8 Messages
Dispute with Local Channel providers
Direct TV has several local channels including ABC CBS and now FOX. These stations provide local news sports etc. really the backbone of the local information that keeps a community safe. Direct TV is in a contract Dispute with Nexstar who owns or controls those channels. I have lost three of my favorite channels because of this dispute and yet I still pay my bill every month... why?
Accepted Solution
8 Messages
1 year ago
Maybe but I doubt it. It’s about money Direct Tv can’t compete with the new albeit better internet TV with local channels sports news etc. So instead of providing the services to its customers they originally offered they post a dig at another provider saying it’s their fault not our poor business management. Step up, fire the bean counters and make your company great again!
Accepted Solution
8 Messages
1 year ago
DirectTv should sell their service as providing what ever we can when we can, instead of being specific. Very sound business strategy, not our fault!
ACE - Expert
20.9K Messages
1 year ago
Because Nexstar removed the feed when they could allow DTV and all other providers to send it to you will they continue to talk. DTV is still providing you with channels that are sent by satellite, there was never any guarantee what those channels will be.
8 Messages
1 year ago
Once again, “not our fault” is not a suitable answer. Why should customers suffer when companies fight. I wonder if Nexstar customers are suffering? It’s about mismanagement and greed not a good business practice. I don’t see longevity for this company DirectTv, if I worked there I would quit.
ACE - Expert
20.9K Messages
1 year ago
Nexstar wants DTV and all other TV providers customers to suffer and yes customers that work for Nexstar also suffer if their TV provider is one that is in a contract dispute. You are correct Nexstar is being greedy and how is it DTV and all other TV providers fault that they are trying to minimize the next rate increase?
They already told you that, read the TOS that states that channels and programing are subject to change at anytime.
8 Messages
1 year ago
Nexstar removed the feed in a contract dispute with Direct Tv. Not a dispute I am privy too, just a $ dispute yeah maybe. But “successful” companies negotiate outside customers view and without affecting them negatively! Without satisfied customers there is no business!
ACE - Expert
20.9K Messages
1 year ago
DTV did start talks before the contract came up for renewal, they always do and it is Nexstar that will not allow their channels on DTV. Nexstar is asking for more money then DTV is willing to pay if that is not a dispute then what is?
8 Messages
1 year ago
Pretty much described what the problem is. DTV needs to replace their negotiators with competent customer oriented business minded employees; that realizes business grows only by keeping customers happy. Turning customers away because another company legally holds the resources they need to provide for their customers is not going to work. DTV could step up get the channels back to their customers, and grow customer base. DTV needs to cut from within to survive, raising rates will only expedite the demise
ACE - Sage
46.2K Messages
1 year ago
Check out this excellent YouTube video that summarizes the financial incentive for station owners to continually jack up their rebroadcast fees ....
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
1 year ago
You still pay your bill every month because you still have DirecTV service. Nexstar taking their channels away during the negotiation doesn't shut off your entire service. Did you really think 3 channels being gone makes your service free?
Now as for the bill being the same amount, all the package does is give you access to locals in general. Their is no promise, guarantee, entitlement to any specific channel always or ever. Since they don't own the channels all TV providers have a clause that the programming/channels can change at any time. As long as you get a single local channel you are getting exactly what you pay for.
You do realize if DirecTV just gives in to Nexstar then our bills go up that much more right? And you would just be complaining again when that goes through. Until an agreement is hashed out and Nexstar gives permission, it is illegal for DirecTV to provide the channel. They don't own it remember.
8 Messages
1 year ago
Yes a good video shows where DTV is bound for extinction course a step back in time going to Farmer Vision for the rest of us or will the internet streaming eliminate all providers
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
1 year ago
Not everyone can get good enough internet if internet at all.
But if you are so against how DirecTV works and like streaming better, why stick with satellite. Go with the TV provider that suits you best.
Keep in mind, switching providers does not save you from this situation. All TV providers go through negotiations. You are never immune.
ACE - Expert
20.9K Messages
1 year ago
Streaming services are also TV providers that will have the same contract renewal troubles. Until there is broadband internet in every part of the USA DTV will be around.
1 Message
1 year ago
I am becoming extremely frustrated with Direct TV. I have streaming services and when I signed up in August 2023 was supposed to get a $200 card which has never arrived. Now local channels are in danger of not being on DirectTV. Have already lost Sportsnet Rocky Mountain. Does my bill decrease because of what boils down to millionaire fighting with millionaires at the expense of hardworking customers.
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
1 year ago
By streaming services do you mean DIRECTV STREAM? If so that is a different section of the forum as this is DirecTV, the satellite service.
However it boils down to the same situation. Channel owner is negotiating with DirecTV the next carriage deal. There is no obligated decrease of bill as it is disclosed that channels are subject to change at any time. The channel/network owners pushing for higher costs each time the agreement comes up is a primary factor in why our bills go up.
Be more aware of the reality than the OP was. If DirecTV just caves to the network owner's demands, then our bills will be higher than they would have been. Just giving in to higher demands over and over is not good employee decisions as the OP tried to claim.
In any case, this thread is for DirecTV (satellite) specifically about the Nexstar negotiation that was one of the longer ones which finally resolved (until the next time of course).