 I was able to go into Morning Joe and bookmark it. However, neither the Series nor the specific Episode in my DVR list appears on the Bookmarks list. Is there a specific way you're bookmarking Morning Joe?
ACE - New Member
3.5K Messages
2 years ago
It's been a while, maybe 1.5 yrs, since I bookmarked it. Maybe they changed what can be bookmarked since I did it.
New Member
35 Messages
2 years ago
Yes, prior to Apr 3, I had 102 bookmarks, then at that time, 37 of them disappeared all at once. They weren't on-demand shows, not all of them. Specifically, I had some movies bookmarked that was recorded from the MGM channel, which went away on Jan 1. But the bookmarks to the recorded content remained. Meanwhile, ALL shows and recordings have a "Bookmark" link available, and when clicked, it changes to "Bookmarked". If it's not an on-demand show, then WHY does it have a bookmark link AND it stores the fact that I want it bookmarked. Further, WHY would DirecTV not have the bookmarks feature work for recorded content also? That's half of the point of having a bookmarks feature, so you can get back to your content. So I'm not buying this explanation because it is certain that it did not work this way prior to Apr 3, and secondly it makes no sense that the Bookmark link is there and taking and storing the click though only on the show's info page.
BUT, I can confirm that in continuing to try to use the bookmarks feature, it is working that way NOW. Since Apr 3, a show has to be on-demand in order for the bookmark to show up in the list, I'm able to bookmark recordings that are also available on-demand. But not if they're not on-demand. But that doesn't validate GTyz's answer because we all know (at least, several other posters here) that this behaviour changed on Apr 3. GTyz, I appreciate your response to this as I would not have noticed or figured out the pattern in what's bookmarking and what's not if you hadn't pointed it out. But, no offense, I'm not satisfied with your answer because I'm certain this is a recent development, and secondly, I want and need the feature to work for recordings as well. It only makes sense to me that it should work for recordings and not just on-demand content.
I like the DirecTV Streaming product at it's base level, it gives me TV and recordings, but I'm not very happy with the HUGE number of basic features that it's lacking. Like, you can't sort your recordings by anything but the built-in newest-first. I need to switch it to oldest-first. Alphabetical would be nice but oldest-first is needed because of the 9-month limit. The scrolling of the List page only scrolls one entry at a time, whether you use the down arrow, which works as it should, or the Channel lever, which I think should do a page down, or even better, 10 rows at a time so you can get down the list quicker then switch to using the up-down buttons once you get close to what you're looking for. That's where alphabetical would be good, so you can home in on what you'r after. Meanwhile, the page-down function of the CH lever, DOES work in the Episodes tab of a series' page, so the idea isn't foreign to DirecTV's developers, it's there for that. Oddly enough, while the CH lever pages through the episodes list, but one-row's through the List list, it does NOTHING if you go to a recordings group where you have several episodes of the same show, scrolling through that listing, this button doesn't do anything at all. It's as if nobody at DirecTV actually USES their own product to see how many frustrating things are there that everybody else takes for granted, Tivo, Comcast, or heck, the DirecTV satellite boxes! all have these basic features, but not the streaming client.
But one more thing I can say, I have been contacted several times by DirecTV customer service to give me updates on this case, though the update is typically that there's no update. But I'm pleasantly surprised that I do feel that the couple of guys working my case DO care about the issue. Definitely the best feedback customer support I've ever gotten from a media mogul company, so there's that. If I hear anything new from my contact, I'll share it here when it happens. Thanks again, @GTyz.