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Don’t call asking for money during a Global Pandemic!
Why is your company calling customers/former- customers at the present time asking for money on past due accounts, when we have a Global Pandemic going on where people are losing their jobs or getting their hours cut? Are you kidding me?! How heartless is your company? Don’t call people asking for money when people are having a hard enough time making sure they continue to have a roof over their heads and food on the table and for goodness sakes, TP to wipe with. Direct TV should be ashamed of themselves to call people demanding money at this time; especially today on Good Friday.
34K Messages
5 years ago
is it an actual person or automated voice? someone must have forgot to shut off the automated dialers if a computer call
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 years ago
DTV is not an essential service so it can still pursue past due accounts.