New Member
2 Messages
Is it free, or am I obligated to pay an upgrade fee, equipment fee, installation and contract?
This is the email I received:
You will lose your DIRECTV® service in 13 days. Call 877.376.8195 now.
The deadline is almost here. Our records show that you still have DIRECTV® equipment that needs to be replaced. Please schedule your replacement high definition-capable equipment to occur before 7/28/2020. There’s no cost to you.*
If you do not replace your equipment before 7/28/2020, you will no longer be able to view many of your favorite channels, including (but not limited to):
• More than 10 Music Choice channels
• Telemundo, FOX Deportes, Discovery En Español, & Cinelatino/Cine Sony
• More than 55 other Spanish language channels
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
ACE - Expert
2K Messages
5 years ago
Yes, the replacement is free. You have old receivers that will no longer be able to receive programming if you don’t get the replacements. Just make sure you get the free replacements because it is possible to upgrade which would come with a service commitment.
Accepted Solution
Official Solution
ACE - Professor
2.3K Messages
5 years ago
Make sure the order is placed as a "swap" and NOT an upgrade, the swap is free with NO committment and hd fees waived, an upgrade isn't. Read the order confirmation email as soon as the order is placed.
New Member
2 Messages
5 years ago
Thanks Nabukl, that's what I needed!
ACE - Professor
2.3K Messages
5 years ago
@gsn7wt5x91pm you're welcome
New Member
3 Messages
5 years ago
My receiver is old , if they swap it out can they transfer all my old movies to the new DVR?
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 years ago
No, DTV has never had a way to transfer any recordings or settings to another receiver.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
5 years ago
Optional upgrade and required swap of outdated equipment are two different things. That email is not talking about an upgrade.
DirecTV is doing a complete shutdown of their MPEG-2/SD-only feeds. Going forward we all need MPEG-4/HD capable equipment. If you do the required swap, there is no service agreement or cost of equipment. The HD service is only credited if you don't already have it (since that would be from a prior upgrade).
Just make sure to read the order confirmation to verify if was placed as the swap or an upgrade. Also, I would call DirecTV's official customer support number to be on the safe side (some scammers out there are trying to take advantage of the situation).
What are the models of each box you have now? Just in case there might be any you can keep with the swap.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
5 years ago
Recordings are not transferable between boxes. However just being old doesn't mean it must be replaced. What is the model of it (and any other boxes you have)?
Why are you looking to replace it? Concerned it needs the required swap, having issues with it, or looking for other features it doesn't have?
New Member
3 Messages
5 years ago
It seems to act buggy..My recordings are listed in the LAST CHANCE area (scheduled to be deleted) when they were recorded just a day ago.
My main box is a HR44/500. I also have a genie.
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 years ago
The HR44 is a Genie the others are minis.
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
5 years ago
The HR44 is the Genie (the 2nd generation to be precise). I suspect your other box is a Mini Genie Client (model starts with C).
The Last Chance issue might be a software issue, which is not necessarily fixed by a replacement. Though you mention it is "buggy", what other problems are you having?
If the HR44 needs replacing, call DirecTV. It would be $19.95 delivery (covered if you have their optional Equipment Protection Plan). Depending on stock you would get either an HR44 or HR54. As mentioned, recordings do not transfer so is suggested to be caught up first.
On another note, if your 2nd box is a Mini genie Client, then there is a suggestion. Consider using your next free upgrade to replace the Client with an HDDVR receiver. This would gain you 2 tuners and 500GB recording space (instead of stealing that from the Genie), it works even if the Genie goes down (Client cannot work by itself), if you have a box issue in the future requiring replacement you don't lose all recordings since each has their own hard drive, and no difference in monthly cost as that $7 is for the TV itself no matter what level of box is on it.
New Member
3 Messages
5 years ago
Wow, great suggestion. Thank you
New Member
2 Messages
5 years ago
Hello this info is great thank you! Directv has been hounding my parents who live out of state to upgrade and say if they do not, they will no longer have access to certain channels. It’s been a huge headache because they are sheltering and do not want anyone in their house. They claim they can do it by sending a signal so we called to have it done. After I asked several times if their OLD box is upgradable rather than having to get new equipment he said yes it can be done w a signal. No tech required. They have a D12700 and it’s very old so not sure this is correct. As we were getting ready to do the upgrade he THEN tells me it will be $199 “deposit” bc the box now has new technology so we need to pay a deposit. What???? We hung up. We are definitely not paying anything and I will use the word “swap” even though they are saying they won’t need a new receiver. I’m nervous they are wrong bc theirs is so old. Anyone had a similar issue?
thank you!
ACE - Expert
22.9K Messages
5 years ago
That was a scam. DirecTV is not calling customers for the MPEG swap.
There is no way to send a signal to change hardware capability. The D12 is the very last MEPG-2 non-DVR made for DirecTV. It must be replaced. They will need to call DirecTV and request a MPEG swap. Make sure to use those specific words, otherwise saying replace, upgrade, update, etc. and most agents will default to the optional upgrade route.
Do they just have a D12 or any other boxes?
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 years ago
They also will most likely need a new dish.