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5 Messages
Currently have an HR24-100 DVR and would like to upgrade to current technology.
Been a Directv customer since 2008 with essentially the same original equipment and I would like to upgrade please.
New Member
5 Messages
Been a Directv customer since 2008 with essentially the same original equipment and I would like to upgrade please.
New Member
12 Messages
3 years ago
@merlin88merlin @shannon02
Shannon - Thanks for your time in replying. HS17 Genie2 - forgive me for this probably sounds stupid - but my wife and I just need a Hi-Def box with a DVR. Just basic stuff. Is that HS17 Genie2 something that can do the hi def/recording or is it something too advanced ? What I mean is, I DO love technology but we just don't need to overload on something that is meant to support ( if I am saying it right? ) the other 2 boxes in the house - Has it really become so advanced that they will push too many bells and whistles on me ? Or is that Genie the "basic" lowest of all the Genies ? I would love, in a perfect world, to just e-waste the 771 and get something very similar to the HR22 - I don't even need to record in the den. Do they have just plain ol' Hi-Def receivers so I can take advantage of my ( at the moment ) unused Aquos Hi Def TV from Costco that took me 3 years to pay off back in 2009 ? LOL. I think I need to refresh myself on all this technology because I am so lost when I read all of these comments.
Merlin - Thank you. I do need to take note that the back of the 771 is co-axle cable from box to TV and would need a hi-def cable to attach from new box to Aquos. Is that what you meant ?
Thank you both ! :)
ACE - Expert
20.9K Messages
3 years ago
The HS17 is the only system new customers get. It does record with a 2TB hard drive with 7 tuners to record/watch but that is hard capped as no other receivers allowed and it doesn't even connect to a TV. The minis have HDMI outputs to connect to the TV. It depends on what you local DTV installer has in stock if you can get any HXX receivers that don't record.
175 Messages
3 years ago
@drjimmy64 771 is an error code. not a model #
If Directv forces you toward a HS17, i'd look into Dish. If you have only 1 TV, you don't need a HS17. I thought HR44 & HR54 were the receivers now. I leave you to Juniper and TexasBrit for info.
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
3 years ago
HR22s though HDDVRs, are a long-gone model. Only HR24 has a chance of being in stock.
D12s are the last MPEG-2/SD-only non-DVRs DirecTV made. They are legacy, discontinued line of equipment.
Ideally DirecTV will replace D12s with 2nd/3rd generation Genie (HR44/HR54) and Mini Genie Client (probably C51 or C61). This adds $3 for Whole Home DVR so all boxes can access recordings from each DVR.
Do NOT replace your HR22, so you keep capability of regular HDDVR and existing recordings. A warranty replacement should get HR24, but recordings do not transfer so be caught up first if you can.
Personally, I would avoid the Genie-2 (HS17). Hard cap on tuners, all TVs depend on one box to work, and cannot have individual recording lists or other personal settings.
175 Messages
3 years ago
tbshd is on 99ca tp14 Tuner1-40, Tuner2-35
tbswhd is on 103ca tp 16 Tuner1 & 2-23
shofam is on 103ca tp12 Tuner1-26, Tuner2-25
New Member
12 Messages
3 years ago
Hello everyone,
So I spoke on the phone with a customer rep at Directv and explained my situation.
I told him I wanted to remove the box from spare bedroom altogether and upgrade the same model SD box in the den to something HD. No real need for a DVR. In a perfect world I was hoping to just replace the den box and leave the HR-22. I know it's 13 year old technology - but it's working - it's recording - Yes, 2 shows max - and I am sure smaller HD than the Genie, but we really don't need to go nuts.
I was told that the whole system would need to be upgraded. They would send me a Genie Mini for den, and Genie HD DVR for living room.
I was told that the new Mini "HAD" to be connected to a new Genie ( big brother HD DVR because the mini depended on the big brother. I never knew this. I thought it worked totally separate but I guess all this time ( duh??) the SD box depended on the HR-22 ? Again, I might have been told this but I sure didn't know.
Anyway - long story already made short - They are giving me both he big brother AND the mini free for being a "dedicated long time loyal customer" - I think I got a break - but I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me else. I asked him "What if I was a customer 1 year - would that upgrade be free as opposed to a NEW customer for example?" and he said it's just their way of thanking me.
Apparently I saved over $500 dollars and I am swapping out old SD and HR-22 by Friday and they are due back by July 7 ( no disposal, BTW, they will charge me almost 200 bucks he said PER box if not returned.)
I don't know if what the rep told me contradicts what you all have been telling me, but that's what happened - pretty easy in and out.
So, come Friday or Saturday, I'll take the pictures of my recording schedule, and what I had recorded on my own so we can try to recapture it. ( the scheduled shows are most vital, so since I cannot download anything to an external HD, or something like that, this is what I am looking at - about %70 of my HD current being either skimly watched by Saturday, or just saying bye bye to movies we had a comfort food. "Gran Torino, Breakfast Club, Rocky ( sniff! ) etc...
Anywho.... They said not every customer gets the break I get. I guess 13 years is big and I happened to get the right rep at the right time ? OR was he (Edited per community guidelines)'ing me and ALL customers get free upgrades? That's what I really thought was happening but is free
And the ability of recording 5 shows instead of 2 which meant I couldn't change the channel - that's cool.
Was I taken? Or did I luck out ?? Oh and the only thing is they are chargin me $21 dollars for shipping to me. But they say they have a deal with UPS/FED EX that people can bring their old boxes and those services will send them back for free and this is something that was created due to the Covid situation. So no need to box up ( although I'll probably use the box that comes with the Genie ) and he said that FE/UPS will take, box up and send back. now THIS is something that makes my Spidey Vibes say "that's NOT going to be that easy!"
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
3 years ago
That is only if they cannot do a regular Genie (HR44 or HR54). A regular Genie can be on one TV with an HDDVR (HR20 thru HR24, or special R22) on another TV. The Genie-2 (HS17) is unique as it forbids everything but Clients.
Correct. Mini Genies are Clients, not receivers. The receivers, like your HR22, have their own tuners. Clients on the other hand, have no tuners of their own. They each take a tuner from the main Genie. That is a big reason why the main box has more tuners (5 for the regular Genie) than a regular HDDVR. So Mini Genies being Clients/slaves/extensions of the main box, think of it as multiple TVs connected to one box.
Not correct. Both the HR22 and D12 are receivers. They can work independently of each other. This is because they have their own tuners, 2 for the HR22 and 1 for the D12. They could be on separate receiving dishes, common for those that take a box in the RV. This is different from Clients that have no way to work by themselves.
Do NOT replace the HR22 if you get an HR44 or HR54. The regular Genie works with your HDDVR. A Mini Genie would be a downgrade.
The Genie-2 (HS17) as is a server tower doesn't go on a TV, so puts a Mini Genie on each TV which would require replacing the HR22. Because of losing recordings on the HR22 and independent capability between the TVs, I would not suggest this option.
Agent is clueless. DirecTV is actively shutting down their MPEG-2/SD-only feeds. The SD-only service was grandfathered in late 2015. They haven't accepted D12 and older boxes back for several years. It has been a few years since HR22 was needed back as well. Within the last couple years, the last regular HDDVR (HR24) was becoming non-returnable as well. They were pushing heavily for a one-size-fits-all setup with the Genie (or Genie-2). And the most recent HD non-DVR (H25) is the only non-Genie it exclusively use the new multiswitch (SWM), just like the Genies. Pretty much any box that can use the older one (HR24/H24 and older) are non-returnable.
Typically, if it has been over 2 years since your last upgrade, with account in good standing, you qualify for a free upgrade. However, as mentioned the D12 is obsolete per the MPEG-2/SD-only shutdown, so those are required to be replaced either by their complimentary swap program or an optional upgrade.
Delivery of $19.95 + tax can happen with a free upgrade. However, a Genie is not plug and play. It requires a tech install. There has been a known issue in their system that it sometimes allowed shipping only with a Genie upgrade. If you did not schedule an install, callback and modify the order otherwise after you get the equipment you would have to call and convince them to send a tech free of charge for their error, which means more waiting.
This was not created due to the Covid situation. AT&T has this agreement for return of their equipment. So, after acquiring DirecTV, they added them into that agreement. You would take any returnable models to a participating FedEx or The UPS Store with your account number. In that event, keep receipt showing they took possession. Not needed in this case, as HR22 and D12 both have not been returnable for years.
The agent gave a lot of bad info, and placed the order wrong, but this was neither taken nor lucking out. You were due an upgrade, and what was ordered was close to what would be good for you.
Callback DirecTV.
Modify or cancel order and rebuild it so it is correct.
Genie MUST be tech install.
If only 2 TVs, keep HR22 and only replace D12 with Genie.
Only monthly cost difference is adding $3 for Whole Home DVR.
Request order be corrected to MPEG swap if possible. The D12 is required to be replaced or that TV will no longer work once the MPEG-2 shutdown hits your area/account. The required swap has no new service agreement, but if placed as an upgrade it is a 24 month agreement.
Make sure to read the order confirmation in full before the work is done to make sure all is as expected.
ACE - Expert
14.1K Messages
3 years ago
merlin - you can see how low those numbers are. They should be in the high 80s. It's quite normal for the two tuners to have slightly different signal levels. Also they will have different readings at different times of the day due to signal propagation. It's possible one of the levels got just high enough to avoid the 771 message.
ACE - Professor
2.3K Messages
3 years ago
@drjimmy64 what does the order confirmation email say? You do NOT have to replace all the receivers only the d12s that should be done as a SWAP order not an UPGRADE, the swap order won't have a 24 month commitment the upgrade will have a commitment again the hddvr does NOT need replaced unless their ordering system ONLY has an Hs17 genie available to order but it still needs setup as a SWAP and not an upgrade
New Member
12 Messages
3 years ago
@Juniper Well, That's scary. So, Directv has CSR's that sell units to people and telling the customers that they can install themselves, and the CSR's have no clue that I need a tech to do all of this ?? I sometimes think I've seen and heard it all, but this is actually annoying me the more I re-read what you are saying. They seemed so clear and educated. I said to them that I just wanted to replace the SD and they repeatedly told me it has to be both or else the mini-genie wouldn't work. Why do they have people answering a line ( that's being recorded, so he said ) telling customers 'musts" and "nots' and saying it's a self-install easy swap ? I made mention that I ( and I realize the technology or logistics of this statement are probably so changed since 2012 ) had to swap my HR-22 back in 2012 with a like for like ( pre Genie I believe ? ) box, and I remember they gave me pretty simple instructions and told me where to go in the settings and what to click, etc, to make me have a working HR-22 ( I had to swap out my first HR-22 because the picture would just stop completely and not let me advance program, change channel, or anything, live or on DVR. I recall the CSR making it easy at the time to get a replacement - and I forget how I got instructions - I want to say they came in the box specific for my ( and I am probably wording this wrong ) region ? Meaning, the specs and "stuff" in the "menu/settings&Help menu - i can recall going in and adjusting. I don't recall the specific's of what I did. Just remember going "gee, I guess I did it right" lol. I actually love setting things up by myself, and I sense by how people talk around here, that you and most people like to do that as well. I've always found satellite tv to be fascinating and wished I had learned more deeply about it aside from reading a list of steps to follow. I think I am a geek that stayed hidden inside until wayyyy after schooling. I used to always want one of those big ol' dishes in my yard when I was a kid. I had always heard that you could tune into channels across the continent ( and probably further ). I live near NYC, and always wanted to watch what Joe Bluecollar was watching in Bumble###, Missouri. Even the commercials. I wanted to really make the thing work and let me see shows blacked out and not accessible. I just hate to think this person just made a fool out of me by telling me this was simple to do. I hate to disrupt my recordings of shows we follow. I am feeling uneasy and angry. I think I should have read this earlier in the day.
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
3 years ago
The issue started that when AT&T acquired DirecTV, they threw a lot of their agents into the DirecTV side seemingly with not enough training. Guess they expected them to research and understand policy on their own. As call centers were hit hard by the pandemic, upon work force returning I would say not a lot want to work in a place where social distancing is problematic (plus the stress of call center work to begin with). So they have relied on more outsourcing, and I expect more new local agents that were moved to the floor sooner than normal training would warrant. That means less overall agents who truly understand the DirecTV side, from my perspective.
That is where this community forum helps. Some of us have been with DirecTV long enough to understand the basics as well as legacy setups (anything newer than the most recent model). And there are a few current and former employees who pop in as well.
Yes HR20 thru HR24 are like-for-like as they are all regular HDDVRs. The HR34 was the 1st Genie, H44 the only Genie Lite, and HS17 the only Genie-2 so far.
Some things might be a simple self-replacement, such as HD non-DVR to HDDVR if you're already on SWM. But going from an SD non-DVR (1 tuner), bypassing a regular HDDVR (2 tuners) to the Genie (5 tuners) adding to your HR22 means you will have 7 tuners total which requires a minimum of a SWM-8. They have no way to remotely see if you have a SWM-4 or your exact cabling setup, which is why upgrade to your initial Genie requires a tech. To self-install outside of that, you must get equipment from a 3rd party retailer but you pay the one-time lease cost as free upgrades are only through DirecTV directly.
If you have a wireless CCK to connect your HR22 to the internet for On Demand, make sure that is removed with the Genie install. Starting with the 2nd generation (HR44), that is built-in and provides the connection for all your boxes. The external would cause issues if left connected.
Agent did give some bad info, but was more a lot of fluff for the reasoning of things. As mentioned they were very close to the right option. Just replace the D12 with the Genie, keep your HR22, and have them modify the order for the tech install it should have. Just decide before the tech arrives if you want to keep the HR22 on the same TV or move it to the other one. Good luck.
New Member
12 Messages
3 years ago
@Juniper If I were to DYI the HR-54 knowing I need parts and extra things because of the 5 channels and SWM, are these things available to a person on say EBAY or Amazon ? I would really buy my own parts instead of scheduling with an arrogant late technician . I have a small ranch. Do I need to do something that involves attaching to the dish ? I see the black cables from the box going into my attic - but I see white coaxle cables ( 2 ) going from I guess the box and whever those black cables go, and are connected to somewhere in my attic ? What is a guestimate for me to just buy what I need to do this upgrade. I really don't want to call and cause anxiety with a tech who on the phone for example last night insisted I can move the co-axle cables from HR22 to 54 and just "activate with a call" . I really think that's bull. Right ?
ACE - Sage
46.3K Messages
3 years ago
No. DirecTV will only activate equipment provided by them or an authorized dealer, like Solid Signal.
ACE - Expert
22.7K Messages
3 years ago
Do not get through eBay. Boxes haven't been owned in years, Genies (like HR54) have been lease-only since launch, and too much outdated, stolen, or still tied to account equipment is on that site.
Now Solid Signal has been a good location for equipment. Yes, you still pay the one-time lease cost as only DirecTV will provide for free. And it is still a 24-month service agreement either way. The one-time lease cost of a regular Genie is $299.
I haven't done the full setup myself, so am more versed on the capability of the boxes and the reason a tech is needed. For exact cabling, hopefully another ACE or experienced forum member can answer those specifics.
If you were replacing the D12 with another regular HDDVR (i.e., HR24) then if you are already on SWM then plug and play (with call for activation) would be feasable. But if on older multiswitch where it is one cable per tuner, then that wouldn't work as you would lose out on the 2nd tuner or if Genie then it wouldn't work at all as that is SWM-only. That agent did say a bit of bull or at best doesn't understand the changes from a legacy setup to the current one.
New Member
12 Messages
3 years ago
@litzdog911 @Juniper
I was speaking more about accessories, not the boxes. What do I need to connect the HR-54 to my dish. Cables/splitters, etc..?
@Juniper You are a very good writer, I must say. I know this isn't a personal forum, but are you a professor or teacher ? I wish I was able to speak like you and even merlin ! I wish I had the knowledge you both have.
I don't mind climbing ladders, or drilling holes, and if I had to pay for the assembly of a HR-54 since it's not as easy as swapping the 22 for a 22, I'd actually do it just so I didn't have to sit and wait on a technician who I am sure will be late and or will cancel or never show. I enjoy assembly. I know I probably should beef on the phone with the rep - I hear you clearly. After 13 years I thought I was doing the right thing by upgrading - and a sliver of myself did say "something seems much too easy about this" ( "you're valued" 'it would be $600 for anyone else" "you can do it all yourself, it's seamless and fun" - Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr )
Thank you. I am going to watch You Tube and Google and do anything I can before calling them because I don't have the patience for service reps in a call center who insist "you can do this change from HR-22 to 54 and, just need to activate with a phone call ....."