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10 Messages

Friday, May 19th, 2023 6:03 PM

D12 receivers

Is there a difference between D12 - 100, 300, 500, and 700 receivers?  My D12-700 went bad and I'm looking at new and used on Ebay so I also need to know about 'the card' - would the new/used replacement have to include one to use or would I use the one in my old unit?  Directv no longer has my box and to remedy my situation will result in a huge monthly increase - with no additional benefit as my tv is older and NOT HD.

Community Support


20.6K Messages

1 year ago

Hi, u/Lilboots. Thank you for bringing your inquiry to our attention. There's no difference between the receivers D12-100, 300, 500 and 700. They are the same receivers, just new models of the first one. For the card, you would need to use the one you're already using but taking into account your service is DIRECTV SATELLITE, the receiver you may purchase might not work because, for SATELLITE service, we must have the receiver on our system for it to work. I would recommend you to get the new receiver directly from us, in that way you will get sure to get a working receiver that will be installed professionally by one of our techs. Luisa, DIRECTV Community Specialist

ACE - Expert


14.1K Messages

1 year ago

That reply from directv help is a waste of space. All D12 receivers will soon be doorstops because directv is closing down SD channels. You need to get into the replacement program (not an upgrade) which will give you an HD DVR free of charge, plus upgrade your dish to receive HD, 

I am sure juniper will post with complete details on this program, I am busy with a work problem but will get back to you if I need to contribute further.

ACE - Expert


20K Messages

1 year ago

The last three numbers are a code for who made them, they where all made to the same secs.  They are now obsolete when DTV finishes the MPEG2 shut down so you need to call them for their free MPEG2 swap with the HD fee waived and no new 2 year contract.  The HD receivers can be connected to older SD TVs.  Cards are married to the receiver they can't be used in any other receiver.


New Member


10 Messages

1 year ago

I keep seeing the word 'free' but that is not entirely true.  My bill increased in January from $127 to $138 and once the 'free upgrade' to HD is done for my non-HD TV, my bill will be $162 a month for basic service!  All of that HD equipment for my SD tv is like buying truck tires for a Volkswagen - useless.  

ACE - Expert


20K Messages

1 year ago

That was the annual price increase so you should expect it to continue next year and the following years and there is no basic service the Whole Home fee is $3 and the HD receiver fee is $10.  The fact is unless you upgrade to HD equipment then you can no longer use DTV as your provider. 


ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

1 year ago


The number after the dash is just the manufacture code. Just means which company made it for DirecTV, but they are to the same specs so no functional differences.

Buying used on eBay is no longer an option. DirecTV stopped activating used boxes as owned options went away years ago.

In any case, the D12 is the last MPEG-2/SD-only non-DVR made for DirecTV. DirecTV is shutting down their MPEG-2/SD-only feeds, making that box worthless. Remember, SD-only TVs haven't been made in a great many years. DirecTV stopped offering SD-only service in late 2015. The writing has been on the wall that SD-only was on the way out.

MPEG-4/HD capable boxes can connect to older TVs. You call DirecTV and request a MPEG swap. That way you get equipment at no cost and there is no service agreement renewal. Do NOT say "upgrade" or you get a 24 month service agreement and the HD service is not credited.

Most MPEG swaps are for a Genie (with Mini Genies replacing other boxes you have). Though equipment is free, there is the monthly service of $10 DVR and $3 Whole Home DVR. If you don't have any DVRs, ask if they can swap to a non-DVR (i.e H25 or H24 if any are left in stock) models so there is no change to monthly bill. Not a guarantee, but you can ask.

As a note, if you have any R22s do NOT replace them. They are compatible with newer setups and can work with the Genie. As you have DVR already, and HD is credited (if done as a swap and not an upgrade), then the only difference in monthly cost is the $3 Whole Home DVR.

Whether you take advantage of the complimentary swap, or do a normal upgrade, read the order confirmation to be sure all is as expected. Both options require scheduling a tech to update your setup including replacing the dish.

Bottom line, you replace your equipment with current tech or plan to go without DirecTV. They cannot support SD-only forever. Just like video/audio cassettes, floppy disks, etc. tech moves on.

Side note: DirecTV has a annual price adjustment. Even if what services you have did not change, your bill still would have gone up. Networks increase their costs each year to TV providers so in turn our bills go up to compensate.


New Member


10 Messages

1 year ago

WOW - Juniper, that's a lot of info for a person with SD TV, a VCR, three TVs on converter boxes and a flip-phone!  When the old '50 pound' TV broke, I went out and got a TV - I think they had regular (SD), HD and was there 'Plasma' (?) maybe.  I don't have a DVD or DVR and a Genie is what comes out of a lantern!  What is an R22?  I only replace things when they break and obviously find 'tech' foreign.  (I take good care of my stuff and it lasts a long time - my plow truck is 35 years old.) Right now I'm thinking about buying my SD Samsung an antenna and after 26 years calling it quits with Primestar/Directv.  (I did find a brand new, in the box D12 but if it won't work than - crap!)  I've always gone with the cheapest plan and the price they gave is $168/month - a lot being that we watch about five channels!  I very much appreciate you taking the time to 'write' and send me all of this information.  I wish I understood all of it.  I think the Forum is great even though some info is conflicting.  Thank you.

PS - When speaking with Directv, they did not tell me to NOT get another box from Ebay or wherever - I was told any D12 box w/ card would work.

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

1 year ago


I know that's a lot, but hopefully it was concise enough so it wasn't overwhelming. Just a change in tech era. My important/favorite video cassettes got replaced with DVDs and was using a converter box on the old TV until I got it hooked up to my DirecTV (since my locals come through that anyway).

Plasma is a type of HD TV (along with LCD or LED). Most models can use the old A/V (red/white/yellow) connections if needed. So some tech can be mixed as you choose.

The "Genie" is DirecTV's name for their Andvaced Whole Home HDDVR. They still have their model numbers of course, such as the 3rd generation which is HR54.

An R22 is a DVR. It is MPEG-4 capable. It was a hybrid for those that lived in an area where locals had moved over to the MPEG-4 feeds, but still had SD-only service. My area is one of those, so that was my first DVR when I moved from my old Phillips box (back when each box maker did their own thing before DirecTV required them all to same spec). I mentioned it because it is the odd one out and many with legacy setups like yours have those, but a lot of DirecTV customer support reps (especially newer ones) don't know the capability of that one.

I get only replacing when broken. But there comes a point when even if the equipment is not broken itself, there is no support for it. The old feed/transmission is shutting down and the D12 does not support the new one. Even if your VCR is still in good condition, consider that video cassettes aren't made anymore so all you could do is find used ones before they wear out. Old vehicles can run a long time but eventually you cannot find parts aftermarket and becomes harder and harder at the junk yard. I can relate to that as I drive a car with a carburetor, but more and more mechanics don't know how those work as fuel injection is now the prior gen tech (as there is more push to hybrid or completely electric).

If you go the antenna route for your SD-only TV, make sure you have a converter box like the others. To my knowledge those are still available currently, but as time goes on they will only be available used. Since it is an adapter to add a digital tuner to a type of TV not made anymore, it is expected they will not keep making them forever.

The cheapest plan would not be $168 a month. That would be more a middle package, or you have some optional packs added on. I would check the exact name of the package you have. If you only watch a handful of channels, perhaps they are on a lower costing package to begin with. DirecTV Packages & Channel Lineup

It doesn't matter where you get the D12. DirecTV stopped activating legacy equipment. Since they are shutting down those feeds, which means the boxes become bricks, there is no value in activating something when soon it wouldn't work anyway.

The forum is mainly other customers so sometimes not everyone sees eye to eye. Though there is the official help team, I think they have some new employees on there because of some over-general or incorrect info given.

If there is anything I have shared that you don't understand, or have other questions on, please tell me and I will answer as best I can.


ACE - Expert


20K Messages

1 year ago

Most likely that TV doesn't have a digital tuner to use a OTA antenna so you will also need a digital to analog TV Tuner if you can find one.  R22 is a SD DVR that can be converted to HD when another HD receiver is added to the account.


ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

1 year ago

If it is SD-only, then it certainly wouldn't have the digital tuner. If that is not covered by the 3 coverter boxes they already have, then at least they know what to look for. Should still be able to be found (for a while at least) even if not brand new.

New Member


10 Messages

1 year ago

I was going to ask how to be certain if I could just use an antenna.  I bought a smaller version of the same TV for my brother's kitchen a few years ago and it needed only an antenna - didn't even notice if it said HD - price was right!  I was shocked to find out rabbit ears were gone and antennas were now basically priced by how many miles the signal has to travel!  I understand I can fight change for only so long - recently lost a really good flip-phone and was forced into a piece of junk.  I know that they are pushing to get everyone on iphones.  I really appreciate all the info from everone - things I never think about.  My mistake - one bill $182 and then $162 after as shown on my order summary:



ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

1 year ago

A TV you bought a few years ago would absolutely be HD if you got it new. Locals across the board made the transision from analog to digital in 2009. So TVs after that were made with the digital tuner built-in.

Rabbit ears to the new type of antenna is similar in concept to DirecTV's transition from SD-only to SD/HD capable. Just no coverter box since they are a private company making money which is different from the country-wide local change where they get money elsewhere.

Flip phones still have their use, but are harder to get. The industry is pushing people to 'smart' touchscreen phones (iPhone is just the one Apple makes). Personally I think it is where the cart and horse are fighting for who is in front.

I would suggest doing a full review on your bill. $160-$180 doesn't say the low end, so I'm concerned you are paying for more than you use if you thought that was the lowest option. You can share the line items of the bill if you want some clarification. Just leave out any personal info. Based on your legacy setup, and you mention Primestar that DirecTV acquired, I would not be surprised if you have a grandfathered package that may no longer be the right fit for you.


ACE - Expert


20K Messages

1 year ago

These are the new rabbit ears and AFAIK there are no broadcasters transmitting in 4K.    www.amazon.com/flat-tv-antenna/s?k=flat+tv+antenna.

ACE - Expert


20.8K Messages

1 year ago

I don't miss the constant adjusting of the rabbit ears. Or slapping my TV once on the side and once on the top to get channel 12 to tune in (only spot on the dial it had an issue). It was close to that analog to digital changeover when finally gave up that old TV.

New Member


10 Messages

1 year ago

Slapping the side of the TV and having someone hold the rabbit ears are fond memories compared to a lot of what's happening these days in the country/world!  I remember channel 12 - no longer in our area in the form it once was.  At one time, we had the fancy rotating antenna on the roof activated by a dial on a box sitting on the big tv in a wooden console - a tv once was furniture.  

The flat-screen tv that's hooked up to the VCR and the deceased DTV box was made in SEPT 2014 per it's tag. 

When I sent the bill totals, I had tried to send detail but it was not very user friendly - low tech me.  I will try again - maybe you can manipulate it..... I left out the small print.

Right now, I'm thinking I might be able to get by with a good quality antenna for the tv while watching some 'cable' shows on the computer as my service is paid up for a while - I pay in advance - until I come up with a final decision.  I also have Verizon Fios in the house for internet and landline and have Verizon cell - so that's another option. 

Again - thanks to all - especially you and shannon02 - for all the info and the 'ifs, buts and maybes'.  This old New England Yankee appreciates it!

details of tv charges

TV charges



ongoing monthly

upcoming bill








Advanced Receiver Service - DVR




Advanced Receiver Service - HD




Regional Sports Fee



TV Access Fee




$7 off 1st TV (Duration: Ongoing)



Whole-Home DVR Service





TV Access Fee



$7 off 1st TV (Duration: Ongoing)




$0 Genie No Agreement - SD to HD



Estimated AT&T Fees & Surcharges



Estimated Government Fees & Taxes



TV Total






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