New Member
3 Messages
26 year subscriber very upset at the potential censorship of OANN
News organizations have speculated DTV is not renewing OANN contract after Pres Biden implored media outlets to practice censorship (yes that is what it is...)
I have been a customer since 1996. If you drop OANN, which I hardly watch, I will soon become a cable customer again. If anyone wants to argue that OANN pushes false stories they can simply move up one channel to FSTV and watch Stephanie M and get the same falsehoods....but disguised as "truth". Let people make their own decisions its not YOUR place to do that for them
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
3 years ago
Given AT&T's political bent, it's more likely a financial decision rather than a political decision. Of course, things could change between now and April when their contract would need to be renewed.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
3 years ago
Dozens of other posts on this topic. Feel free to respond in one of those threads. Closing this one.