New Member


6 Messages

Saturday, April 16th, 2022 8:43 PM



What did you do with that channel we are not happy Americans with you on this..

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

DIRECTV dropping OANN?

New Member


6 Messages

3 years ago

Where is OAN??? Hoe dare you cut them out..I hope you lose many mnay user's ..taking our rights as FREE Americans ...your time is coming 

New Member


6 Messages

3 years ago

We were the first to use Direct Tv i n our area and the very first to get rid of you....MORE will do so watch your numbers go doan only Marxtists (Edited per community guidelines) want Fox or OAn gone bc they are the truth purveyor's and CNN is far from it is has lied and lied and been caught time and time again..but then The Dem party are liars and Republicans like Mitt Romney etc RHINO liars are just as guilty..See I am NOT predujiced just want our Jounalist and Politicians to do truth pills for a change instead of doping up...


ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

3 years ago

DTV decided not to renew the contract that ended in April.

ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

3 years ago


They did not take your rights. There is no constitutional or other right that means you must have OANN.

As is their right, AT&T/DirecTV decide to not renew the carriage agreement. They will no longer support OANN financially. This was announced months ago.

If you cannot live and survive without OANN, then you are free to choose another provider that has them. Be aware the choices on that are few.

Pay TV is an entertainment business. There is no obligation or inherent right that you are given any particular channel. AT&T/DirecTV acted within their rights. Yours were not violated in the process, not matter how much you protest and brag about being the "first". Well as thousands/millions were aware within the last few months, you somehow achieved being one of the last to find out until well after the parting of ways completed.

New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

FACT: DIRECTV is being brought to court by OAN for violating FAA rules, participating in partisan politics, and violating their contract agreement.  The complaint is published on the OAN website.  All should read it… it’s eye opening and something the main stream media won’t cover. 

The biggest concern from the many who have canceled DIRECTV as a result is the fact DirecTV profited by carrying OAN but chose to cancel it for politcal purposes.  

ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

3 years ago

Though there may be more to it, AT&T/DirecTV informing customers that they do not plan to renew the carriage agreement with OANN isn't a violation of anything (other than some people's feelings).

They are under no obligation to provide every possible news outlet or ones with specific views. As a business it is completely their right to carry or not the channels they choose. Certainly the parting of ways with OANN feels like a very bad move to some, which is a perspective to be respected. But regardless if it was just an internal decision, or influenced by outside requests, the choice was theirs to make. Those that continue to complain, even creating multiple accounts, does not change that fact.

New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

@Constructive I hope all DIRECTV employees are not that rude to others.  It should have read FCC; it was nothing more than a typo. 

@Juniper  Sure, they have no obligation to provide a specific channel. However, a good company has an obligation to listen to their customers and many of us are upset that the voice of 50% (assuming current political divide) of their customers did not count.  Even more infuriating is the fact DIRECTV shared no data on what influenced their “Internal Review”.   Their actions are no different than other Big Tech media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, and even google.  CNN and MSNBC are treated like holy grails by corporate executives even though many customers refuse to watch it.   A vast number of households who rely on some type of dish just got cut off from a great news source due to internal DIRECTV political policies.  

ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

3 years ago

That political divide ratio would only apply if DirecTV were the only TV provider and every single citizen were subscribed. If it were anywhere close to 50%, I would expect DirecTV to find the move too risky. As such it would naturally be their calculation that the amount of people this would affect, and the lesser amount who would close their account because of it, would be within acceptable numbers.

I do agree on the point of "internal review" not being informative enough. We don't need a deep delve into the decision, but certainly an actual reason should be provided instead of an answer that only verifies it was their decision. An actual answer to the "why" question would be appropriate.

But at this point it seems the discussions are going nowhere. DirecTV announced months ago, giving people time to make their decision. Some apparently remained ignorant of the change until after it actually happened. Now as they have stayed the course, the consumer can choose to stay or leave on the knowledge that OANN being gone is reality and not simply a possibility.

New Member


138 Messages

3 years ago

@Juniper Agree the discussions go nowhere.  I personally cancelled the service after being a customer for 10+ years back in February.  Now I just get entertainment from making sure others do not get mislead by the contract renewal rational.  

OAN has stated in an official court record that DIRECTV profited considerably off their contract agreement so I’m willing to bet the number of OAN viewers was fairly high.  Time will tell.  


New Member


11 Messages

3 years ago

Well after two decades cumulatively, I cancelled my direct tv subscription a few days ago. but agreed to let it continue until the end of this month's billing cycle on the 27th, to give me time to find a different service provide.

for those who may be in the same boat. Frontier is carrying OAN & Verizon is their parent company, so they may as well. plus, the app tv service called "Kloud Tv" has OAN as well. 

I have heard reports that the OAN live app is buggy right now. which seems reasonable, since they only had two months' notice that their contract wasn't going to be renewed.

so, by for now direct tv, maybe someday AT&T's financial woes will end up setting you free in a sale or even just end up letting you go back on your own.

AT&T lost my cell phone service years ago because of poor service & high fees.

now they lose my tv too, good riddance. so, no paying service to a company that doesn't respect its customers.

which means NO HBO or CNN Plus either. It should be called CNN minus with their number of subscribers, LOL. Cya

ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

3 years ago


...but agreed to let it continue until the end of this month's billing cycle on the 27th, to give me time to find a different service provide.

To be clear, you didn't agree to that as it was mandatory. The service continues to the end of the service month regardless on when you call. This is how cancellations have worked since January 2019. Mentioning so you don't waste a call trying to change it if you considered doing so earlier, and to give the correct expectation for anyone else who views this thread.

Please read this if you receive DIRECTV, AT&T U-verse® TV, AT&T Internet, AT&T Phone, and/or AT&T Fixed Wireless service(s). We want to remind you that you’re billed in advance for recurring service(s) and/or programming charges and applicable fees based on the terms of your current service agreement(s) with us. Starting January 14, 2019, subject to applicable laws, we’re updating your agreement(s) to include your recurring service(s)/programming charges and fees won’t be prorated if you cancel the above service(s) on any day other than the last day of your billing cycle. Your service(s) will continue until the end of your billing cycle but you won’t get a refund (prorated credits) for any remaining days left in your billing cycle. For products not listed above, refer to their terms of service for more information.

New Member


11 Messages

3 years ago

actually, Juniper, I did, because the representative asked me about it during my cancellation phone call. I said I was fine with the cancellation taking effect at the end of the billing cycle.

unless she was misleading me. just more great service, if you're correct, that you are held captive to cancel ?? wow sounds like an authoritarian policy there. maybe you can examine the transcripts of the call, LOL.

regardless, it doesn't matter to me because I'm finished with direct tv as long as they are affiliated with AT&T. I had reservations about it when they were acquired by AT&T in 2017.

because I had terrible cell phone service from AT&T years ago & sent them packing then too. but I see you haven't changed; you're still trolling for AT&T /direct tv like some (Edited per community guidelines), LOL 

AT&T has proven over & over again to me, that they only care about getting paid by customers, but don't follow through with good service or good customer service. all they did with getting rid of OAN was they did me a favor & reenforced my opinion of their company. 


ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

3 years ago


DirecTV updated the Terms of service over 3 years ago. That quote is taken directly from the notification email that was sent in 2018 (saved mine for reference). So end of bill cycle is mandatory.

They are neither the first nor the last to go to flat monthly billing. I would have preferred they kept the old way, but understand from my own conversations with friends and others, that too many people do not (or will not) understand prorated billing. Other phone, internet, and TV companies have done the same. This is not an exclusive change to AT&T/DirecTV.

Calls are monitored randomly for quality and training purposes, so there is no guaranteed "transcript" as that is not record keeping. Regardless, I wouldn't be able to review it as I do NOT work for them.

I was merely informing you so that you have the correct information as well as ensuring that others were not mislead. And I have done so in a civil manner, which is not "trolling". Can you do the same and leave the toxicity at the door like a mature adult?