1 Message
Can’t leave “Add Gemini” page
For some reason the directv was working fine but none of the channels showed up, just was a black screen. At first I turned it off then back on, didn’t change anything. When it was letting me go through the channels it was low quality for some reason, like 144fps or something. I clicked reset on the directv box and I waited for it to start up again. I connected it back to the wifi, connected the remote again but then it said “Add your Gemini” We don’t have a gemini and probably don’t want to get one because we never needed it, but when I tried to go back to the channels it wouldn’t let me, just kept me on the screen. How can I leave that and go back to watching channels?
Community Support
254.7K Messages
2 months ago
Hi @anonymous_member. We have a technical team on stand-by ready to help. We'll send you a DM and provide us the phone number associated with your account and/or the best number to reach you at. Jerald, DIRECTV Community Specialist