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New Member


7 Messages

Saturday, April 30th, 2022 2:58 PM



I would like OAN back on my lineup please.  This is the only truthful news station there is.  I will be cancelling Directv next month if you don't bring it back!  You fell into the hands of the far left liberals and that is a shame. Don't let this current administration intimidate you! We need OAN back on 347 right away!!

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

DIRECTV dropping OANN?

ACE - Professor


2K Messages

2 years ago

This is your only solution at the current time.

Your News, Your Network | OAN Live (oann.com)

New Member


138 Messages

2 years ago

Best solution is to cancel.  Many of us pleaded for months that they reverse their decision.  I doubt much will change with a woke left extremist as the chair of the AT&T board and the formation of Biden’s new “ministry of truth” led by the most by one of the most dishonest people in media. 


You will find DIRECTV is over priced like many of us did.  You can get OAN as well as many other good stations for a fraction of the price.  


Community Support


21K Messages

2 years ago

Hello, @Pro1A. Although OAN channel is not part of the DIRECTV programming. You can find alternatives to enjoy their content:

• OAN is available is still available through their websites (
oann.com and awetv.com) and in popular app stores. Find more info here: oann.com/wheretowatch
• You can stream OAN programming for free on
• DIRECTV is offering alternative channels such as: Fox Business Network, Newsmax TV and many others.

We also understand how important it is to keep the bill under budget. Let's meet in a Direct Message to explore options for your DIRECTV service. Please check your DIRECTV Message Inbox (It's the chat icon next to the bell icon in the upper right corner of the Forums)

Kelly, DIRECTV Community Specialist


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