1 Message
Clear Internet and OnDemand
I am trying to setup OnDemand with Clear Internet service. Has anyone done this? I can't find directions for this anywhere since Clear is not broadband.
1 Message
I am trying to setup OnDemand with Clear Internet service. Has anyone done this? I can't find directions for this anywhere since Clear is not broadband.
3 Messages
13 years ago
Same problem here.
I have the white modem 4g model number wixfbr-17
Using ethernet cable
I have direct TV hr24/500
I don't have whole home service
I get a different IP address showing up on the settings for the Direct TV box then the one that is working on my laptop ( currently connected to the Clear modem )
Direct Tv told me call Clear after 40 mins. Clear told me Directv after 40 mins. Please Help!!