New Member
2 Messages
Attempting to upgrade equipment
I am about to cancel DIRECTV. Two different technicians have been to my home to update my equipment to HD. They insist that the new dish must be in a new location other than the roof where it has been for close to 20 years. Why can't they just reuse the mounting? By moving it, it opens a whole new can of worms including calling MISS DIG, rerouting the wires, making a mess close to my house etc, etc. In the past days I have spent 2 hours on the phone with ladies in the call center who really don't understand the situation. On Wednesday morning, I was assured that a supervisor would call me back within 1-2 hours and never did. The frustration I am experiencing is difficult to explain in writing and there is no one to actually speak with to explain the situation.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
2 years ago
If it's an old round DirecTV dish, then the mounting pole is the wrong diameter for the newer HD Slimline dish. Also, if that old dish is too high for the tech to reach safely from their ladder, they're not allowed to install it there. Perhaps they can find a suitable location on the side of your house instead of in the yard?
Community Support
254.9K Messages
2 years ago
Hello there, we don't want to see you leave. It's true that in some scenarios, DIRECTV needs to install a new satellite dish to proceed with the upgrade. That said, it is a small amount of time, and the replacement is at no additional cost or commitment to customers. And customers will still be able to watch their content with their current TV sets. We understand your situation, so we'll be happy to help you through PM further.
New Member
513 Messages
2 years ago
2 issues here, the OP (original poster) is upset that the dish be MOVED. The responses have been about getting a different dish.
So, back to the DTV techs, is the current location unsuitable for the new dish?
I had to do some work, because the "new rules" needed more bracing for the dish, not the single bracket that held the dish.
In my case, I was able to add locations for the 2 additional stabilizing braces and leave my dish were it was.
Perhaps you can discuss with the techs what is "unacceptable" with the current location, and how you can make that location acceptable.
Mine was at the edge of the roof, and I was able to extend the roof joists to accommodate the additional bracing.
In the picture you can see the 2 braces and where I extended the roof parts to accommodate them.
New Member
2 Messages
2 years ago
It would be so much easier to speak to someone in person not just by messages. Is there a technical supervisor who is willing to listen to my concerns?
New Member
513 Messages
2 years ago
You have to invest 1-2 hours to get to someone who is really an expert, my experience is they are out there, but in the minority.
You have to call... then get to the Geni people, then go beyond the first level people... it takes time and perserverence. In the mean time you will do all kinds of worthless tests and changes.
Last night I worked on my Gemini, and the tech wanted to reset my Geni mini... I told him my wife is watching her favorite show and would kill me, and that unit is working fine... sigh
ACE - Professor
2K Messages
2 years ago
D*tv No longer allows employees to leave a ladder to get access to or install a DISH-
That is Issue #1. for you
If they have shown you a place to put a pole -Then Call 8-1-1 and have them come out and mark any underground wires -That's at No charge to you.
Doing That Now while you trying to get D*tv Service back to install a dish will speed things along when they return.
New Member
513 Messages
2 years ago
A question: so they can use a ladder, but not leave it? So if the dish location is accessible by a ladder it's ok? I have not seen any post from the OP indicating it is not accessible. More information from what caused the techs to refuse the original location seems the next logical step.
ACE - Professor
2K Messages
2 years ago
YES- They can still use a ladder to install a dish --Just cannot Leave the ladder to "WALK" on the roof because They are not equipped to with OHSA Safety Equipment
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
2 years ago
1. To comply with current OSHA regulations, DirecTV does not allow tech to leave the ladder. So any work, on existing or installation of a new dish, must be done from the ladder. This does affect older installs that had a dish that is not in a currently approved location.
2. Upgrading to HD requires a new dish as the old one can only receive the SD/MPEG-2 channels. If the mounting is different, or they cannot receive proper MPEG-4/HD signal there, that is why it has to be installed in a new location.
Getting a new appointment for a 2nd opinion is really all you can do. If they concur with the original tech then either you have the big work done or cancel. But you cannot just continue as-is since the MPEG-2/SD-only feeds are being shutdown. With DirecTV stopped offering SD-only service in late 2015 and began the shutdown in 2019 (though delayed like everything else during the pandemic), writing has been on the wall. The era of SD is over.