New Member
7 Messages
Looking for an installer in upstate NY
I have another thread running about not being able to get HD and local channels on my old SD dish. So I bought a Slimline dish, and I cannot find a signal. I've tried many combinations of parts and cables, I've had DTV for decades and always pointed my dish with no problem.
So, who installs DTV in upstate NY, specifically, Tupper Lake, zip 12986. I've asked around town an on the town Fb page, and no one has recommended anyone to come to my remote camp.
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
3 years ago
You never could get HD on an SD only 18" round dish.
ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
3 years ago
Sorry bud I’m about 5 hours out. You can try and find a technician nearby who can come.
New Member
7 Messages
3 years ago
To the comment above, I know I can’t get HD on a 18” dish, that’s why I bought a Slimline but can’t get a signal, hence the post.
ACE - Sage
46.4K Messages
3 years ago
What DVR/Receiver model number(s) do you have?
What on-screen messages do you see when trying to setup the new dish?
See if this video helps you setup that Slimline dish ....
ACE - Professor
2K Messages
3 years ago
Are you using a LNB with 4 outputs or one output?
If it has one out put you will need a Power supply to power the lnb in order to get a signal.
If you have a 4 output Lnb -Then it does not power supply --However You don't list what model receivers, you have. That would help
Since you only list a 18" Dish you muct have only sd receivers --using the 4 output LNB and the receiver setup you should be able to aim the dish (using an additional person to watch the receiver.
Make sure your Dish post is Plumb and level before you start
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
3 years ago
If you have an SD dish, then it is assumed you have SD boxes. Buying a newer dish doesn't give you HD.
What are the models of every box you have?
Are you paying for HD service?
If an upgrade or service call is needed, youc all DirecTV to set up an appointment.