27 Messages
Genie HR54 swap for Genie2 HR17
I just received a HR54 receiver fedex to replace my HR54 that had a hard drive failure. I was thinking maybe I should have asked for a Genie 2 as I have two genie mini clients one hooked up to a 4k tv the other is not plus the tv that had the HR54. So three tvs hooked up. I am going to buy another 4k tv to replace the one that is not and I know you cannot have 4k playing on two tvs at once.
I still have the replacement Genie in the box it came with if I call Directv will they let me ship it back and send the HR17 and looks like I would need another genie mini to put on tv that had the main Genie.
I think there would be a two year contract which is fine, would a tech have to come out or can I do this myself?
Customer since 2001
ACE - Professor
2K Messages
5 months ago
I stand corrected as my GEMINI is Stand alone and is wired -it's just married to Hr44 as my Hr44 has Video and sound
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 months ago
All mini clients are married to the Genie as they will not work without the Genie.
53 Messages
5 months ago
Tech came swapped out HR54 for G2. All 7 Gemini can work at once no issues. Everything is hardwired using coax and deca. So far so good. On demand is still currently not available it’s around 24hrs now but it takes a while to come up right?
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 months ago
Yes, it takes 24/48 hours to finish download all the On Demand guide data from the internet.
53 Messages
5 months ago
Thank you
53 Messages
5 months ago
How many clients can be added to an HS17?
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
5 months ago
HS17 has 7 tuners so only 7 Clients may be in use.
Originally it could pair with 8 Clients, so one more than can be in use. However, the new account system only allows a max of 8 devices which the HS17 counts towards. Was their (when AT&T was the owner) way of making sure no more than could be used could be active I guess.
You have 7 Gemini so you are at max.
53 Messages
5 months ago
Right now there is actually more than that many devices listed on my account. Tech had a wireless one with him that wasn’t needed he took it back. He said once work order was handed in etc it should fall off we’ll see. I only needed a Gemini to replace stand alone receiver but the order made them put a wireless client on because it didn’t count my co located Gemini at old HR54. I’m sure I’ll have to sort this billing out