How can I watch recorded programs from old dvr?
My r15 dvr was upgraded but they let me keep old dvr. How do I watch recorded programming on it? It continually searches for signal and won’t let me get to recordings.
My r15 dvr was upgraded but they let me keep old dvr. How do I watch recorded programming on it? It continually searches for signal and won’t let me get to recordings.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
6 years ago
You can't. Without an active satellite signal that DVR is now a boat anchor.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
6 years ago
Once the DVR is deactivated there is no way to access the recordings on it. That is because you do not own the content so without active service for that box, then you don't have access.
The R15 you were allowed to keep as it has been non-returnable for probably close to a decade. Now with the MPEG-2 (SD only) shutdown that has started, all those old boxes will become unusable. So the box you take to electronic recycling.
6 years ago
Thanks. That’s what I assumed but my tech thought I could still access it. Very disappointing as I was not prepared to have the cox replaced when I asked for service. I could still access the recorded programming just couldn’t get new programs when I called. Oh well. It’s a very First World problem I suppose. Lol