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2 Messages

Wednesday, January 19th, 2022 3:40 PM


Cancelling OAN

I really hope you are persuaded by your paying customers to NOT cancel OAN. It is the only channel that tells the truth. That is why it is so hated by main stream media. Because they tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You don't hear about the election fraud on the other stations. I do not approve of a communications company trying to censor and silence (Edited per community guidelines)s. You are following our tyrannical regime right into communist tactics. At&T is using (Edited per community guidelines) tactics to divide and censor. Get rid of CNN. They tell nothing but lies and use psychological operations on people and people are falling under the trance. They're being taught to hate half our country. Shame on you! You drop OAN and we drop Diret TV and AT&T. Hope you rethink this very stupid unAmerican move. I only watch about 7 channels on your stupid line up that's full of crap that no (Edited per community guidelines) can even stomach. Pay too much already for my 7 channels and you're gonna take 1 away?

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Directtv dropping OANN

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